Acceptance And Use Of Language Translation Tools In The Learning Environment: A Tam-Based Study Of Francophone Students Studying In Ghana
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University Of Ghana
This study is a qualitative exploration of the experiences of francophone students with the use and utility of language translation tools for navigating the communication challenges they face in a foreign language learning environment. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) underpinned this study. A total of 20 francophone students from the Ghana Institute of Languages (GIL) were interviewed. There were similarities between the findings of this study and those of many previous studies, in the revelation that while translation tools do have some functional utility, their inability to reflect the imperatives of context in meaning making impose limitations on their reliability in enabling competent communication. However, while the threshold for error may be low in fields such medicine and healthcare, the lack of complete accuracy of language translation tools was perceived to be less of a barrier to students in the foreign language learning environment. Furthermore, the findings show that perceptions of the usefulness and ease of use of different translation tools informed the preferences of francophone students for particular types of language translation tools. Finally, similar to conclusions by Tabiri and Budu (2017), notwithstanding individual testimonies about experiences of foreign language anxiety (FLA), a shared opinion among the informants was that immersing into the language and culture of the target language gives them the opportunity to interact with Ghanaian English speakers, which would in turn, increase their English language proficiency. Future studies may consider including a quantitative dimension that would pick on the indicators identified in the present study, in order to increase breadth as well as generalisability of findings.
MPhil. Communication Studies
Language Translation, Learning Environment, Ghana, Francophone, Students