towards improving the utilisation of counselling centre services by Ghanaian university students: an exploratory study
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Journal of Psychology in Africa
This study sought to explore university students’ expectations from on-campus counselling centres in order to improve
service utilisation . A total of 72 Ghanaian students attending a public university in Accra (64% females; 85% undergraduate;
90% in the 18–35 age range) provided written responses of their expectations from their counselling centre . Thematic
analyses yielded two essential counselling centre needs: Enhanced counselling centre functions and the elimination of
systems barriers . For enhanced counselling centre functions, students reported needing traditional and non-traditional
services, as well as advocacy efforts on their behalf . Systems barriers students wanted eliminated were stigma, low
awareness and inaccessibility . These findings indicate a need for a holistic approach to service delivery, and elimination of
services-seeking barriers to improve counselling centre service utilisation at Ghanaian universities.
Research Article
Ghana, university students, mental health services utilisation, counselling centre, needs assessment