Rethinking the Collection Development Phenomenon: A Case Study Of KNUST Library
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University of Ghana
Academic libraries, particularly university libraries, play pivotal role in document
information dissemination. They provide educational sources for students, lecturers and
researchers. In other words they are central sources of acquisition of varied and diverse
information. The ever increasing growth in the volume of publication in all fields of
knowledge coupled with the advent of information and communication technology in
libraries, have widened the scope of library services, especially university library services.
It has been noted, however, that collection development is one of the least developed aspects
of librarianship in Ghana. Consequently many academic libraries in Ghana are unable to
achieve the objectives for which they have been established. The study was to examine the
collection development procedures of the KNUST Library in relation to user information
needs. The study was designed within the framework of collection development processes; it
lays emphasis on collection development upon request. The concept here is easy access to
relevant information upon demand and not collection development in anticipation of user
The study involved the collection of extensive data to produce understanding of the entity
being studied. The research design used by the researcher in the study was survey
methodology. Questionnaires were used as the data collection instrument for the study. Data
was collected from 84 out of 85 library personnel of the KNUST Library System. Among the
significant findings were that the KNUST Library does not have a laid down policy on access
to information. The library does not have adequate funds to be able to fulfill all its collection
development objectives. It was also found that, the whole library system is yet to be
automated thus, users do not have the opportunity to do online search to enhance access to information.
Among the recommendations made were that the library should have a well documented policy on access to information and the functions of the library should also be automated.
MA in Information Studies
Collection Development, KNUST, Ghana