Hakluytus Posthumus or Pure has His Pilgrimes in Twenty Volumes Volume XIX

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James Maclehouse and sons


A Letter of M. Gabriel Archar, touching the Voyage of the Fleet of Ships, which arrived at Virginia, without Sir Tho. Gates, and Sir George Summers, 1609. Woolwich the fifteenth of May, 1609, seventh saile weyed anchor, and came to Plimmouth the twentieth day, where Sir George Somers, with two small Vessels, consorted with us. H ere we tooke into the Blessing (being the ship wherein I went) sixe Mares and two H orses; and the Fleet layed in some necessaries belonging to the action: In which businesse we spent time till the second of June. And then wee set sayle to Sea, but crost by South-west windes, we in to Faulemouth, and there staying till the eight 0 June, we then ~ate out. Our Course was commanded to leave the Cananes one hundred leagues to the Eastward at least, and to steere away directly for Virginia, without touching at the West Indies, except the Fleet should chance to be separated, then they were to repaire to the Bermuda, there to stay seven dayes in expectation of the Admirall; and if they found him not, then to take their course to Virginia.


African Document


Pilgrims, Voyages, History




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