Annual Conference on Mass Education and Community Development
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Government Printer, Accra
The first of these courses was directed to a re-consideration of the aims of mass education and community development in the light of working experience with special reference to establishing training needs and methods of meeting them. In planning the second course, it was originally intended to pay special attention to the use of visual aids in mass education and community development, but a request addressed to the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development for organising a campaign directed to cocoa farmers, to win the co-operation of the farmers in applying scientific methods in the war against the cocoa diseases, and to persuade them to adopt better ways of husbandry, resulted in the course being altered t o a study of the whole variety of techniques relevant to the cocoa campaign. In the third course, with which this report is concerned, an attempt was made at general re- assessment. Review of work done was followed by an analysis of what had happened, as opposed to what had been expected when the particular projects were in the planning stage, Aims and methods were reconsidered in the light of experience and particular attention was paid in the discussions to consideration of outcomes other than those originally sought.
Annual conference, Community development, Mass education, Gold Coast