The Reading Habits of the School of Administration Undergraduate Students, University of Ghana, Legon
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University of Ghana
The study examined the reading habits of the undergraduate students of the School of Administration, Lgon. The Sample consisted of 217 students comprising 165 males and 52 females randomly selected.
Questionnaire method was adopted to elicit information from the sample. Simple percentages, Chi square and Correlation were the statistical methods applied. Three out of four hypothese formulated were accepted.
The research found no significant difference between the male and female students' pleasure reading.
Positive correlation has been established between the students' pleasure reading and educational background of fathers. The research also revealed a positive correlation between library provision at home and the students' pleasure reading habits. It has been observed that the students do achievement reading most.
These and other findings were discussed in the main text.
MA. Library Studies
Reading Habit, Students, correlation