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Item Effect Of Cocoa On Ovarian Histology In Experimental Dipsomaniac Rabbits(University of Ghana, 2017-07) Kumaga, E.E.A.Background: Regular alcohol intake significantly increases reactive oxygen species (ROS) which magnify the levels of oxidative stress (OS) in the ovaries beyond physiological levels. Oxidative stress occurs due to an overabundance of ROS and the ineffectuality of scavengers. Alcohol is also known to perturb the feedback mechanisms of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis resulting in impairment of production and secretion of adequate quantity or potency of LH and FSH necessary for fertility. The usage of natural and synthetic antioxidants in treating and managing female infertility of OS etiology in patients is currently being investigated. Natural cocoa exhibits greater antioxidant capacity than many other flavanol-rich foods and food extracts. This suggests that cocoa as a nutraceutical may resolve OS related ovarian injury. Aim: This study investigated the ameliorative effect of natural cocoa on alcohol induced ovarian injury in rabbits. Methodology: Thirteen female rabbits of ages 5-7 months and weights 1.5-2.5 kg were put into 3 groups (Groups A, B and C) and given the following daily treatments for 7 weeks. Group A (n=5), Group B (n=5) and Group C (n=3). Group A, received cocoa from 6am to 6pm and 35% alcohol from 6pm to 6am ad libitum. Group B received water from 6am to 6pm and 35% alcohol ad libitum from 6pm to 6am. Group C received water for 24 hours. All rabbits had access to rabbit chow daily. Baseline serum levels of LH, FSH, GSH and SOD were measured and repeated at the end of the experiment (week 7). At termination, all rabbits were sacrificed and ovaries harvested. Volume density of follicles at different stages and stroma were estimated. Weight of rabbits and ovaries together with volume of ovaries were also determined. Results: Group B had low levels of serum LH and FSH (ANOVA, p<0.001) as compared with Groups C. Post treatment concentrations of GSH and SOD in Group A were not significantly different from that of Group C (ANOVA, p<0.05). Stereologic assessment of volume density of primordial follicles, corpora atretica and stroma showed significant differences between groups (ANOVA, p<0.05). Functional elements of the ovary parenchyma were preserved in Group A rabbits compared to Group B and C (ANOVA, p=0.05). Ovary weights and volumes did not vary significantly between the groups (ANOVA, p=0.75). Conclusion: Alcohol-induced structural and functional ovarian injury was significantly ameliorated in rabbits chronically fed alcohol but also given natural cocoa drink.Item Circulating Cell-Free DNA As A Blood Biomarker In Monitoring Response To Chemotherapy In Breast Cancer(University Of Ghana, 2020-10) Adusei, E.Background: Cancer incidence and its related mortality is on the rise and is currently the second leading cause of death globally. Breast cancer has a broad impact in the world, with an estimated 20,996 new diagnoses in 2018 alone. Evidence regarding the accuracy and effectiveness of existing modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), bone scintigraphy, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, etc., to evaluate and monitor response to breast cancer treatment is limited. Moreover, such modalities are expensive for patients, and frequently exposes them to radiations which affect their health status. There is, therefore, the need for research into alternative predictive biomarkers that can be used to determine or monitor the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment in resource-limited countries like Ghana without exposing patients to radiation. Circulating cell-free DNA “(cfDNA) is produced at elevated levels in cancer patients than in apparently healthy individuals. Assessing cfDNA as a blood biomarker may be useful in monitoring response to treatment especially chemotherapy in breast cancer since chemotherapy is the primary treatment for breast cancer. Aim: The study sought to assess circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) as a blood biomarker for monitoring response to chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. Methodology: The study involved 64 females consisting of a test group of 32 breast cancer patients and a control group of 32 apparently healthy controls Venous blood samples were taken at two time points, one before the commencement of chemotherapy and the other after the 3rd cycle of chemotherapy. Venous blood samples were also taken from the apparently healthy controls as well. ALU “species 115 and 247 levels in serum were measured in both the test and control groups. Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) of the participants were also assessed. Results: ALU “species 115 and 247 levels in serum were elevated in breast cancer patients than the controls (p-value 0.028 and < 0.001). Circulating cell-free DNA integrity was also higher in the breast cancer patients than the controls. The concentrations of ALU 115 and 247 significantly decreased after the 3rd cycle of chemotherapy in the breast cancer patients unlike the circulating cell-free DNA” integrity which increased. The concentrations of both ALU115 and 247 also decreased after the 3rd cycle of chemotherapy among the tumour grades, stages, molecular and histopathological subtypes of the breast cancer patients. Conclusion: Serum “concentration of circulating cell-free DNA was affected by chemotherapy and may be used as a vague biomarker in monitoring response to chemotherapy in breast cancer.Item Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Susceptibility 1 Gene (Brca 1 Gene) Polymorphism And Finger Dermatoglyphic Patterns In Breast Cancer(University of Ghana, 2020-10) NkansahBackground: Breast cancer is the commonest malignancy among women and it is the primary cause of cancer deaths among women globally. Late diagnosis and difficulty in the prediction of prognosis of breast cancer has been cited as a factor for increased mortality rate in Ghana and this could be due to insufficient preliminary screening tool for risk and prognosis assessment. The mutant form of the single nucleotide polymorphism of breast cancer susceptibility 1 gene (BRCA1 gene) usually harboured within exon 11 is reported to be associated with the risk of breast cancer. Also, studies have reported separately that six or more fingerprint whorls as well as six or more fingerprint loops are associated with women with breast cancer. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the association between finger dermatoglyphic patterns and single nucleotide polymorphism of BRCA1 gene among individuals with breast cancer. Aim: To determine the relationship between the single nucleotide polymorphism of BRCA1 gene and finger dermatoglyphic patterns in breast cancer patients. Methodology: The study was cross-sectional. Seventy (70) women presenting with breast cancer and seventy (70) age-matched apparently healthy females were sampled. Study participants were recruited through simple random sampling at the Department of Surgery at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital and its immediate environment. Data for finger dermatoglyphic analysis were collected through the ink method. From each participant, 5 ml of venous blood was collected through venipuncture into an EDTA tube. DNA was extracted from the white blood cells (buffy coat). The extracted DNA was amplified through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Amplicons were sequenced and sequencing data was retrieved and aligned with the wild type template of BRCA1 gene. Data on tumour characteristics were summarized with a bar chart, a pie chart and tables while data on fingerprint patterns were analyzed with chi-square. The mean frequency of fingerprint patterns among study participants were analyzed with independent samples student’s t-test. Six or more whorls and six or more loops were analyzed with chi square. Differences in data set with p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Association between fingerprint patterns (six or more loops) and tumour characteristics were analyzed with chi-square test. Results: From the study, Luminal B was the predominant breast cancer molecular subtype among the patients. With regards to fingerprint patterns, the predominant fingerprint pattern among breast cancer participants was the loops. There was absence of an arch on the right ring finger of breast cancer participants and also six or more loops increased among individuals with breast cancer but p > 0.05. BRCA1 gene variants c.34311A>C, c.34320A>C and c.34321A>T are the predominant variants associated with breast cancer females in Ghana. Lastly, a higher frequency of the presence of six or more loops in relation to c.34311A>C were found among study participants. Conclusion: From the study, a higher percentage frequency of presence of six or more loops in relation to c.34311A>C was observed among breast cancer females and apparently healthy females.Item Circulating Cell-Free Dna As A Blood Biomarker In Monitoring Response To Chemotherapy In Breast Cancer(University of Ghana, 2020-10) Adusei, E.Background: Cancer incidence and its related mortality is on the rise and is currently the second leading cause of death globally. Breast cancer has a broad impact in the world, with an estimated 20,996 new diagnoses in 2018 alone. Evidence regarding the accuracy and effectiveness of existing modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), bone scintigraphy, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, etc., to evaluate and monitor response to breast cancer treatment is limited. Moreover, such modalities are expensive for patients, and frequently exposes them to radiations which affect their health status. There is, therefore, the need for research into alternative predictive biomarkers that can be used to determine or monitor the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment in resource-limited countries like Ghana without exposing patients to radiation. Circulating cell-free DNA “(cfDNA) is produced at elevated levels in cancer patients than in apparently healthy individuals. Assessing cfDNA as a blood biomarker may be useful in monitoring response to treatment especially chemotherapy in breast cancer since chemotherapy is the primary treatment for breast cancer. Aim: The study sought to assess circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) as a blood biomarker for monitoring response to chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. Methodology: The study involved 64 females consisting of a test group of 32 breast cancer patients and a control group of 32 apparently healthy controls Venous blood samples were taken at two time points, one before the commencement of chemotherapy and the other after the 3rd cycle of chemotherapy. Venous blood samples were also taken from the apparently healthy controls as well. ALU “species 115 and 247 levels in serum were measured in both the test and control groups. Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) of the participants were also assessed. Results: ALU “species 115 and 247 levels in serum were elevated in breast cancer patients than the controls (p-value 0.028 and < 0.001). Circulating cell-free DNA integrity was also higher in the breast cancer patients than the controls. The concentrations of ALU 115 and 247 significantly decreased after the 3rd cycle of chemotherapy in the breast cancer patients unlike the circulating cell-free DNA” integrity which increased. The concentrations of both ALU115 and 247 also decreased after the 3rd cycle of chemotherapy among the tumour grades, stages, molecular and histopathological subtypes of the breast cancer patients. Conclusion: Serum “concentration of circulating cell-free DNA was affected by chemotherapy and may be used as a vague biomarker in monitoring response to chemotherapy in breast cancer.Item Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of Scalp Hairs of Persons with and without Albinism(University Of Ghana, 2020-10) Yeboah, A.O.Introduction: Scalp hairs are more likely to be shed and lend themselves for examination as identification tool. Identification of hair is very complex and important procedure in forensic investigation. Despite advances in biometric and molecular identification of individuals, hair examination continues to play a key role in screening suspects and zeroing on the species of mammals or race of humans (in cases of badly dismembered or co-mingled body parts in mass disasters). This study assessed topo-morphological features of scalp hair using the higher magnification of scanning electron microscope (SEM) which offered more detailed characteristics than previous light microscopy hair research in Ghana. The study sought to determine whether oculocutaneous albinism is associated with alteration(s) in the SEM features of hairs. Aim: The aim of the study is to determine the morphological profile of hairs of Ghanaians with Albinism and compare with age-matched persons without albinism for anthropological and forensic use. Methodology: Three hundred scalp hair samples were obtained consenting 30 Persons with albinism (PWA) and 30 persons without albinism (PWO). Fifteen study participants were male and fifteen were female among PWA and PWO. Hairs were obtained by standard pull-method from five conventional regions of the scalp namely; frontal, vertex, occipital, right and left temporal. Standard procedures were followed to examine hair samples in a scanning electron microscope (PHENOMWORLD24VDC/ 12.5Amp. Max, Netherlands. The microscope generated Electron Dispersive X-Ray Spectrum (EDS) data on hair samples which were also analysed. Quantitative characteristics such as shaft diameter, scale count and interval between scales were statistically compared. Images captured in the SEM of hairs shafts and roots were assessed for qualitative features including scale patterns, configuration of margins, proximity of scales and the type of root. Results: There was a significant difference between the mean weight percentages of Boron (p<0.0001) in hairs from PWA and PWO. In the five regions of the scalp studied Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen had the highest weight percentages in hairs in order of decreasing precedence for both PWA and PWO. Hair shaft diameter was highest in the right temporal and left temporal regions of the scalp of male PWA and Male PWO respectively. In female PWA and PWO who had natural styled hair, the hair shaft diameter was highest in the frontal and right temporal regions of the scalp respectively. In both females PWA and PWO with permed hair, the highest shaft diameters were found in the vertex of the scalp. The most predominant scale pattern in the proximal shaft and distal shaft of the hair for both groups were regular pattern and irregular pattern respectively. Smooth margins were in higher proportions in the proximal shaft of the scalp hairs while rippled margins were in higher proportions in the distal shaft of scalp hairs for both groups. Conclusion: Albinism is not concurrent with altered morphological structure of hairs but boron was higher in hairs from PWA than PWO. Protective creams used by PWA to prevent cutaneous damage by solar UV radiation are known to contain boron and may account for this difference.Item Evaluation of Breast Cancer Susceptibility 1 Gene (BRCA 1 Gene) Polymorphism and Finger Dermatoglyphic Patterns in Breast Cancer(University Of Ghana, 2020-10) Nkansah, E.O.Background: Breast cancer is the commonest malignancy among women and it is the primary cause of cancer deaths among women globally. Late diagnosis and difficulty in the prediction of prognosis of breast cancer has been cited as a factor for increased mortality rate in Ghana and this could be due to insufficient preliminary screening tool for risk and prognosis assessment. The mutant form of the single nucleotide polymorphism of breast cancer susceptibility 1 gene (BRCA1 gene) usually harboured within exon 11 is reported to be associated with the risk of breast cancer. Also, studies have reported separately that six or more fingerprint whorls as well as six or more fingerprint loops are associated with women with breast cancer. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the association between finger dermatoglyphic patterns and single nucleotide polymorphism of BRCA1 gene among individuals with breast cancer. Aim: To determine the relationship between the single nucleotide polymorphism of BRCA1 gene and finger dermatoglyphic patterns in breast cancer patients. Methodology: The study was cross-sectional. Seventy (70) women presenting with breast cancer and seventy (70) age-matched apparently healthy females were sampled. Study participants were recruited through simple random sampling at the Department of Surgery at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital and its immediate environment. Data for finger dermatoglyphic analysis were collected through the ink method. From each participant, 5 ml of venous blood was collected through venipuncture into an EDTA tube. DNA was extracted from the white blood cells (buffy coat). The extracted DNA was amplified through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Amplicons were sequenced and sequencing data was retrieved and aligned with the wild type template of BRCA1 gene. Data on tumour characteristics were summarized with a bar chart, a pie chart and tables while data on fingerprint patterns were analyzed with chi-square. The mean frequency of fingerprint patterns among study participants were analyzed with independent samples student’s t-test. Six or more whorls and six or more loops were analyzed with chi square. Differences in data set with p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Association between fingerprint patterns (six or more loops) and tumour characteristics were analyzed with chi-square test. Results: From the study, Luminal B was the predominant breast cancer molecular subtype among the patients. With regards to fingerprint patterns, the predominant fingerprint pattern among breast cancer participants was the loops. There was absence of an arch on the right ring finger of breast cancer participants and also six or more loops increased among individuals with breast cancer but p > 0.05. BRCA1 gene variants c.34311A>C, c.34320A>C and c.34321A>T are the predominant variants associated with breast cancer females in Ghana. Lastly, a higher frequency of the presence of six or more loops in relation to c.34311A>C were found among study participants. Conclusion: From the study, a higher percentage frequency of presence of six or more loops in relation to c.34311A>C was observed among breast cancer females and apparently healthy females.Item Role of High-Fat Diet and Cocoa Bean Extract on Adipose Tissue and Liver Morphology(University Of Ghana, 2020-10) Kingdoh, M.Background: Excessive intake of fat is a risk factor for obesity and results in remodeling and dysfunction of adipose tissue with subsequent damage to the liver, pancreas, skeletal muscles, and blood vessels. In spite of several public health initiatives, high-fat diet-associated complications continue to be an important source of morbidity and mortality across the globe. Over time, obesity and adipose tissue dysfunction develop with subsequent deposition of fat droplets into the liver cells (liver steatosis). This obesity-associated remodeling of the adipose tissue and the liver cells generate a systemic pro-inflammatory state mediated by the production of adipokines such as TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 which leads to insulin resistance and ultimately contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Cocoa polyphenols have the capacity to restore changes in adipocytes and hepatocytes and improve blood glucose and insulin sensitivity. Aim: To investigate the role of high-fat diet on inflammation and morphology of adipose tissue and liver cells and whether regular intake of natural cocoa can minimize the effects. Methodology: Twenty-four (24) male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned into four (4) groups of six (6) animals. Group 1 (control) was the untreated group and was given standard rat chow and tap water. Group 2 was treated with standard rat chow and natural cocoa drink. Group 3 was treated with high-fat diet (40% fat) and tap water. Group 4 was treated with high-fat diet (40% fat) and natural cocoa drink. The experimental period for the treatment was nine (9) weeks. The weight of the animals as well as fasting blood glucose (FBG) were monitored weekly. Blood samples were taken via cardiac puncture before and after the main study, for determination of inflammatory marker, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). The adipose tissue (epididymal, intestinal and mesenteric) and the liver were harvested at the end of the treatment for micro architecture examination and morphometric analysis by stereological methods Results: High-fat diet resulted in significant increase in weight at the end of 9 weeks, whereas natural cocoa intake reduced this effect (p = 0.0167). The epididymal, intestinal and mesenteric adipocyte sizes increased significantly in HFD only group with average sizes 71.06μm, 56.36μm and 56.17μm respectively compared to all the other groups. Adipocyte size however, was significantly reduced in HFD fed rats treated with cocoa with average epididymal size (60.63μm), intestinal (49.07μm) and mesenteric (48.20μm). The volume density of fat droplets in the hepatocytes was significantly high in rats fed HFD only (4.15 x 102 μm3) when compared to control and other groups with p=0.0011. Meanwhile rats treated with HFD and cocoa showed significantly lower fat infiltration (0.8 x 102 μm3) in the hepatocytes. Blood glucose levels increased significantly in high-fat diet only group but were significantly lower in the cocoa fed groups. Conclusion: Regular High-fat diet intake resulted in increased weight gain, increased adipocyte size, fat infiltration of hepatocytes as well as increased blood glucose levels but natural cocoa intake minimized these effects.Item Circulating Cell-Free DNA as a Blood Biomarker in Monitoring Response to Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer(University Of Ghana, 2020-10) Adusei, E.Background: Cancer incidence and its related mortality is on the rise and is currently the second leading cause of death globally. Breast cancer has a broad impact in the world, with an estimated 20,996 new diagnoses in 2018 alone. Evidence regarding the accuracy and effectiveness of existing modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), bone scintigraphy, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, etc., to evaluate and monitor response to breast cancer treatment is limited. Moreover, such modalities are expensive for patients, and frequently exposes them to radiations which affect their health status. There is, therefore, the need for research into alternative predictive biomarkers that can be used to determine or monitor the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment in resource-limited countries like Ghana without exposing patients to radiation. Circulating cell-free DNA “(cfDNA) is produced at elevated levels in cancer patients than in apparently healthy individuals. Assessing cfDNA as a blood biomarker may be useful in monitoring response to treatment especially chemotherapy in breast cancer since chemotherapy is the primary treatment for breast cancer. Aim: The study sought to assess circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) as a blood biomarker for monitoring response to chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. Methodology: The study involved 64 females consisting of a test group of 32 breast cancer patients and a control group of 32 apparently healthy controls Venous blood samples were taken at two time points, one before the commencement of chemotherapy and the other after the 3rd cycle of chemotherapy. Venous blood samples were also taken from the apparently healthy controls as well. ALU “species 115 and 247 levels in serum were measured in both the test and control groups. Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) of the participants were also assessed. Results: ALU “species 115 and 247 levels in serum were elevated in breast cancer patients than the controls (p-value 0.028 and < 0.001). Circulating cell-free DNA integrity was also higher in the breast cancer patients than the controls. The concentrations of ALU 115 and 247 significantly decreased after the 3rd cycle of chemotherapy in the breast cancer patients unlike the circulating cell-free DNA” integrity which increased. The concentrations of both ALU115 and 247 also decreased after the 3rd cycle of chemotherapy among the tumour grades, stages, molecular and histopathological subtypes of the breast cancer patients. Conclusion: Serum “concentration of circulating cell-free DNA was affected by chemotherapy and may be used as a vague biomarker in monitoring response to chemotherapy in breast cancer.Item Radiographic and Cadaveric Determination of the Mental Foramen Position in Adults in Ghana(University Of Ghana, 2020-10) Awaitey, B.A.Background: The mental foramen which transmits mental nerve is an important anatomical landmark in mental nerve block and other invasive procedures in the oral and maxillofacial region. Variations in the position of the mental foramen exist between populations and even among inhabitants of common geographic environment. There have been reports of alteration in sensations following dental procedures such as implant placement and orthognathic surgeries probably due to inaccurate localization of the mental foramen. Despite its clinical significance, little is known about its position in adults in Ghana. Aim: This study investigated the anatomy of the mental foramen on the mandibles of adults in Ghana using radiographs and cadaveric subjects. Methodology: Twenty-four (24) dissected cadaver mandibles and four hundred and five (405) archived dental panoramic radiographs of individuals with full skeletal development were examined. The horizontal position of the mental foramen was determined in relation to the mandibular teeth using a rule and the dimensional tool of the proprietary radiographic software (CS software version 7) respectively. Other anthropometric characteristics of the mental foramen such as the number of foramina present, shape, size and orientation of its opening were examined. Data obtained were stored in excel and analyzed using S.P.S.S version 22. Results: The mental foramen was found to be most prevalent at the apex of the second mandibular premolar in both radiographs (52.1%) and cadavers (50%). The position between the second mandibular premolar and first molar was the second most common (radiographs=28.4%, cadavers=39.6%). In about four-fifth of the mandibles, the mental foramen position was bilaterally symmetrical in both subject groups. Bilateral foramina type was most common in both radiographic (98.77%) and cadaveric (100%) subjects. A unilateral foramen (0.25%) and unilateral accessory mental foramina (0.99%) were noted in the rest of the radiographs examined. From the cadavers, the mental foramen was predominantly oval, with mean size of 3.17mm horizontally and 2.47mm vertically and its opening, postero-superiorly directed. Conclusion: This study, being the first on the mental foramen in Ghana, has established that the MF is most commonly positioned at the apex of the second lower premolar in adults in Ghana.Item Ameliorative Effect of Natural Cocoa on Hepatic Injury Caused by Overdose of Paracetamol in Rats(University of Ghana, 2019-07) Hammond, G.N.A.Introduction: Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is a widely used over-the-counter analgesic and antipyretic drug which is known to cause liver injuries in both humans and experimental animals when administered in overdose. Supratherapeutic dose of paracetamol results in accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which impairs the antioxidants defence mechanisms and thus, causes a redox imbalance. The resulting oxidative stress plays a vital role in paracetamol-induced hepatic toxicity. Current well-known intervention for paracetamol toxicity involves the administration of N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) which serves as a glutathione precursor. Cocoa flavanols have antioxidant properties, and hence potential to mitigate the effect of oxidative stress caused by paracetamol overdose and concomitant tissue damage. Aim: To investigate the ameliorative activity of natural cocoa in paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Methodology: 20 male Sprague Dawley rats were weighed and randomised into four groups of five (G1, G2,G3 and G4) and given the following daily treatment for 4 weeks: group one (G1) were administered with 350mg/kg body weight paracetamol via oral gavage and tap water for 24 hours; group 2 (G2) received 350mg/kg paracetamol via oral gavage, 2% (w/v) natural cocoa powder for 12 hours, and water for the next 12 hours ; group 3 (G3) received 350mg/kg paracetamol via oral gavage, 140mg/kg NAC after 3 hours and water for 24 hours; group 4 (G4), served as control group were given 1ml of distilled water via oral gavage and tap water, for 24 hours. All rats were given standard rat chow daily. After week 4, all rats were weighed and sacrificed; livers were harvested and histologically processed for histomorphometric analyses. Relative volume density of hepatocytes and central veins were assessed using standard stereological procedures. Blood samples were collected via tail snipping and milking at the commencement and termination of the experiment. The levels of liver transaminases (AST, ALT), and (SOD, GSH) were measured as indicators of hepatocyte damage and oxidative stress, respectively. Results: After 4 weeks of treatment, the mean serum liver enzymes AST increased significantly (p<0.0001) in G1 (416.37, SD 53.9 IU/L) when compared to G2 (157.12, SD 13.4 IU/L), G3 (170.50, SD 37.1 IU/L) and G4 (154.22, SD 15 IU/L), respectively. The comparison of mean ALT levels in G1 (160.31, SD 15.1IU/L) differed significantly from G2 (108.12, SD 35.3 IU/L) G3 (92.50, SD 19.1 IU/L) and G4 (114.00, SD 3.6 IU/L) respectively. The mean SOD activity was significantly high in G2 (from 0.250, SD 0.15 U/ml to 0.3991, S.D 0.17 U/ml) in comparison with G1 (from 0.256 ± 0.18 U/ml to 0.018, SD 0.01 U/ml). Post treatment mean GSH activity in the serum of rats was significantly decreased in G1 (2.43.1, SD 0.30 uM) when compared to G4 (5.995, SD 0.46 uM). GSH activity after the experiment was significantly increased among rats in G2 (8.676, SD 0.69 uM) and G3 (8.255, SD 1.18 uM) when compared to G4 (5.995, SD 0.46Um). Histomorphometric assessment indicated that G1 rats showed significant increase in the volume of damaged hepatocyte (0.13, SD 0.027) in comparison with G2 (0.017, SD 0.005) and G3 (0.010, SD 0.002) groups. However, among the four groups there was a significant increase (p < 0.0001) in volume of central vein with G1 group mean volume (4.699, SD 1.297). Conclusion: Natural cocoa powder exerts hepatoprotective action and increased antioxidant activity against paracetamol-induced structural and functional liver damage in male Sprague dawley rats.
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