Probing political paradox: Urban expansion, floods risk vulnerability and social justice in urban Africa
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Journal of Urban Affairs
Urban managers in sub-Saharan Africa have recently come under intense
pressure to prepare for and adapt to the footprints of rapid peri-urbanization
and increased climate-related risks. Addressing spatial planning is integral to
the urban expansion is not only because climate variability is becoming more
prominent. Further, within peri-urban zones, people most often live and
work in physical areas of hazard that are commensurate with their economic
stability. This highlights the need for adaptation amidst inadequate resources
imperative. These concerns find expression at the local level, where stakeholders’ priorities focus on the gap between adaptation needs and existing
adaptation efforts. Drawing insights from our study in Accra, which combines
the perspectives and experiences of practitioners, academics, and citizens,
we show how decisions constructed around flood vulnerabilities and people’s
Actions and planning processes are seldom neutral. We infer how prioritizing
efforts to adapt to floods may privilege some residents and compromise
others’ support, agency, and capacities to recover. We call for increased
attention to how city authorities can creatively move urban planning toward
more informed, inclusive, and supportive recovery visions in response to the
consolidation of urban peripheries and increased climate exacerbated flooding in the quest for social justice for all.
Research Article
Climate-induced disasters, social justice, governance framework