What drives global B2C E-commerce? An analysis of the effect of ICT access, human resource development and regulatory environment
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Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
This study explores the drivers of Business to Consumer (B2C) electronic
commerce (e-commerce) adoption at a global level. The study used a
Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) framework to investigate
factors that influence B2C e-commerce adoption. The study relied on
archival and cross-sectional data from 135 countries and employed
Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). Our
findings indicate that B2C E-commerce adoption at the national level is
positively influenced by ICT access, political and regulatory environment
and human resource development. Our findings show that technological,
organisational, and environmental factors (ICT access, political, human
resource development and political and regulatory environment)
altogether explain 70% of the variance in B2C E-Commerce adoption. Our
findings provide a fresh insight into the adoption of B2C e-commerce
at the national level. Our study provides some implications for research
and practice
Research Article
B2C E-commerce, ICT access, regulatory environment, human resource, development
Ibrahim Osman Adam, Muftawu Dzang Alhassan & Yaw Afriyie (2020): What drives global B2C E-commerce? An analysis of the effect of ICT access, human resource development and regulatory environment, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2020.1714579