A case of Amelia: what are the implications"?
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Ghana Medical Journal
A case of Amelia (A skeletal dysplasia with failure
of formation of all four limbs) is presented. The
patient. aged 36, has had a previous normal baby.
The index pregnancy was supervised al a polyclinic.
An ultrasound examination was done to confirm the pregnancy at 11i weeks. She was referred
to the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital at 42
weeks of gestation. She had a successful induction
or labour and delivered a live 1.95kg male infant
with no limbs. The neonatologist detected no other
abnormalities. The Social Welfare department
adopted him as the very depressed parents rejected
We advocate routine obstetric scan al 18-20 weeks
gestation to detect anomalies. Apart from effective
counseling. both medical and social support services should be improved for adequate and appropriate management or congenital malformations.
Journal Article
Amelia, ultrasonography, management, implications