Department of Radiography

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    Trans-Abdominal Ultrasound Imaging in Men Presenting with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in a Ghanaian Population
    (University Of Ghana, 2018-07) Brobbey , I.F.
    Background: Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are a common condition in elderly men. Male LUTS were once called ‘prostatism’ because LUTS in men were thought to be caused primarily by benign prostatic enlargement (BPE). The BPE is a common health problem that affects elderly men worldwide. Aim: The study sought to investigate the correlation between the trans-abdominal ultrasound measurement of the transverse anterior to posterior (AP) and transverse diameter of the prostate. Methodology: A cross-sectional method was utilized in this study. One hundred and twenty-six patients who presented with LUTS were used for the study. Convenient sampling technique was used to obtain the sample. Trans abdominal ultrasound was used to assess the prostate volume, prostate capsule, echotexture, anterior to posterior diameter, transverse diameter and the residual bladder volume. The prostate volume was measured using the formula 0.523(L x W x thickness) of the gland. Results: The results showed that the transverse diameter and AP diameter of the prostate had a positive but weak relationship with the residual urine volume. The study findings also revealed that the prostate volume has a fairly strong relationship with the residual urine volume. The findings showed that ultrasound determination of prostate volume is a good predictor of prostate contour. The findings also showed that prostate volume is not a reliable determinant of prostate echotexture. Conclusion: The study concluded that the AP and transverse diameters have a weak but positive relationship with the residual urine volume. The prostate volume also has a significant relationship with the residual urine volume. The study also concluded that the prostate volume and prostate contour give better suggestion of prostate malignancy. However, the study could not establish with validity that prostate volume with the nature of echotexure may give a good suggestion of prostate malignancy.
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    Sonographic Determination of Prevalence of Thyroid Pathology Among Asymptomatic Health Workers of Volta Regional Hospital, Ho
    (University of Ghana, 2014-07) Delali, K.R.
    Background: Ultrasonography is now the preferred imaging modality in diagnosing thyroid pathology because it is widely available, affordable, and easy to use. Apart from detecting more nodules than palpation, it is able to classify the nodules and also measure thyroid volume. Thyroid pathology detection is up to 8% by palpation, 13 to 65% by ultrasound, and up to 50% by autopsy studies, Aim: The aim of this study was to sonographically determine the prevalence of thyroid pathology among the asyptomatic health workers of the hospital. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 100 asymptomatic health workers at the Volta Regional Hospital, Ho, were enrolled by convenient sampling method in May 2014. Thyroid volumes were measured and nodules detected were characterized and classified into benign, undeterminate and suspicious pathologies using Toshiba Aplio 300 ultrasound scanner with a linear transducer of frequency 7.5 Mhz, 2012 make. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: The result showed prevalence rate of 41%. Although 41% prevalence is on the high side, it falls within the continental rate of up to 90%. More females than males had pathology. The prevalence rate among males and females were 44.6% and 23.5% respectively. The results also showed that out of the 41% prevalence of thyroid pathology, the majority, 28%, were benign, 4% were suspicious thyroid pathology. The study showed that 23.5% of the males and 44.6% of females presented with pathology and 9% undeterminates. The mean thyroid volume of the study was 12.46 ± 6.47mls, a volume which was lower than WHO/ICCIDD reference level. Conclusion: It can be concluded that a stand-alone application of ultrasonography for diagnosing malignancy is comparable to cytology results as 4% obtained in this study is within the range reported from cytology results. The study further revealed higher prevalence of thyroid pathology in women (44.6%) than in men (23.5%). This finding agreeable with most published literature which indicated female: male prevalence ratio of almost 2:1. This study is thus conclusive that women living in iodine deficient area are about 50% more likely to suffer from thyroid pathology than men living in the same locality. The study is also conclusive that majority, (28%) of thyroid pathologies were benign and hence the affected participants could be counseled.
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    Comparative Study Of Pregnancy Dating By Symphysis-Fundal Height Measurement And Ultrasound Scanning In Kumasi Metropolis
    (University of Ghana, 2017-06) Antwi, L.N.
    Background: Gestational age (GA) assessment is an essential tool used to monitor the proper growth and development of fetuses. Obstetricians therefore depend on estimated GA to correctly diagnose either pre-term or post-term labour and to distinguish between preterm birth and intrauterine growth restriction. Aim: The aim of study was to evaluate the accuracy of symphysis-fundal height (SFH) in comparison to ultrasound scan for the assessment of gestational age. Methodology: The cross-sectional method was utilized in this prospective study involving 313 pregnant women with singleton uncomplicated pregnancies and presenting between 17 to 28 weeks of gestation. Convenient sampling method was used and an ultrasound machine was used to assess the biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC), fetal length (FL). Ultrasound scans of combined biometric parameters (USCBP) and their corresponding GAs were estimated using the Hadlock method. The SFH of participants were recorded (emptied bladder) and estimates of the GA were made. Results: Statistically there were no significant differences between the crown rumped length (CRL) and USCBP. No significant differences were also observed between the other US foetal biometrics parameters; (BPD, HC, FL and AC). However, there were significant differences (p < 0.05) between SFH and USCBP, and also between other US foetal biometrics parameters in the estimation of GA. Conclusion: From the results of the study, it may be known that apart from the CRL scans, the next accurate measure of GA is the use of the US biometric parameters in second trimester.
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    Association Between Breech Presentation And Demographic Variables: Case Studies At The 37 Military Hospital
    (University of Ghana, 2017-07) Ocran, M.
    Background: There has been an increase in caesarean sections due to complications, which include malpresentation of foetus. Despite the good outcomes of present day caesarean sections, expectant mothers diagnosed with breech presentation still experience great turmoil. The risk factors provided by literature for the occurrence of breech presentation are many and varied. However, some factors such as maternal age and number of pregnancies are common to all. Aim: The aim of the research is to assess the occurrence of breech presentation using the 37 Military Hospital as a case study. Methodology: The study adopted a cross-sectional and descriptive design. Ninety-four (94) pregnant women of gestational age ≥ 37 weeks were recruited via purposive sampling and were assessed with ultrasound scan to determine foetal positions. Data processing and analysis were done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Results: The results of the study showed no statistically significant relationship between maternal age, number of births (parity), education and occupation, and the occurrence of breech presentation. Also, the percentage of pregnant women of ≥ 37weeks gestation with breech pregnancy during the study period at the 37 Military Hospital was 12.8%. Conclusion: The percentage of women of ≥37weeks gestation with breech pregnancy during the study period at the 37 Military Hospital was 12.8%. There is no statistically significant relationship between maternal age, number of births (parity), the level of education and occupation and the occurrence of breech presentation. Recommendation: It is recommended that, at term (37weeks) gestation, all pregnant women especially those in rural areas undergo ultrasound scan to inform their clinicians and enable monitoring and planning of safe delivery. Ultrasound scan should be considered a fundamental aspect of effective healthcare delivery and hence, equipment be made available within reasonable distance for easy access by pregnant women. The lack of evidence on risk factors among Ghanaian women implies that more effort is required to mitigate problems associated with breech delivery.
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    Prevalence of Neuroabnormalities in Preterm Neonates: A Study Using Ultrasonography at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital
    (University Of Ghana, 2014-07) Semetey, J.K
    Introduction: Over the years, ultrasound imaging has been used to diagnose neurological abnormalities of neonates in general and premature infants in particular. This is because the anatomy of the neonatal brain can be demonstrated on ultrasound images with high precision. Neonatal sonography is possible because the fontanelles of the skull allows ultrasound beam to penetrate to the brain tissue. In Ghana, little or no data is available on the prevalence of neuroabnormalities in premature babies. Aim: To determine the prevalence of neurological abnormalities in preterm neonates at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital. Methodology: The study was done at the NICU of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital using a 2D mobile ultrasound machine with Doppler application (SonoScape SSI-6000, 2012). Purposive sample size was determined by the formula: N=Xp t (where Xp is preterm neonates admitted daily, t is sampling time and N is sample size). The cranial ultrasound was performed through the anterior fontanelle of the preterm babies in the incubator or baby cot. The brain was examined and the neurosonographic findings recorded. Data collected was analyzed using computer software, Microsoft Excel for windows 2007. Results: The prevalence of preterm neuropathologies was %15 (18) of the sample size of 120. Neuroabnormalities of preterm neonates studied were numerically significant in neonates delivered at lower gestational age (<30weeks). Conclusion: The study showed 15% prevalence rate of brain abnormalities. Also an association was established between PROM and premature neonatal neuropathologies.
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    Determining Best Regressional Model In Predicting Foetal Weight In Philips Clearvue 350 Ultrasound Equipment
    (University Of Ghana, 2014-07) Buady, E.A.K
    Background: Earlier investigations have demonstrated that the accuracy of foetal weight estimation is significantly higher if several ultrasonic foetal parameters are measured, because the total body mass depends on the size of foetal head, abdominal circumference and femur length. Aim: This study aimed to determine the best ultrasound regression models that use the common foetal biometric measurements in predicting foetal weight for normal singleton pregnancies in ClearVue 350 ultrasound equipment, and also assess the effects of few maternal anthropometric variables on estimated foetal weight in the Greater Accra Metropolis. Methodology: The study was quantitative, cross-sectional and quasi-experimental in nature and was carried out prospectively in which convenient sampling method was used. Forty (40) participants were scanned in the study. Foetal biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference and femur length measurements were measured according to the established guidelines. Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS soft-wares were used for data analysis. Results: The study demonstrated that, all eight regression models showed no statistically significant difference with (p-value <0.05) at 95% confidence interval of their mean foetal weight estimates compared to the actual birth weight of the neonates. The mean and standard deviations were similar across the eight models. Conclusion: Findings from this study showed that, the best regressional model is Hadlock3 model. The study further revealed that, with 87% of estimated foetal weights which were within 5% of actual birth weights, demonstrate strong correlation between EFWs and ABWs, therefore (radiologists, sonographers/radiographers)on one side and (gynaecologists, midwives) on the other side can (to a high degree) rely on estimated foetal weights generated from Philips CleaVue350 ultrasound equipment using the common foetal biometric measurements in a 2D mode to generate meaningful reports and make important decisions such as mode of delivery respectively
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    Variation of Fetal Biometry with Maternal Ethnicity: A Cross-Sectional Study in Accra
    (University of Ghana, 2014-07) Ampofo, J.W.; Sampong, A.; Hewlett, V.; Opoku, S.Y.; University of Ghana, College of Health Sciences School of Biomedical and Allied Health Sciences Department of Radiography
    Background: Variable fetal biometric values are common in normal fetuses and it is natural to assume that ethnicity might influence this. There is the potential danger of misinterpretation of such observed normal variations. Aims: The study aim was to determine whether differences in ultrasound-measured fetal biometry exist among pregnant women of the Akan, Mole-Dagbon, Ewe and Ga-Adangbe ethnic groups in Accra. Methods: This was a prospective cross-sectional study involving 448 women with uncomplicated singleton pregnancies, certain date of the last menstrual period and presenting between 19weeks and 28weeks of gestation. The participants were selected by proportional quota sampling and comprised 148 Akans, 119 Mole-Dagbon, 96 Ewes and 85 Ga-Adangbes. Each woman was scanned by transabdominal ultrasound once for the study. The biparietal diameter, head circumference and femur length were measured. These were compared by Krukal Wallis test for any significant variations among the four ethnic groups. Maternal age, height and parity were also analysed for any association with the fetal biometric variations. Results: There were significant variations in femur length measurements (p<0.05) among the four ethnic groups. There were no statistically significant variations in the biparietal diameter (p>0.05) and head circumference (p >0.05) measurements. There was no association between maternal characteristics and variations observed in the femur lengths measurements. Conclusion: The findings suggest that maternal ethnicity influence foetal femur length measurements in second trimester foetuses. However, a further study with a larger sample size selected across the country is recommended to ascertain if the observed fetal biometric variations has a national character.
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    Indoor Radon in Selected Homes in Aburi Municipality: Measurement Uncertainty, Decision Analysis and Remediation Strategy
    (University of Ghana, 2014-07) Yeboah, S.M; Darko, E. O; University of Ghana ,College of Health Sciences , School of Biomedical and Allied Health Sciences , Department of Radiography
    The main source of natural internal irradiation of man is radon and its decay products. In this study, the radon concentration levels in selected homes in Aburi of the Akuapim North Municipal Assembly in Eastern Region, Ghana were estimated using time-integrated passive radon detector; LR-115 Type II solid state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) technique. The primary objective ofthe study was to measure radon levels in 30 selected homes in the Aburi municipality and determine the uncertainties associated with the measured radon concentrations in order to take a decision on remedial actions to be adopted in case of any abnormalityusing simple qualitative decision analysis method. Measurements were carried out from December, 2013 to March, 2014. After each month of exposure for a period of three months, the detectors were subjected to chemical etching in a 2.5M analytical grade of sodium hydroxide solution at (60 ± 1)oC, for 90mins in a constant temperature water bath to enlarge the latent tracks produced by alpha particles from the decay of radon. The etched tracks were magnified using the microfiche reader and counted with a tally counter. The results obtained from the study revealed that concentration of radon in most of the selected homes in the Aburi municipality is low and it is within the internationally accepted action level of 100Bqm-3 set by WHO (2009). The analysis of the results established that the average radon concentrations vary in the range 23.72-92.24Bqm-3, 19.07- 124.36 Bqm-3 and 31.63-123.87 Bqm-3 for month 1, month 2 and month 3 respectively. The corresponding mean values are 46.77, 45.92 and 56.66 Bqm-3 respectively with standard deviations of ±2.18, ±2.38 and ±2.76. These gave a mean of 49.78 ±12.50 for the three months. Two (2) of the rooms investigated had values above 20 % of the remedial action level of 100Bqm-3 in two of the months but with their average values slightly lower than the remedial action level. From the uncertainty evaluation and decision analysis it is clear that the rather low values of radonindicates that there is no need for any remediation action in almost all the rooms with the exception of room A26 and perhaps A29, which may require a relatively inexpensive mitigation action by improving ventilation in theserooms. The radon activity has not only been found to vary with the construction mode of the houses but also with the ventilation conditions, the climatic conditions, the geology and topography among others.
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    Establishing a Relationship between Uterine Myoma and Thyroid Nodules Using Medical Ultrasonographic Pattern Approach
    (University of Ghana, 2014-07) Clottey, S. K.; Opoku, S. Y.; Hewlett V.
    Background: Every cell in the body depends on the thyroid hormones for regulation of their metabolism. About 5-10% of thyroid nodules are suggested to be malignant. Many philosophies explain myoma growth through different pathways and most make mention of estrogen as a contributor. Estrogen is known to have influence on thyroid function, and suspected to have a role in formation of thyroid nodules. Estrogen receptors have been found in normal and neoplastic thyroid tissue and have increased numbers in uterine myoma compared to the normal myometrium. Does estrogen implication imply both thyroid nodule and uterine myoma simultaneously exist in women? Aim: The aim of this research work was to test for relationship between uterine myoma and thyroid nodule among women using medical ultrasonographic approach. Methods: Adult females (n=326) were ultrasonographically screened for the presence of thyroid nodules and uterine myoma using a cross sectional study and a convenient sampling method. The sonographic imaging was done using Toshiba Nemio XG ultrasound equipment with linear probe (7.0-11.0) MHz and convex probe (3.5-5.0 MHz). Blood groups (A, B, O and Rh) were tested after 5mls of blood was drawn from each participant, using blood grouping antigen screening serum. Results: The relationship between uterine myoma and thyroid nodule was significant (p=0.0005) at 95% confidence interval among the participants using Chi-square. The ratio of participants with myoma and thyroid nodule (myo+/thy+) to myoma without (myo+/thy-) was approximately 2:1 (23.31% to 11.65 %). Comparatively, blood group A (44%) and B (57%), were more prone to present with myoma and thyroid nodule respectively among the study population.