Students' Perceptions of Service Quality at the Balme Library, University Of Ghana
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University of Ghana
The Balme library is the main library of the University of Ghana. It is the
Country's premier University library and renders a wide range of services to the
academic community.
Although provision of facilities and staffing appear to be adequate there seem
to be less emphasis on service delivery. So far it appears that no effort has been made
to assess service quality as perceived by the client at Balme.
This study is conducted to determine the perceptions of students as they relate
to quality service at the BaIme library.
The methodology adopted for the collection of data is the cross-sectional
survey based mainly on survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was
organised into six service determinants. The data were analysed using Statistical
Package for Social science (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel.
Based on the responses, in conjunction with the comments the following
conclusions could be drawn.
The library staff is generally knowledgeable, helpful courteous
according to the students they serve. However it should be recognised
as a means and not an end in itself.
Equipment needs to be widely available and to work consistently
whether it be photocopier, microfilm reader or computer.
Collections in the library needed to be expanded and updated.
Library is not open long enough to satisfy users especially those who
patronize electronic services.
Based on these and other conclusion, recommendations are made to the
University authorities and the librarian on how best to improve on the emerging issues
in the face of the dwindling budgetary support.
MA in Information Studies