Emploi Des Morphogrammes en Francais Langue Entrangere. Le Cas des Apprenants D'Achimota Shs, de Presec-Legon et D'Áccra Girls SHS
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University of Ghana
The purpose of this study has been to provide information on the correct use of
morphograms by learners of French in some selected schools in the Accra Metropolis. The
problem for investigation is to state to what extent lack of knowledge of the correct use of
morphograms has impeded the written production of learners of French and the impact on their
use of French in communication as a whole. The study was conducted in three schools namely:
Achimota SHS, PRESEC- Legon and Accra Girls SHS with total number of 75students (38 boys
and 37 girls) and 14 teachers. Data was collected, mainly, through written productions, thus,
dictation and composition administered to learners coupled with interview and questionnaire
administered to teachers.
The data collected was analyzed and the major findings of the study were that
learners, mostly, had difficulty in writing French morphogram based words. Thus, they either
omitted or confused derivatives and flexions, or use them wrongly thereby compromising their
written production and communication in French as a whole. As a result, their overall
competency in the use of the French language was highly impeded. The causes of these
difficulties in the correct use of morphograms was diagnosed to be closely related to the difficult
nature of the French language, linguistic transfer coupled with the lack of effective and
appropriate teaching techniques on the part of French teachers and the absence of orthographic
works in our teaching programmes.
Having diagnosed and found out the causes of students inability to correctly use
morphograms, the study did not only recommend, among others that orthographic works be
incorporated in the teaching syllabus but it also prescribed some teaching techniques of
morphograms that if adopted could help rectify the poor use of morphograms. These include
using the inductive approach in teaching agreement “accord” of all kinds in French, in the case
derivational words, the teacher is expected to let students see all the various forms of the word in
their pragmatic context. Thus, letting students see the word in question in its nominal form, its
adjectival form, its verbal form and its other forms if possible. This would help students identify
and understand the word in its entirety and hence use the correct form as and when necessary.
Thesis (MPhil)-University of Ghana, 2013