The combined impact of mine drainage in the Ankobra River Basin, SW Ghana

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Mine Water and the Environment


This study assessed the combined effects of seven large-scale gold mines, one manganese mine, and scattered artisanal gold mining sites on the quality of water in the Ankobra Basin in a geologically complex terrain. Water samples from streams, boreholes, hand dug wells, and mine spoil were analysed. Scatter plots of trends among measured parameters were used to assess drainage quality and differential impacts. Drainage quality exhibits wide seasonal and spatial variations; the geology strongly influences the water chemistry. Areas with low pH (<5.5), and high sulphate ions and trace ions are suggestive of acid mine drainage while sites with high pH (>7.5), HCO3 -, subdued SO4 2-, and high trace ions are suggestive of sites where acid neutralization is effective. High metal sources are largely confined to mining operations in the Birimian formation with ores containing more than 2% sulphides. However, restricted high metal regimes are observed in drainage in the Tarkwaian formation associated with scatted sulphide-bearing dolerite dykes in the operational areas of the Tarkwa and Damang mines. Earlier studies disputed sulphides in the Tarkwaian formation until recently, when acid-generating dykes were discovered in operating pits. The most degraded waters emanate from the Prestea and Iduapriem mines, and to a lesser extent, the Nsuta mine sites, all mining Birimian rocks. The Tarkwa mine showed minimal metal loading. Zn, Cu, Ni, As, SO4, pH, and specific conductance are essential and adequate parameters in determining if acid drainage is taking place at these sites, and are recommended for routine mine environmental monitoring.



Ankobra River, Drainage, Ghana, Mine, Water


Akabzaa, T.M., Jamieson, H.E., Jorgenson, N. et al. Mine Water Environ (2009) 28: 50.



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