Exploring Mil Opportunities in Senior High Schools in Ghana: Perspectives From Teachers And Students
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Journal of Communications, Media & Society (JOCMAS)
As young people increasingly conduct both academic and personal activities
online, curriculum and extra-curriculum content in the school system are
evolving to address their media and information literacy (MIL) needs to
position them to become responsible creators and consumers of online
content. While this trend is common to the economically advanced world,
the same cannot always be said for less-endowed countries. The aim of this
study is to explore opportunities available in the senior high school system in
Ghana for MIL content infusion. Using in-depth interviews with a purposive
sample of supply (school heads, teachers and librarians) and demand
side elements (students), the study attempts proposals for interventions in
schools and extends the growing MIL scholarship with practical guides for
increasing the MIL skills of young people in developing countries.
Research Article
Media and Information Literacy (MIL), Senior High School (SHS), Ghana, Youth