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    Analysis of Ghanaian teachers’ attitudes toward inclusive education
    (International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2018) Butakor, P.K.; Ampadu, E.; Suleiman, S.J.
    Social and inclusive education as captured under the Sustainable Development Goals enjoined most countries to implement policies to bring about education for all students. Inclusive education recognises that students come from diverse backgrounds with varied characteristics, which include different learning capacities and cognitive development. The purpose of this study was to examine Ghanaian teachers’ attitudes toward inclusive education. The Multidimensional Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education Scale (MATIES) developed by [Mahat, M. 2008. “The Development of a Psychometrically Sound Instrument to Measure Teachers’ Multidimensional Attitudes toward Inclusive Education.” International Journal of Special Education 23: 82–92.] was administered to 280 selected teachers in Ghana. The results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis revealed that the three-factor structure of the MATIES theorised by [Mahat, M. 2008. “The Development of a Psychometrically Sound Instrument to Measure Teachers’ Multidimensional Attitudes toward Inclusive Education.” International Journal of Special Education 23: 82–92] was not supported by the Ghanaian sample. Exploratory factor analysis yielded a correlated four-factor solution. These four factors were labelled Behavioural, Affective, Positive Beliefs, and Negative Beliefs. The reliability coefficients for these four subscales were 0.90. 0.86, 0.77, and 0.73, respectively. Analysis of variance revealed that males exhibited more negative beliefs towards inclusive education than females; more experienced teachers exhibited lower behavioural attitudes than their counterparts with less teaching experience.
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    An Evaluation Of School-Based Assessment Implementation In Ghana: A Case Of Jasikan District
    (University of Ghana, 2021-10) Kudjordji, S.K.
    ABSTRACT This study examined the SBA implementation policy, the roles of the teacher in the implementation of the SBA policy, challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of the SBA policy, and the strategies to ensure successful implementation of the SBA policy in the basic schools in the Jasikan District of the Oti Region of Ghana. The study used a descriptive and cross-sectional research design with a quantitative research approach where stratified random sampling technique was used to sample 273 teachers in the basic schools in the Jasikan District of the Oti Region of Ghana where the study was carried out. The questionnaire was used as a primary data collection instrument, and data collected were coded and entered into IBM SPSS and analyzed using frequency tables; relative importance index and inferential statistics. The following key findings were found from the analysis of the data: Teachers are provided with the policy document on the implementation of SBA was the highest relative important factor to measure SBA implementation policy. Also, teachers' design of effective SBA tasks to facilitate learning was the highest relative important factor to measure the role of teachers in the implementation of SBA policy. Furthermore, the inadequate supply of logistics for the implementation of SBA in Jasikan District in the Oti Region of Ghana was the highest relative important factor to measure the challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of the SBA Policy. Lastly, the constant supervision of teachers by headteachers and GES to implement the SBA policy was the highest relative important factor to measure the strategies to ensure successful implementation of the SBA policy in the basic schools in the Jasikan District of the Oti Region of Ghana. The study concludes that teachers are well informed about the introduction of SBA and they are provided with the policy document on the implementation of SBA. Also, the study concludes that teachers play a key role in the implementation of SBA in the basic schools in the Jasikan District of Ghana. Furthermore, the study concludes that the teachers are faced with challenges such as the inadequate supply of logistics for the implementation of SBA and inadequate training on SBA was given to teachers to implement SBA when implementing the school-based assessment policy. Finally, the study concludes the provision of logistics to teachers by GES, constant supervision of teachers by headteachers and GES, and the provision of well-designed professional development training for teachers under the SBA by GES is needed for the successful implementation of the SBA policy by teachers. The study recommends that the Ghana Education Service should enforce the use of the SBA policy by all basic schools in the Jasikan District of Ghana. Also, the teachers should be motivated through incentives, promotion, praise, etc. by GES, Parent-Teachers Association, and school management committee to enable them to continue playing the key role of a facilitator in the implementation of SBA policy. Furthermore, the Ghana Education Service should provide the needed logistics such as making available the SBA record books to all the basic schools in the Jasikan District.
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    Junior High School (Jhs) Science Teachers’ Perceptions On Professional Development And Instructional Practices: The Case Of La Dade-Kotopon Municipality In Ghana
    (University Of Ghana, 2022-04) Danso, I.B.
    In the endeavour to produce students who are nationally and internationally competitive, quality teaching and student accomplishment have been the subject of much controversy on the education front. As a result, most education systems now include the topic of teacher professional development as a necessity. It is therefore imperative to determine how impactful Professional Development (PD) programs are, as well as the barriers that inhibit the successful application of PD programs in the classroom. The study examined the perceptions Junior High School (JHS) Science teachers in six (6) circuits in the La Dade- Kotopon municipality hold about the impact of PD programs on their content knowledge and instructional practices. The study also aimed to identify the barriers the Science teachers face in the application of the PD programs. Employing the purposeful sampling technique, 15 respondents were sampled. Thematic analysis employed in the analysis of data revealed that teachers found PD programs impactful on both their content knowledge and instructional practices. Findings also revealed that the JHS Science teachers faced several barriers in the application of knowledge gained from PD programs. Findings additionally justified the implementation climate theory and an aspect of Durlak and DuPre (2008) ecological model of implementation, upon which the study was based. The study went on to recommend solutions to eliminate such barriers inhibiting the application of PD programs in the classroom to facilitate the effective teaching of science to produce competitive students. Keywords: Professional Development Programs, Barriers, Teachers’ Instructional Practice
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    Factors Influencing Students’ Participation In Physical Activity And Sports In Senior High Schools In The Kassena Nankana Municipality, Ghana
    (University Of Ghana, 2021-12) Amoah, E.P.
    Sports and other types of physical activity have long maintained a thorny position in schools and colleges, frequently being relegated to the periphery. Simultaneously, there is agreement that such activities are vital for young people's healthy growth. This was proven in the second half of the twentieth century, resulting in a paradigm shift in health research. Recent advances in neurology, psychology, and allied fields point to a second revolution in which the tight separation of mind and body is no longer necessary. The main purpose of the study was to examine the factors influencing students’ participation in physical activity and sports in Senior High School in the Kassena Nankana Municipality of the Upper East Region of Ghana. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and quantitative methodology using a survey method was used to gather primary data from students and teachers. The research instruments used were the questionnaire and observation checklist. The self-administered data collection method was used in collecting information from respondents. The target population for the study involved all Senior High/Technical school students’ and P.E Teachers in the Kassena Nankana Municipality, Ghana. A total of 350 student respondents and 11 P.E Teachers were sampled for the study using the mathematical model expressed as: n=N / 1+N (e2) from the total population 5097 of students’ and all the P.E Teachers in the selected schools. Simple random sampling technique was used to select participants for the study and descriptive statistics (Frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation) were used in analyzing and discussing the results. The study interestingly revealed that all students in the Senior High Schools were engaging in some form of physical activity and that is a good sign that students perceived the benefits of physical activity and sports to promote health and wellbeing. But on the contrary, the findings also showed that on the average, Senior High School students’ have a negative attitude (M=2.77, SD=1.42) towards participation in physical activity and sports and that has brought serious implications on their health and wellbeing. The factors that contribute to physical inactivity included; physical environment, biological or demographic, psychological, behavioural, social and cultural factors. The results showed that, societal misconception (67.14%), social role (55%), facilities and equipment (49.42%), requisite movement skills (49.14%), Motivation and self-confidence (49.14%) and on demographic and socio-economic factors, (49.14%) agreed that males participate more on physical activity than their female counterparts and ( 46.85%) also confirmed that young people also perform physical activity and sports than adults and these are significant factors influencing students’ non-participation in physical activity and sports in Senior High School in the Kassena Nankana Municipality, Ghana. It is recommended that after school games and activities should be made fun and the games should not be male dominated. Students should be educated on the importance of physical activity and sports.
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    Factors Influencing Students’ Participation In Physical Activity And Sports In Senior High Schools In The Kassena Nankana Municipality, Ghana
    (University Of Ghana, 2021-12) Amoah, E.P.
    Sports and other types of physical activity have long maintained a thorny position in schools and colleges, frequently being relegated to the periphery. Simultaneously, there is agreement that such activities are vital for young people's healthy growth. This was proven in the second half of the twentieth century, resulting in a paradigm shift in health research. Recent advances in neurology, psychology, and allied fields point to a second revolution in which the tight separation of mind and body is no longer necessary. The main purpose of the study was to examine the factors influencing students’ participation in physical activity and sports in Senior High School in the Kassena Nankana Municipality of the Upper East Region of Ghana. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and quantitative methodology using a survey method was used to gather primary data from students and teachers. The research instruments used were the questionnaire and observation checklist. The self-administered data collection method was used in collecting information from respondents. The target population for the study involved all Senior High/Technical school students’ and P.E Teachers in the Kassena Nankana Municipality, Ghana. A total of 350 student respondents and 11 P.E Teachers were sampled for the study using the mathematical model expressed as: n=N / 1+N (e2) from the total population 5097 of students’ and all the P.E Teachers in the selected schools. Simple random sampling technique was used to select participants for the study and descriptive statistics (Frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation) were used in analyzing and discussing the results. The study interestingly revealed that all students in the Senior High Schools were engaging in some form of physical activity and that is a good sign that students perceived the benefits of physical activity and sports to promote health and wellbeing. But on the contrary, the findings also showed that on the average, Senior High School students’ have a negative attitude (M=2.77, SD=1.42) towards participation in physical activity and sports and that has brought serious implications on their health and wellbeing. The factors that contribute to physical inactivity included; physical environment, biological or demographic, psychological, behavioural, social and cultural factors. The results showed that, societal misconception (67.14%), social role (55%), facilities and equipment (49.42%), requisite movement skills (49.14%), Motivation and self-confidence (49.14%) and on demographic and socio-economic factors, (49.14%) agreed that males participate more on physical activity than their female counterparts and ( 46.85%) also confirmed that young people also perform physical activity and sports than adults and these are significant factors influencing students’ non-participation in physical activity and sports in Senior High School in the Kassena Nankana Municipality, Ghana. It is recommended that after school games and activities should be made fun and the games should not be male dominated. Students should be educated on the importance of physical activity and sports.
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    Senior High School Teachers’ Perception of Students’ Learning Styles In Selected Schools In Greater Accra Region, Ghana.
    (University of Ghana, 2021-12) Ameko, S.K.;
    Teaching and learning are two casually bound practices in the classroom. Teachers comprehending students' learning process guide them to appreciate their preferences while teaching and learning. It will promote collaborative teaching, productive learning, and learning to become friendly for learners as their learning needs are cared for. While their comprehension will add to the effectiveness of the teaching process, lack of it will also cause unfacilitated teaching as lessons might not be tailored to meet learners’ specific learning needs. The study investigated teachers' views about students’ learning styles in public Senior High Schools in Ghana. The study used the post-positivist paradigm with a cross-sectional survey design using an online questionnaire for data collection. Three public Senior High School teachers in La Nkwantanang Madina and Ga-East Municipalities with a sample of 206 teachers with a minimum of five (5) years of teaching experience were used. The researcher employed multiple sampling technique in selecting the sample in West Africa Senior High School, Presbyterian Boy’s Secondary School, and Dome Kwabenya Community Senior High School. Using means and percentages, the findings revealed that most teachers 89% are aware of students learning styles, 69% first encountered the concept during their study time in school and about 88% of then consider it when planning their lesson using. Kruskal-Willis and Mann Whitney U test also showed that there was no statistically significant difference in teachers’ perceptions of students learning styles based on their gender and the category of school they teach (i.e., A, B and C), with (p=0.0937, p>0.05) and (p=0.533, >0.05) respectively. It was therefore recommended that future studies be conducted to find out how teachers are making good use of their knowledge of the concept in the classroom, more importantly, qualitative research with observation. Additionally, future studies should use different municipalities or even regions with large sample size.
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    Students’ Perceptions of Mathematics and the Impact on their Achievement Among Selected Senior High Students in Ghana
    (University of Ghana, 2020-09) Cofie, A.A.
    This study investigated the perceptions senior high students in Ghana have about mathematics and the impact of these perceptions on their mathematics achievements. Specifically, the study identified students‟ perceptions of mathematics in senior high schools, examined the factors that influence these perceptions, and determined the relationship that exists between the perception constructs identified and students‟ performance in mathematics. Additionally, this thesis investigated the influence of other factors such as gender and age on students‟ perceptions about mathematics. The study used three hundred students (300) from three senior high schools. The sample population was drawn from two senior high schools in the Eastern region and one senior high school in the Greater Accra region. The study employed quantitative research method with the use of questionnaire as data collection instrument. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyse the data. The findings were that students‟ perception of their self-confidence, their interest in mathematics, motivation received from their teachers, competence of the teacher, difficulty of the subject, myths, and beliefs, as well as the usefulness of the subject do exist. However, three of these constructs which are students‟ interest in learning mathematics, usefulness of mathematics, and difficulty in learning mathematics were significantly related to the students‟ performance. It is recommended that mathematics teachers make their students see the relevance of mathematics to boost their interest for the study of the subject. This will help the students discard the negative perceptions about the study of mathematics. Also, mathematics teachers in the senior high schools must devise some interesting and easy ways to make mathematics more attractive and engaging to their students. Students are also advised to respond positively to the learning process.
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    Towards a Paradigm of Creative Pedagogy: A Study of Teacher Trainees at the University of Ghana
    (University of Ghana, 2021-09) Amoak, B.K.
    This is an exploratory qualitative study of 17 in-service teacher trainees undertaking a Master of Arts Education (Sandwich) programme at the University of Ghana, aimed at designing a conceptual paradigm for creative pedagogy within the context of study. The phenomenographic method was used in the collection and analysis of data by identifying categories of description pertaining to the understanding and experiences of the phenomenon of creative pedagogy by participants. Among the key findings of the study are that; factors such as the content of the study programme, mode of delivery by teacher educators and influence of teacher educators heightened the perception of trainees of teaching as a creative practice; there were transformations in the learning experiences of both students and teachers as a result of creative and improved ways of teaching by trainees following their exposure and training on the MA Education programme; and that, participant teacher trainees were found to be intrinsically motivated as they teach creatively and for creativity. In addition, the study revealed that creative pedagogical methods and strategies cut across subject domains and levels of the school system and when these methods are enabled by favourable environments, they lead to creative teaching and learning outcomes. Based on the empirical evidence from the study, the researcher designed a proposed four-component theoretical paradigm of creative pedagogy with an emphasis on the indispensability of training of teachers for creativity. It is recommended that the training and practice of creative pedagogy would be anchored on a socio-cultural ethos of creativity.
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    Ghanaian Teachers` Attitude towards Inclusive Assessment in Basic Education: A Case Study of Ga-East Municipality
    (University of Ghana, 2020-04) Gyabeng, T.
    Inclusive assessment has been a global issue in recent times especially in this era of inclusive education where teachers frame their teaching, learning and assessment practise to meet students with special educational needs. The broad aim of this study was to assess Ghanaian teachers` attitude towards inclusive assessment in basic educational system. Descriptive survey which is a case study in nature was adopted for this study. Ga East municipality was specifically selected as the target population because it is the only district in Accra that is currently practicing inclusive education in all of its schools. Schools in the Ga-East have a population of five hundred and sixty-eight (568) teachers. The convenience sampling technique was employed to sample 259 respondents (basic school teachers) from the 31 schools in the Ga East district. Findings of this study indicate that a significant majority of teachers have not been adequately trained to adequately accommodate students with various special educational needs in general education classrooms. The study also found out that, teachers believe inclusive assessment is theoretically valid but practically impossible. According to the findings, 76.1% strongly agreed that, at all levels there should be regular monitoring and periodic assessment aimed at improving the child performance. The study concluded that teachers agreed that inclusive assessments provide different students with the opportunities for mutual communication thus promotes students to understand and accept individual diversity. The study further revealed that teachers in the Ga Municipality face challenges in administering inclusive assessment which includes lack of teaching and learning materials, inadequate time for the inclusive assessment, inadequate training in inclusive assessment, large class size, lack of motivation and lack of logistics and facilities. The study therefore recommends that, there is a need to institute and strengthen the special education component in professional development programs in schools. The study further recommends that for successful inclusive assessment to take place, teachers need to tailor the curriculum to suit the needs of all students.
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    Performance Appraisal System in the Ghana Education Service and Its Effectiveness on Teachers’ Performance in the Ada East District
    (University of Ghana, 2019-07) Kwao, M.P.
    Performance Appraisal helps to improve the performance of individuals and institutions thereby increasing their productivity, quality of performance and encouraging positive work. This research is about Performance Appraisal System in the Ghana Education Service and its effectiveness on teachers’ performance using Ada East District (AED) as a case study. The purpose of the study seeks to examine stakeholder’s perspective on the practices of appraisal of teachers in Ghanaian schools with specific reference to AED. The study adopted interpretive philosophy with qualitative single case study research design. Data was obtained through interview with the use of semi-structured interview guide with circuit supervisors, headteachers and teachers in the AED. The data was analyzed qualitatively using thematic analysis based on themes that were gathered from respondents. A sample size of 24 respondents was drawn from some selected public basic schools in the AED using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. The results of the study showed some gaps in the effective use of Performance Appraisal (PA). The study revealed that respondents acknowledged the importance of PA and for that matter seriousness must be attached to it usage. Challenges such as inadequate knowledge on the PA Policy, time constraints and among others were identified in the study. In order to ensure that PAS works effectively, the study recommended that regular in-service training for teachers, teachers should be monitored and supervise effectively, earning of teachers should be also based on their performance, adequate logistic materials should be provided and finally award system should be instituted so as to make PAS effective.