The effect of health financing reforms on incidence and management of childhood infections in Ghana: a matching difference in differences impact evaluation
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BMC Public Health
Introduction: In 2003, Ghana abolished direct out of pockets payments and implemented health financing reforms
including the national health insurance scheme in 2004. Treatment of childhood infections is a key component of
services covered under this scheme, yet, outcomes on incidence and treatment of these infections after introducing
these reforms have not been covered in evaluation studies. This study fills this gap by assessing the impact on the
reforms on the two most dominant childhood infections; fever (malaria) and diarrhoea.
Methods: Nigeria was used as the control country with pre-intervention period of 1990 and 2003 and 1993 and 1998
in Ghana. Post-intervention period was 2008 and 2014 in Ghana and 2008 and 2018 in Nigeria. Data was acquired
from demographic health surveys in both countries and propensity score matching was calculated based on background
socioeconomic covariates. Following matching, difference in difference analysis was conducted to estimate
average treatment on the treated effects. All analysis were conducted in STATA (psmatch2, psgraph and pstest) and
statistical significance was considered when p-value ≤ 0.05.
Results: After matching, it was determined that health reforms significantly increased general medical care for children
with diarrhoea (25 percentage points) and fever (40 percentage points). Also for those receiving care specifically
in government managed facilities for diarrhoea (14 percentage points) and fever (24 percentage points).
Conclusions: Introduction of health financing reforms in Ghana had positive effects on childhood infections (malaria
and diarrhoea).
Research Article
Health Insurance, Impact evaluation, Propensity score matching, Difference in differences, Ghana, Sub- Saharan Africa