Observations on the Authenticity of Bruce's Travels In Abyssinia; In Reply To Some Passages in Brown's Travels Through Egypt, Africa, and Syria. To Which Is Added, A Comparative View of Life and Happiness in Europe and In Caffraria.


MEN, who quit the comforts and allurements of their own country, and the protection of civilized Government, to explore distant parts of the world: who, to infract, amuse and amend Europe, expose themselves to the dubious hospitality of other ' regions; certainly deserve no small portion of our gratitude, and occupy a very distinguished station in the scale of literary eminence. But we are by no means to conceive, that all who travel are equally our benefactors: a great variety of circumstances must coincide, in order to render the labors of travellers really valuable: and we ought to make the difficulties under which they labor a fort of standard in appreciating the merit of their_ works. Success (however cruel or invidious such a requisite may feem) success is undoubtedly a principal ingredient; and one, without which a concurrence of many other claims to public thanks, will loose all its force




Abyssinia, Geography, Explore, Travels
