The search for plausible economic mineral deposits in the central parts of Tanzania; insight from stream sediment geochemistry, multivariate statistics and geostatistics
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Exploration success relies heavily on the data obtained, but, significantly on the type of analytical
methods deployed and the interpretation reached. A poorly analyzed data may obscure the true
reflectivity of the data, and thus, compromised the decision made. A combined data processing
approach of descriptive statistics, enrichment-depletion data normalization, geospatial elemental
distribution, and stacked overlayed comparison of elements have been used in this study. The
prime purpose was to demonstrate potential elemental anomalies, and predict areas of higher
degree of confidence for subsequent exploration and mineral resource evaluation. One-hundred
and sixty-six stream sediment samples from the Dodoma Region of the Tanzania Craton have
been examined; to reveal potential elements or mineral commodity that warrant further explo ration. Forty-three elements of target were examined, as this craton is globally known for its rich
earth mineral commodity. Our result indicates an enrichment of transition metals (TMs) (Cu, Ni,
Co, Cr, Mn and Zn), High Field Strength Elements (Y, Th, U, Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta and Pb), Large Ion
Lithophile Elements (Ba and Rb) and Rare-Earth Elements (La and Ce), Platinum Group Element
(Pd and Pt) and other metals (Au, As, Bi, W, Mo and Li).
Obtained results point to a likely poly-metallic sources and processes; as the underlain geology
is marked largely by pegmatite and migmatites, and moderate proportion of fine clastic sedi mentary rocks, and minor volcanic rocks mostly to the northern domain. Theoretically, the Large
Ion Lithophile Elements (LILEs), Rare-Earth Elements (REEs) and Platinum Group Elements
(PGEs) are associated with felsic rocks or variable stages of plutonic granitization. Although, the
TMs are often associated with mafic-ultramafic rocks, the linkage of such metals with organic-rich
shales been reported elsewhere. These rocks may equally contribute to the occurrence of other
metals as stated in this paper. Its intriguing to note a strong positive correlation of Li with TMs,
possibility of Li control by mafic minerals in pegmatite bodies. This work proposes a polymetallic
enrichment controlled by the area geology. To suggest an alluvial mining potential of the above
elements in the area, resource evaluation is a requirement. The geospatial maps reveal areas worth focusing for subsequent exploration. The adopted geostatistical methods and other
approach utilized in this research are effective, indicative of handling bulk exploration data for
decision and subsequent exploration.
Research Article
Polymetallic mineralization, Tanzania craton, Stream sediment