Account of a Voyage to the Western Coast of Africa.
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Richard Philips, 6, Bridge Street
On presenting the following brief remarks for the perusal of the public, the author feels convinced that they can have no other claim to Notice, than such as they may deserve on account of their Veracity. When he took the various sketches from which the accompanying engravings have been produced, it was with an intention to Give Picturesque Views of the African Coast; but his intentions having been. Rendered abortive by the capture of the ship to winch he belonged, he can now only offer little few trifling observations which he was enabled to make, during the short time he remained • ashore, These, however, will be found, perhaps, to possess no small interest, as they will afford a correct idea of the present State of Sierra Leone, and the slave-Trade, as well as or the custom and manners of the various native tribes.
Voyage, Coast of Africa, Native Tribes