Competition between Corcyra Cephalonica (Staint) and Ephestia Cautella (WLK.) and Study of Radiosensitivity of the Immature Stages of Corcyra Cephalonica

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University of Ghana


Competition between Corcyra cephalonica and Ephestia cautella and radiosensitivity of the immature stages of C. cephalonica was studied. Developmental periods of the two species under similar ambient conditions but different locations were determined . Competition under limited and abundance of standard medium and broken cocoa beans was studied when the two species exist alone, one before the other and when introduced together . It was concluded that in competition E cautella becomes extinct, with. cephalonica remaining as the successful species. A detai led study of oviposition preferences of the two species when given the choice of three food commodities; standard medium, broken cocoa beans and groundnut was studied. Other studies include egg-hatchability, age and effect of population on fecundity and for the first time the daily activity patterns of the larvae of C cephalonica and E cautella have been studied in a unique way. Radiosensitivity of the developmental stages: eggs, larvae and pupae of C. Cephalonica has also been investigated .


MSc. Zoology


Corcyra Cephalonica, Ephestia Cautella, Radiosensitivity




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