Emploi du Pronom Personnel 'en'. Quelques Difficultes Constatees Aupres des Apprenants de Nungua Senior High School, Accra
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University of Ghana
This study is centered on the difficulties students of Nungua Senior High School, Accra,
encounter in the use of the personal pronoun «en». The analysis of the data collected
through questionnaires, interviews and test items with respect to students performance is
confined within the context of its partitive and quantitative use as well as the variety of
functions it performs within sentences. In the light of the data analysed, the study
ident ified that most students studying French as foreign language in Nungua Senior High
School are unable to use correctly the personal pronoun « en » due to a number of
constraints presented by the pronoun. Bearing in mind that the morpheme en is used not
only as a personal pronoun but also as a preposition, it has been noted that the students
find it difficult to identify these various morphosyntactic functions of « en » when it is
used with respect to specific context and situation. The difficulty the students face in the
use of the personal pronoun « en » is also attributed to the inappropriate teaching and
learning methods/ techniques adopted by teachers of French in the teaching process. The
study recommends activity methods through which the students are exposed to the use of the
personal pronoun « en » as parts of speech in a given context or situation as recommended
by the communicative approach instead of exposing the students to the rules governing the
use of the personal pronoun « en » as grammatical category.
Thesis (MPHIL)-University of Ghana, 2013