Knowledge of Mothers of Children with Communication Disorders on Communication Milestones.
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University Of Ghana
Background: The role mothers play in the development of language in their children remains significant and can never be downplayed. The knowledge of mothers influences their decisions, practices, beliefs, and behaviour towards their children in their developmental years which may lead to facilitating the development of child’s speech and language abilities or otherwise.
Aim: This research is aimed at exploring the knowledge of mothers of children with communication disorders on communication.
Methodology: A qualitative study design guided by semi-structured interview guide was adopted for this research. The participants were interviewed and recorded.A purposive sampling technique was used to obtain the participants for this study. Twelve participants were selected for the study. These participants were mothers of children with communication disorders who visited the speech therapy clinic, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital for management. A Participant was selected if her child with a communication disorder is between the ages 0 to 5 years and has received a diagnosis of a communication disorder. Inputs made from interviews were analyzed by the researcher and developed into various themes which were discussed.
Results: The study revealed that mothers have fair knowledge of communication milestones between zero to two years but do not know much concerning communication milestones between three to five years.
Conclusion: The study established that mothers had some knowledge on communication milestones but need more concrete information on communication milestones from suitable places like the Antenatal and Postnatal clinics as well as the speech and language therapy clinics.
MSc. Speech and Language Therapy
Communication Disorders, Communication Milestones