Lectures and Speeches

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    Medical Research and the Practice of Medicine in West Africa
    (University of Ghana, 1981-12-17) Archampong, E.Q.
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    Stretching, Shearing and Sliding in the Solid State
    (University of Ghana, 1998-04-30) Amuzu, J.K.A.
    Our laboratory has, over the years, developed a p rogramme of studies of the effect of mechanical deformation on the transport properties of solids. By applying tensile and shear stresses to metals and determining the changes in such properties as thermoelectric emf, resistivity and magnetic behaviour, we have made significant contributions to the basic physics underlying theories of the behaviour of these solids. A second line of work involved studies of the tribological behaviour of solids. We have been able to show, for the first time, that the adhesion model of fnction which was originally developed for metals can be applied, almost wholly, to polymers. In this lecture, we give a panoramic account of these experiments. ln a few concluding remarks, we point out what is probably wrong with solid state physics research in Ghana ira-a-vis; glimpses of the early development of the solid state group at the Bell Laboratories.
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    Man, Microbes, Machines and Medicine
    (University of Ghana, 1992-03-12) Owusu, S.K.
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    The Disabled Child in Ghana: Whose Fault and Who cares?
    (University of Ghana, 1999-09-23) Oliver_Commey, J.O.
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    Libraries Information and Society
    (University of Ghana, 1998-11-19) Alemna, A.A.
    INTRODUCTION l\llr . Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-C hancellor , De an of the Fae - .,. . ,. ulty of Social Studies, invited guests, Ladies and Gentlemen _ ; f r am standing here today , not only as the first Ghanaian Pro- fessor of Library Science produced in this country; and the firs t Professor fro1n the Department of Library and Archival Studies to give an Inaugural Le ctu re; but also the o nl y Pro- fessor prese ntly from the Upper East Region of Ghana . To God be th e g lory for bringing me this far in such a short pe- riod of my academic life _ Perhaps this is the mo ment for me to _ pay tribute to t'>VO very eminent professors , formerly in this University , who have h ad a grea t influe n ce on my career _ These are Pr ofessor F. Johnson and th e late Pr ofessor SJ.A . Ko tei These were men of grea t inte ll ect, indomitable courage an d professional exce llen ce. I salute these two bibliothecal giants, they are great t hink ers .