The use of library learning centres in the Ghana Public Library: A feasibility study
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Ghana Library Journal
One of the current trends in public library service provision is the introduction of Learning Centres in addition to the traditional services provided. It is in the light of this that this study sets out to find out how feasible it is to establish learning centres in public libraries in Ghana and their possible influences on user patronage. In this regard, 220 patrons were sampled in addition to 6 librarians using accidental and purposive sampling methods respectively. While questionnaires were administered to patrons for their responses, the librarians were interviewed. The findings revealed that considerable benefits exist in the implementation of library learning centres within the public libraries in Ghana. However, most of the public libraries, with the exception of the Accra Central Library, are not adequately resourced in terms of infrastructure, technology, human and financial resources, necessary for the creation of learning centres. Though the libraries face these challenges, the resources within them can be enhanced to achieve this mandate. Based on these conclusions, constructive approaches – pilot project, resource support and provision, inter-library loan service, staffing and human resource development and promoting awareness services were the recommendations made towards the attempt at establishing learning centre services in the public libraries in Ghana. Therefore, the public library system needs to reassess its services and products provided in the light of the current trend of events the world over.
Library, learning centres, Ghana, Public libraries
Tackie, S. N. B., & Quagraine, T. (2013). The use of library learning centres in the Ghana Public Library: A feasibility study. Ghana Library Journal, 25(1), 1-24