Availability And Use Of E-Resources By Postgraduate Students Of The University For Development Studies (UDS)

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University Of Ghana


With the advent of technology, tremendous changes have occurred in the digital information environment that has brought about a diverse and sophisticated change in taste and preference of information needs of library patrons. This has necessitated a paradigm shift in library resource collection process, with e-resources now becoming core resources for information delivery in academic libraries. To keep pace with this technological trend and change in information preferences of users, academic libraries have focused on making available electronic information resources for both local and remote users. However, making available these electronic resources without full utilization by users leads to wastage of scares financial resources used to subscribe to the resources. The study sought to examine ways to promote greater effective use of electronic resources by postgraduate students in the University for Development Studies (UDS) library. The research design was a quantitative survey approach. Sample size was determined with the aid of the Krejcie and Morgan sample ratio table, while sampling technique was convenience sampling. Postgraduate student population was 750 with a sample size of 256. Four (4) librarians were engaged for the data collection as well. A well-structured questionnaire was administered through Google forms to respondents. Response rate was 85%. Responses were analysed with Google forms and transferred to Microsoft Excel version 16 for representation of results in Tables and Pie charts. The findings of the study revealed that majority of postgraduate students were not aware of the e-resources available in the UDS library. It was revealed that there was low publicity of the resources resulting in the low awareness of their existence. The study also showed that training on e-resources for users was inadequate, hence rendering the e-resources not easily accessible and usable for the students. Major challenges identified were limited internet bandwidth, intermittent power outages, and insufficient budgetary funds. It was recommended that library management acquire adequate internet bandwidth to ensure faster internet connections for smooth use of e-resources and easy downloads, procure a standby power supply to keep the library running continuously even when there is power outage or a fluctuation, solicit for more funds from university management to enable the library to undertake activities like trainings and workshops, exhibitions, and other promotional activities on a regular base to create awareness of the library’s resources and services. Management of UDS library should also advocate for the academic board to incorporate the teaching of information literacy as a compulsory course for postgraduate students.


MPhil. Information Studies


University For Development Studies, Postgraduate Students, E-Resources




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