Electronic Media Violence and Juvenile Delinquency: A Case Study Of Inmates Of The Senior Correctional Centre, Accra
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University Of Ghana
This study explored the perceived circumstances surrounding inmates of the Senior Correctional Centre‟s involvement in criminal acts, all a bid to find out theses young offenders‟ thoughts about electronic media violence and their involvement in crime. The meanings which the inmates themselves made of their perceived risk factors were also of great interest. Using the social learning theory by Albert Bandura (1977) as the anchor of this study and guided by other studies on the subject of media violence, a semi-structured interview guide was used to collect data on the lived experiences of fifteen inmates at the Senior Correctional Centre with particular reference to electronic media violence. Through a critical analysis of the data collected, five main themes emerged as possible factors in delinquent behaviour: inadequate parental support and supervision, death of a parent and inadequate extended family support, deviant peer association, religiosity and morality as well as electronic media violence. Thus, one major finding of this study was that in conjunction with other factors, electronic media violence seemed to have contributed to violent behaviour among inmates of the Senior Correctional Centre, located in Accra.
Thesis (MA)
Electronic Media, Juvenile Delinquency, Senior Correctional Centre’s, Ghana