Violence against women in Ghana: a look at women's perceptions and review of policy and social responses
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Social Science & Medicine
This study examines violence against women in Ghana and how it affects and is perceived by them. It looks at
violence as experienced by Ghanaian women of varying ages, socio-economic status and professional standing. It
defines domestic violence as violence intentionally perpetrated by husbands or male partners-people known to be
intimate associates. Domestic violence is approached from a multidimensional perspective by examining the multiple
facets of violence against women: sexual, socio-economic. cultural, pseudo-religious and mental torture. Women's
perceptions of their rights, responsibilities, duties and abuses or violations are evaluated using open-endedqualitative
questions in two major cities in Ghana: Accra and Kurnasi, Policy responses to domestic violence are then examined by
first reviewing what provisions exist in the country's constitution to address the problem and then the specific steps the
government itself has taken. Civil society's response in the form of activities by non-governmental organizations is also
reviewed. Finally, the effects of domestic violence on women's health and well-being are examined and suggestions for
addressing the problem are made.
9 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Research Article
Violence against women, Human rights, Perceptions, Ghana