The New Legon Observer


One major problem that all contemporary democracies face is the problem of financing political parties and election campaigns or, to put it more colloquially, the problem of 'money in politics'. It is Impossible to overstate the depth, complexity or importance of this problem for democracies. After all, free and fair elections are the foundation of contemporary democracies and the role of political parties in both democratic elections and governance is pivotal. Political parties organise the electorate to participate in elections in their numbers. They help to Simplify for the electorate the important issues at stake in the elections. They select and provide support for the rival candidates that the electorate will choose from, to form the government and opposition. They organise continuous support for both government and opposition, and provide an important link between the people and their political leaders. Contemporary democracies are indeed synonymous with party politics and party government.




Observer, Legon, New





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