Water Quality of the Kpong Headpond
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University of Ghana
The Kpong Headpond was formed in 1982 when the Lower Volta River was dammed at Akuse. The main uses of the water in the Headpond are for hydroelectric power generation, domestic and industrial use and for irrigation. Several activities however, tend to put this body of water at risk of pollution. These include poor waste disposal, poor farming practices and extensive human and animal contact with the water. An eightmonth field study was undertaken to monitor the water quality of the Kpong Headpond and the impact of the surrounding lakeside communities on the water quality. The study involved physicochemical and bacteriological analysis as well as macroinvertebrate analysis and social surveys. The study identified two potential point sources of pollution to the Kpong Headpond. These are the Akosombo Textiles Limited (ATL) effluent discharge and the Akosombo Sewage Treatment Plant (ASTP) effluent discharge. The general water quality in terms of physicochemistry was satisfactory. With the exception of one site (which received ATL effluent), the parameters measured at all the other sites fluctuated within the limits expected in similar freshwater bodies. ATL effluent had a drastic impact on the water quality at the site of discharge, which include low oxygen levels, high nutrient concentrations, high alkalinity, high conductivity and high turbidity values. The ASTP outfall was also identified to be a major source of nutrients and coliform bacteria to the Headpond. All the sites were contaminated with feacal coliform, an indication of the probable presence of pathogens. The social survey of the lakeside communities revealed that most of the settlements lacked basic sanitation facilities like toilets and appropriate refuse disposal sites
Thesis (MPhil.) - University of Ghana, 2001
Water Quality, Headpond, Freshwater Bodies, Water Pollution