What Does My Website Say About My CSR Activities? An Investigation of Banks Operating in Ghana
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Emerald Group Publishing Limited
– The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has witnessed a resurgence in the management literature in recent years. This might be due to a renewed focus on corporate governance and ethical practices of companies the world over. This current study seeks to focus on how banks operating in Ghana communicate their CSR programmes and intentions via their corporate websites.
– A conceptual framework was adapted from the extant literature and was used as the basis of a content analysis of 16 banks in Ghana. This paper adopts a qualitative research approach drawing upon available information from the websites of these 16 banks.
– One of the banks that had won the most CSR awards at the Ghana banking awards had the poorest CSR communication content on its corporate website. It was also noted that banks that had never won a CSR award previously seemed to have a better organised structure in respect of their CSR activities on their websites. These findings clearly demonstrate the challenges that sometimes exist in transferring bricks‐and‐mortar organisational capabilities to online environments.
– Studies focussing on online CSR communications in emerging market contexts are almost non‐existent and this study makes an important contribution in not only addressing this imbalance, but more importantly in improving bank marketing practices in Ghana.
Corporate social responsibility, Banking, Worldwide web, Online reporting, Communications, Ghana
Robert Hinson, Richard Boateng, Nnamdi Madichie, (2010) "Corporate social responsibility activity reportage on bank websites in Ghana", International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 28 Iss: 7, pp.498 - 518