Land tenure and differential soil fertility management practices among native and migrant farmers in Wenchi, Ghana: Implications for interdisciplinary action research

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NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences


In the past, farmers in the forest-savannah transitional agro-ecological zone of Ghana relied on the bush fallow system for maintaining the productivity of their farmland. However, in recent years population growth-induced pressure on land has increased and farmers have developed various other strategies for improving the productivity of their farmlands. Such strategies have been identified in the context of an interdisciplinary action research project and include rotations with cassava (Manihot esculents), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). Using a social science model for understanding technical farming practices, this article explains the differential adoption of these locally developed soil fertility management strategies. It transpires that native and migrant communities are captured in a social dilemma situation, which has negative consequences for soil fertility in that promising innovations are not utilized optimally. Based on this research experience, this article concludes with a discussion of the implications for co-operation between natural and social scientists in the context of interactive action research. It is argued, amongst other things, that the essence of such co-operation lies in the critical questioning and influencing of each other's key assumptions and disciplinary research agendas.



Bush fallow, Cassava, Cowpea, Maize, Pigeon pea
