Library Resources and Security Challenges in Academic Libraries in Ghana
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University of Ghana
Academic libraries, like any other organizations, are likely to encounter security
challenges. This study explored the security challenges academic libraries faced in Ghana
with particular reference to the Joshua Alabi Library of the University of Professional
Studies, Accra and the Richard McMillan Library of the Ghana Institute of Journalism. A
total of 297 respondents were sampled for the study. The sample was made of 276
graduate students who were conveniently selected, 15 librarians and 6 library security
personnel who were selected through the census sampling technique. The mixed method
approach was adopted for the study. A validated questionnaire and an interview guide
were designed and administered to collect data for the study. The data collected was
analysed using frequency counts and percentages and content thematic analysis. The
findings revealed that both libraries experienced some level of unacceptable behaviour as
a result of inadequate library security personnel and inadequate library facilities such as
discussion rooms. Unlike the Joshua Alabi Library where electrical and Internet cables
were buried in trunks, it was observed at the Richard McMillan Library that cables laid
bare. Furthermore, the study revealed that printed informational resources, facilities and
human resources of the libraries were vulnerable to security breaches. Again, the study
found that both libraries supplemented library patrols with electronic security systems to
prevent, deter and detect unacceptable behaviour in the library. It was also revealed that
library staff played varied roles to protect and prolong the lifespan of library resources
placed in their care. Based on the findings, it is recommended that academic libraries
should give prompt attention to security issues in the library and invest in electronic
security systems in this era of increasing student populations.
Library Resources, Security Challenges, Academic Libraries, Ghana