Biostimulation Of Chemically Treated Petroleum Hydrocarbon Polluted Soil.
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University of Ghana
Environmental and social challenges from oil spills remain an industry concern, prompting
studies into effective cleanup approaches. The use of H2O2 and biostimulation have gained
popularity in recent times. This study investigated four key issues on adopting H2O2 and
biostimulation in oil cleanup. First, was to identify the optimal percentage concentration of
H2O2, needed to oxidise petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in coastal soil from the
Ahanta West District. The second was to evaluate the potential of enhancing the soil
treatment process by biostimulating the pre-oxidised contaminated soil using chemical
fertilizer. The third was to compare and evaluate which treatment method was costeffective
over a period of 24 days. Finally, the study investigated perceptions, knowledge
and expectations of three coastal communities (Dixcove, Akwidaa and Cape Three Points)
on oil spills clean-up response. Pristine coastal soil from Cape Three Points was spiked
with crude oil from TEN oil field. Treatment with different concentrations of either 6%,
30%, or 60% H2O2, or a combination of either one of the H2O2 concentrations and a
chemical fertilizer as biostimulant was undertaken. Laboratory tests were conducted on soil
samples over a 24 day period on total petroleum hydrocarbon levels (GC-MS), polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon levels (GC-MS), and nutrient levels (nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium). The study established that treatment with 30% or 60% H2O2 over a 3 day period
was the most optimally efficient remediation approach, while biostimulating soil pretreated
with high H2O2 concentration does not significantly improve natural treatment potential of
the soil within a period of 24 days. The most cost-effective treatment approach was the use
of 6% hydrogen peroxide. The study further established that critical gaps existed in
community knowledge and understanding on oil spill cleanup duration.
Polluted Soil., Petroleum Hydrocarbon, Chemically Treated, Biostimulation