Application of Discarded Rubber Car Tyres as Synthetic Coarse Aggregates in Light Weight Pavement Concretes
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American Journal of Materials Science
The increasingly high cost of building construction materials is a major factor affecting quality housing
delivery in Ghana. The current trend of continuous and increasing demand for these natural resources has necessitated
extensive research into alternative low-cost construction materials such as recycled materials with comparable properties.
The characteristics of concretes produced using locally available discarded rubber car tires as coarse aggregates have been
investigated. Batch formulation of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% substitution of natural coarse aggregates with the rubber
aggregates is considered. A comparison of the physico-mechanical properties of batch formulations by weight % and
volume % have also been investigated. Generally, the compressive strength of the concretes decreased as the percentage of
the rubber increased in the two batch formulations. At 25% replacement, the compressive strength of 9.26 N/mm2
(weight %), 11.56 N/mm2
(vol %) as compared to 14.80 N/mm2
and 24.00 N/mm2
respectively for the controlled
program were obtained.
Research Article
Concrete, Physico-mechanical properties, Powder processing, Strength