Accessibility and Use of Library Resources in Balme Library, University Of Ghana
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University of Ghana
The advent of information technology has led to information explosion and as such
libraries are shifting from collection to access. Providing access to information has thus
become the principal goal of libraries. Patrons enjoy using resources that are accessible
and this is made possible by providing an enabling environment. This study attempts to
evaluate accessibility and use of library resources in Balme Library, University of
Ghana, Legon and to profile some suggestions to improve accessibility and use. Using
the survey method, the researcher administered questionnaires to Level 400 students of
the Department of Information Studies and the staff of Balme Library to elicit
information from them.
The findings indicated that the information literacy skills provided in Balme Library was
not adequate enough to enable users make effective use of the resources. The study
revealed that formats of documents such as audiovisua1 materials were not adequate.
Furthermore, the study revealed that accessibility was hindered by mis-shelving;
miscatalouguing; invisible call numbers; low bandwidth; inadequate information literacy
skills; and inadequate workstations/computers. However, it was found that most of the
users made use of the Online Public Access Catalogue hence justifying the huge surn of
money spent on automation. It was also discovered that the existing enabling
environment in the library was not conducive enough.
To resolve the findings, several recommendations were advanced to improve accessibility
and use of the resources in the Balme Library. Some of these recommendations are as
follows: provision of adequate literacy skills; more workstations/computers; better staff strength through training; internet connectivity on campus to enable 'anytime and
anywhere' access to Balme Library Online Public Access Catalogue(OPAC)
MA. Library Studies
Information Technology, Libraries, Balme Library, University Of Ghana, Online Public Access Catalogue