Promoting University Research Output in Ghana through Open Access Institutional Repository
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Afr. J. Lib. Arch. & Inf. Sc.
The article focuses on awareness of institutional
repository (IR), and visibility of research output
through IR to enhance the visibility of university
research output in higher education institutions
in Ghana. One hundred and fifteen librarians
were selected using a quantitative methodology.
Data were collected using a questionnaire, and
the results were generated using descriptive
statistics. The study found out that universities
in Ghana mostly relied on the “mediated archiving” model during uploads of research
output than self-archiving approach. Strategies
to promote IR for its intended benefits include
mandating academics and students to deposit
intellectual content, linking publication metrics
to academic promotions and aggressively
enhancing awareness of the IR. Our paper concludes that information specialists need to be
creative in sensitising researchers and the
academic community regarding the visibility of
their research output by using IR.
Research Article
Dspace, Institutional Repository, Open Access, Intellectual Output