Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

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    Effect of thermal and non-thermal processing on Technofunctional, nutritional, safety and sensorial attributes of potato powder
    (Food Chemistry: X, 2024) Waseem, M.; Akhtar, S.; Tutu, C. O.; et al.
    Potato is a highly nutritious staple food however, it also contains some antinutrients like alkaloids, phytates, tannins, oxalates as well as pesticide residues. Therefore, this study was conducted to reduce the loads of antinutrients and pesticides in potato powder (PP) using thermal and non-thermal processing techniques. Nutritional analysis revealed that the raw PP contained significantly (p < 0.05) higher magnitudes of dietary proteins (10.2 %), fibers (6.3 %), Na (50 mg/100 g), Ca (62 mg/100 g) and K (988 mg/100 g) when compared with the processed PP. The results demonstrated that all thermal and non-thermal processing techniques significantly reduced the antinutrients and pesticide residues. However, microwave heat treatment anticipated the highest reduction in alkaloids, oxalates, tannins and phytates contents from 60 to 14 mg/100 g (76 % reduction), 31–6 mg/100 g (80 % reduction), 91–15 mg/100 g (84 % reduction) and 45–8 mg/100 g (82 % reduction), respectively. Additionally, microwave heat processing also exhibited the highest decline in imidacloprid, cypermethrin, bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos and deltamethrin contents by 87 %, 76 %, 63 %, 79 % and 81 %, respectively. Later, microwave-treated PP (the most effective treatment) was used to develop unleavened flatbreads (i.e., chapatis) @ 2–10 %. Organoleptic evaluation of supplemented flatbreads suggested that 5 % sup plementation with microwave treated PP has the highest overall acceptability. Therefore, it is concluded that thermal and non-thermal processing techniques are effective tools to reduce loads of antinutrients and pesticide burden in potatoes. Moreover, the study also suggests, PP can be efficiently used as natural food supplement for development of value-added foods.
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    Effect of Different Drying Techniques on the Functionality and Digestibility of Yellow-Fleshed Cassava Flour and Its Performance in Food Application
    (Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2023) Akonor, P. T.; Osei-Tutu, C.; Affrifah, N. S.; Budu, A. S.; Saalia, F. K.
    The impact of different drying techniques on the properties of yellow cassava flour and its food application was investigated in this study. Flour was made from three cultivars of yellow cassava by solar-, hot air oven-, or drum- drying. Their functionality was determined by standard methods, and their digestibility was evaluated in vitro. The flours were used in the preparation of fufu, which was evaluated by sensorial and instrumental methods. The digestibility of drum-dried flours was higher (69.4–79.7%) than solar- (60.4–70.7%) or air oven-dried flours (60.3–70.4%), whereas β-carotene concentration was higher in air oven-dried samples compared to the others. Significant differences (p < 0 05) due to cultivar and/or drying technique were observed in the hydration and pasting properties of the flours. Instrumental texture analysis of fufu made from yellow cassava flours showed both drying technique and cultivar to affect the hardness, adhesiveness, and cohesiveness of the product. Acceptability scores for the fufu ranged from 4 to 6, with a decisive preference for samples produced from drum-dried flours. The study has shown the successful utilization of different drying techniques in the production of flour from yellow cassava variants for the preparation of fufu.
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    Physical, Chemical, And Rheological Properties Of Flour From Accessions Of Frafra Potato (Solenostemon Rotundifolius)
    (Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2023) Osei Tutu, C.; Amissah, J.G.N.; Amissah, J.N.; et al.
    Frafra Potato (FP) is a climate-smart crop facing extinction in the tropical regions of Africa due to inadequate information about its properties. This study determined the physicochemical, functional, and rheological characteristics of flours from ten FP accessions to gauge their suitability for culinary purposes. The flour yield from FP tubers ranged from 59.3% (E134) to 69.3% (E111). While FP flours (FPF) exhibited consistent colour across Accessions and variations in paste clarity were noted, ranging from 5.2% (E145 and Maa-Lana) to 8.6% (WAAPP). The least gelation concentration varied from 8% (WAAPP) to 12% (E 82, 111, 132, 134, 145). Released acquisitions showed higher protein and ash content than unreleased ones. Mineral composition differed significantly among accessions, including iron, calcium, zinc, and phosphorus, each with varying bioavailability percentages. Vitamin A content also varied across accessions. Proteins common in tuber crops, such as lipoxygenase, patatin, sporamin, tarin, and protease inhibitors (Bowman-Birk PIs) were identified in FPF. Amino acid analysis revealed nineteen amino acids, including seven essentials. FPF characteristics included a bulk density of 0.9 g/ml, oil and water binding capacities of 3 g/g and 1.3 g/g, respectively, a pH of 6.4, and a titratable acidity of 0.5. All FP flours displayed standard non-Newtonian behaviour, exhibiting pseudoplastic properties. They also showed a type II sigmoidal sorption curve, indicating increased equilibrium moisture content with higher water activity. Moisture sorption studies predicted a safe storage maximum allowable moisture content. These findings have practical implications. implications for flour packaging and storage. The study underscores the culinary potential of Frafra potato and its role in addressing food and nutrition security in Ghana and Sub-Saharan Africa.
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    towards improving the utilisation of counselling centre services by Ghanaian university students: an exploratory study
    (Journal of Psychology in Africa, 2023) Kyei, J.J.; Nyarko, N.Y.A.
    This study sought to explore university students’ expectations from on-campus counselling centres in order to improve service utilisation . A total of 72 Ghanaian students attending a public university in Accra (64% females; 85% undergraduate; 90% in the 18–35 age range) provided written responses of their expectations from their counselling centre . Thematic analyses yielded two essential counselling centre needs: Enhanced counselling centre functions and the elimination of systems barriers . For enhanced counselling centre functions, students reported needing traditional and non-traditional services, as well as advocacy efforts on their behalf . Systems barriers students wanted eliminated were stigma, low awareness and inaccessibility . These findings indicate a need for a holistic approach to service delivery, and elimination of services-seeking barriers to improve counselling centre service utilisation at Ghanaian universities.
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    Physicochemical and microstructural characteristics of Frafra potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius) starch
    (International Journal of Food Properties, 2023) Tutu, C.O.; Amissah, J.G.N.; Amissah, J.N.; Akonor, P.T.; Arthur, W.; Budu, A.S.; Saalia, F.K.
    Frafra potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius) is an underutilized climate-resilient tuber crop commonly cultivated in the tropics. Different accessions have been identified and bred to broaden its application in food. This study characterized the starches extracted from ten accessions, from Ghana (released) and Burkina Faso (unreleased), in terms of yield, physicochemical, and microstructural characteristics. The starches did not differ significantly (p < .05) in color (L*) and amount (35 to 39% dry matter basis). Furthermore, there were no significant differences (p < .05) among them in amylose/amylopectin ratio, syneresis %, granule types and shapes, except for one of the unreleased accessions (E82), which had a significantly (p < .05) smaller granule size. There were, however, significant differences (p < .05) in paste clarity of the starch gels, ranging from 51 to 63% of the starch gels, as well as in the thermal properties of the starches. The XRD and FTIR spectra showed the starches to be A-type, typical of tuber starches, with relative crystallinities ranging between 30.5 to 33.5%. The ten Frafra potato cultivars were clustered into two groups using PCA procedures; one group (Maa-Lana and Nutsugah) clustering on thermal properties of starch, while the other group (E82, E111, E132, E134, E145, Manga, Naachem-Tiir, and WAAPP) on paste clarity and change in temperature. The variations in granule size and thermal characteristics of the starches could impact the performance, cooking and textural properties, of these Frafra potato accessions in food applications.
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    Physicochemical and microstructural characteristics of Frafra potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius) starch
    (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023) Osei Tutu, C.; Amissah, J.G.N.; Amissah, J.N.; et al.
    Frafra potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius) is an underutilized climate-resilient tuber crop commonly cultivated in the tropics. Different accessions have been identified and bred to broaden its application in food. This study characterized the starches extracted from ten accessions, from Ghana (released) and Burkina Faso (unreleased), in terms of yield, physicochemical, and microstructural characteristics. The starches did not differ significantly (p < .05) in color (L*) and amount (35 to 39% dry matter basis). Furthermore, there were no significant differences (p < .05) among them in amylose/amylopectin ratio, syneresis %, granule types and shapes, except for one of the unreleased accessions (E82), which had a significantly (p < .05) smaller granule size. There were, however, significant differences (p < .05) in paste clarity of the starch gels, ranging from 51 to 63% of the starch gels, as well as in the thermal properties of the starches. The XRD and FTIR spectra showed the starches to be A-type, typical of tuber starches, with relative crystallinities ranging between 30.5 to 33.5%. The ten Frafra potato cultivars were clustered into two groups using PCA procedures; one group (Maa-Lana and Nutsugah) clustering on thermal properties of starch, while the other group (E82, E111, E132, E134, E145, Manga, Naachem-Tiir, and WAAPP) on paste clarity and change in temperature. The variations in granule size and thermal characteristics of the starches could impact the performance, cooking and textural properties, of these Frafra potato accessions in food applications
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    Consumer perceptions of plant based beverages: The Ghanaian consumer’s perspective
    (Future Foods, 2023) Acquah, J.B.; Amissah, J.G.N.; Affrifah, N.S.; Wooster, T.J.; Danquah, A.O.
    This study identified factors influencing consumer desirability for a concept beverage from tiger nut milk and cocoa pulp using qualitative focus groups with four demographic groups: mothers, young adults, adults, and middle-aged adults. Specifically, Ghanaian consumers’ knowledge of plant-based beverages (PBB), sensory attributes driving preferences and selection, and willingness to purchase were investigated. Focus group discussions were thematically analyzed by Attride-Stirling’s method using ATLAS.ti.7 software. Most consumers were knowledgeable of PBB. Health and nutrition were main drivers of consumption while taste, cost, availability, and culture were barriers to consumption. Drivers of consumer preference of PBB differed across demographic groups. Environmentally conscious consumers (mothers, adults, and middle-aged) preferred paper packaging while young adults preferred plastic packaging for convenience. Middle-aged adults preferred unsweetened versions for health reasons and mothers preferred unflavoured PBB for their children. Consumers expressed willingness to purchase the concept beverage, citing innovation, taste, and health benefits as main drivers. Industrial Relevance: Increased consumer awareness of the relationship between diet and disease and the importance of consuming healthful foods has informed a switch to more plant-based diets. Our results provide valuable insights to facilitate the development of an acceptable plant-based beverage for Ghanaian consumers.
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    Granular structure, physicochemical and rheological characteristics of starch from yellow cassava (Manihot esculenta) genotypes
    (International Journal of Food Properties, 2023) Akonor, P.T.; Tutu, C.O.; Arthur, W.; Adjebeng-Danquah, J.; Affrifah, N.S.; Budu, A.S.; Saalia, F.K.
    This study examined the structural and physicochemical characteristics of starch isolated from seven yellow cassava genotypes. The structural properties of yellow cassava starch from these cultivars were elucidated by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Their water interaction properties, digestibility and viscoelastic behavior were also compared, and principal component analysis was used to establish factors associated with the variability in properties of the starch. All the starches were of the A-type diffraction pattern, with crystallinity ranging between 31 and 37%. Most of the granules exhibited spherical and oval shapes, some with a flat surface on one side. They had smooth surfaces and their sizes ranged from 4 µm for round granules to 23 µm for the major axis of oval-shaped granules. Significant differences (p < .05) were observed in amylose content, in-vitro digestibility, peak and breakdown viscosity of the starches, and these ranged between 13.6–18.1%, 11.4–18.5%, 354–520 BU and 233–366 BU, respectively. Significant differences were also recorded in the hydration and textural behavior of starches from these cassava cultivars. The differences observed in granular and physicochemical properties are likely to influence the performance of these cassava cultivars in food applications.
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    Apparel shopping styles of Ghanaian female young adults
    (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021) Appiadu, D.; Kuma-Kpobee, M.; Vandyck, E.
    Purpose – The purpose of the study was to identify the apparel shopping styles of Ghanaian female young adults and to assess the applicability of the consumer styles inventory (CSI) within the Ghanaian context. Design/methodology/approach – A multistage random sampling technique was used to select 405 Ghanaian female undergraduate students aged 18–25 years from the University of Ghana. The CSI was used to collect data and these were analyzed using principal component analysis. Findings – The results showed that the subjects adopted multiple shopping styles when scouting for stores and selecting apparel for managing their appearance. Seven of the CSI dimensions were confirmed (perfectionism, brand consciousness, novelty-fashion consciousness, confused by over-choice, impulsive carelessness, recreational hedonism and habitual brand loyalty). A new shopping style, indifference shopping orientation was identified. Practical implications – Market segmentation, product development and marketing strategies should be tailored to the shopping styles of female young consumers in Ghana. Originality/value – This study, for the first time, uses the consumer characteristic approach and the CSI to identify the apparel decision-making styles of young adult female Ghanaians. This fulfils the need for the study of shopping styles, which is vital for producers and marketers to enable them to make informed decisions to meet specific needs and expectations of these cohorts of consumers.
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    Double Jeopardy: HIV-Positive Wives Caring for Their HIV- Positive Spouses in Accra
    (Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 2019-05) Tackie-Ofosu, V.; Senah, K.; Tagoe, M.; Gadegbeku, C.; Vandyke, E.
    Given improved medical treatment, AIDS seems no longer like a death sentence in many countries. AIDS patients live longer and are expected to be given the necessary care and support. This study explored the experiences of HIV-positive wives caring for their husbands living with AIDS. Using a qualitative method, 15 semi-structured interviews were conducted with women living with HIV/AIDS selected from the Fever Unit at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The study revealed that although participants demonstrated their willingness to give quality care, care experiences were closely linked to available resources. In other words, care was perceived by all participants as being synonymous with availability of family resources. Insufficient resources (especially in terms of energy and financial resources) hindered the quality of care provided to HIV positive husbands. The challenge of insufficient financial, time, energy and other resources placed a lot of physical, health, economic and emotional burdens on participants and this affected their capacity to engage fully in daily activities. In conclusion, experiences of wives caring for their husband with AIDS influenced care practices in the home. Insufficient resources (especially in terms of energy and financial resources) hindered the quality of care HIV positive wives provided to HIV positive husbands. It resulted in a compromise of adequate and quality care not only to the sick husband but to the children as well. In the light of these findings, it was recommended that there should be sensitization or education on effective Family Resource Management; stigmatization and fear of HIV/AIDS by the Family and Consumer Sciences Outreach Program, HIV/AIDS advocates, Ghana Health, Ghana AIDS Commission and other relevant stakeholders Further research could also be conducted using a larger sample size to gain insight into the challenges of HIV positive wives when caring for their HIV positive husbands.