An Enhanced Method for Tail Index Estimation under Missingness
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Extreme events in earthquakes, wind speed, among others are rare but may lead to catastrophic effects on humans and the
environment. The primary parameter in the estimation of such rare events is the tail index which measures the tail heaviness of
an underlying distribution. Since extreme events are rare, the presence of missing observations may further lead to flawed. In
view of this, there is a growing effort by researchers to address this problem. However, the existing methods of estimating the
tail index use only the available nonmissing data. Thus, if the missing observations are influential values, ignoring them could
introduce more bias and higher mean square error (MSE) in the tail index estimation and subsequently other extreme event–
estimators such as high quantiles and small exceedance probabilities. In this study, we propose imputation of the missing
observations before applying some standard estimators (Hill and geometric-type) to estimate the tail index. Through a
simulation study, we assess the performance of the standard estimators under the proposed data enhancement method and the
existing modified estimators of the tail index. The results show that the enhanced estimators have relatively lower bias and MSE.
The estimation method was illustrated with a practical dataset on wind speed with missing values. Therefore, we recommend
imputation mechanism as viable for enhancing the performance of tail index estimators in the case where there is missingness.
Research Article