Education and its Effect on Earnings in Ghana
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University of Ghana
This thesis focuses on the effect of education on an individual‟s earnings in Ghana. The Mincer
(1974) earnings equation is used in examining the relationship between different educational
levels and their effect on earnings in Ghana. The study found that there are positive returns to
education in Ghana and as such the earnings of an individual rise as a result of additional years
of schooling. The findings of the study was confirmed by a cited research by Palmer (2006),
noting that returns to education are lowest at the primary level and that it is at the post-basic level
that returns are highest. Thus, the old middle school or JSS level has only marginal impact on
returns to investment in education.
Moreover, the empirical results on gender dimension show some disparity between earnings of
males and females in Ghana. It was observed from the descriptive statistics that the mean
monthly earnings of males are higher than that of females at the secondary and tertiary levels of
education in Ghana. However, the private rate of returns obtained from the earnings equation
showed a reverse situation where the private rates of return for females are higher than that of
males at the primary and secondary levels of education. This was due to the fact that the supply
of educated females is scarce as compared with males on the labour market. This finding was
confirmed by Schultz (1996), using estimates for Ghana which shows that returns for females at
the secondary level is almost as twice as high as males. Furthermore, on sectoral analysis it was
observed that the marginal returns to working in the non-agricultural sector are higher than
working in the agricultural sector in Ghana.
Thesis (MPHIL)-University of Ghana, 2013