Digital platformisation as public sector transformation strategy: A case of Ghana's paperless port
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Technological Forecasting & Social Change
Public sector organisations around the world are deploying digital platforms as part of their transformational
strategy. However, prior research has predominantly focused on developed economies with stable institutional
environments, while limited studies exist on less developed economies. Notwithstanding the digital divide, in stitutional voids, economic and development challenges facing less developed economies, digital platformisation
as a strategy is fuelling technology leapfrogging in public sector transformation. Drawing on a case study of
Ghana's paperless port digital transformation and the technology affordance theory, we address the research
question: “How can digital platformisation facilitate public sector transformation?” Based on the findings and the
technology affordance theory, this study develops a transformational affordance framework (TAF) and offers
propositions on how digital platforms can enable public sector transformation.
Research Article
Digital platforms, Digital platformisation, Technology affordance, Transformational affordance framework