Development of a Language-Independent Functional Evaluation
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Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Haig AJ, Jayarajan S, Maslowski E, Yamakawa KS, Tinney M, Beier KP, Juang D, Chan L, Boggess T, Loar J, Owusu-Ansah B, Kalpakjian C. Development of a language-independent functional evaluation. Objective: To design, validate, and critique a tool for self-report of physical functioning that is independent of language and literacy. Design: Software design and 2 prospective trials followed by redesign. Setting: United States and African university hospitals. Participants: Outpatient and inpatient competent adults with diverse physical impairments. Interventions: (1) Software design process leading to a Preliminary Language-Independent Functional Evaluation (Pre-L.I.F.E.); (2) patient surveys using a printed Pre-L.I.F.E. and a computer-animated Pre-L.I.F.E. tested in random order, followed by a questionnaire version of the standard Barthel Index; and (3) software redesign based on objective and qualitative experiences with Pre-L.I.F.E. Main Outcome Measures: Validation of the general concept that written and spoken language can be eliminated in assessment of function. Development of a refined Language-Independent Functional Evaluation (L.I.F.E.). Results: A viable Pre-L.I.F.E. software was built based on design parameters of the clinical team. Fifty Americans and 51 Africans demonstrated excellent (Cronbach α>0.8 Americans) and good (α>.425 Africans) reliability. In general, the relations between Pre-L.I.F.E. and Barthel scores were excellent in the United States (interclass correlation coefficient for stair climbing, .959) but somewhat less good in Africa, with elimination functions very poorly related. The computer-animated Pre-L.I.F.E. was faster and trended to be more reliable than the printed Pre-L.I.F.E. in both the United States and Africa. Redesign meetings corrected statistical and qualitative challenges, resulting in a new tool, the L.I.F.E. Conclusions: Literacy and language translation can be eliminated from some aspects of functional assessment. The new L.I.F.E., based on solid empirical evidence and design principles, may be a practical solution to assessment of function in the global culture. © 2009 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Africa, Disability evaluation, Educational status, Epidemiology, Language, Outcome assessment (health care) Rehabilitation