Use Of Social Media By Leaders Of Charismatic Churches In Ghana
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Library Philosophy and Practice
This study examined the use of social media platforms by leaders of the Charismatic Churches in
Ghana. This study is germane in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic where churches are
embracing social media platforms to supplement conventional face-to-face church meetings.
The study was conducted within the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework. A
questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from a sample size of 152 respondents. Also, 2
head pastors and their deputies, as well as 2 IT personnel, were interviewed. The study found a
high level of awareness of social media platforms adopted by the churches for running their day-to-day activities through their departmental heads and church leaders. Also, the study found that
the two churches had documented policies for guiding the use of the adopted social media
for running the church's activities. Also, the study arrived at a positive perception towards
the adopted social media platforms, and as such, the church leaders found the social media
platforms very useful. This finding confirms the preposition of the TAM where perceived usefully
increases the extent of platform use. Also, the absence of a functional dedicated help desk to
support and facilitate the use of the platforms appeared to be the most critical challenge. The study
recommended that orientation on social media use should be intensified in the churches, training
of users, and strengthening of policies on the use of social media in the two churches, should be
given priority attention.
Research Article
Social Media, Platforms, System, COVID-19, Churches, Pastors, Charismatic, Online