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A long essay or dissertation or thesis involving personal research, written by postgraduates of University of Ghana for a university degree.
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Item Intergenerational Solidarity Of Nigerian Migrants In The Greater Accra Region(University Of Ghana, 2021-11) Abu, M.Concerns have been raised about the potential of international migration in affecting family ties and the relationship between adult migrants and their ageing parents. When adult children migrate and leave behind their ageing parents, it has the potential of depriving them of support and care and could be disruptive as well. In recent years, the flow of international migration has increased in every region of the world. However, the discourse in Africa, particularly in West Africa, has turned to focus more on North-South migration although the data shows the majority of migrants move within the sub-region. This study is aimed at examining the intergenerational solidarity of Nigerian migrants in Ghana and their ageing parents in Nigeria. A qualitative research approach was used for this study. The sample size was made up of 20 adult Nigerian migrants through the snowballing technique. Of the 20, 15 were male migrants and five were female migrants. In addition, they were all above the age of 18. The instrument used for the study was a semi-structured interview guide. The qualitative data were manually transcribed, manually edited and analysed thematically based on the objectives of the study. The study found that Nigerian migrants maintained associational solidarity with their ageing parents through phone calls although visiting was constrained by distance, cost of transportation and border challenges. Geographical proximity was found to be a major constraining factor affecting the ability of migrants to regularly visit their parents. Functional solidarity was enacted through financial support, usually in the form of remittances, to ageing parents. Affectual solidarity was also expressed through love, emotional support and concern for ageing parents and vice versa. Normative solidarity was found to influence functional solidarity, associational solidarity and Affectual solidarity. Migration to Ghana did not have a significant influence on Consensual solidarity. Also, the study found that many of the dimensions of intergenerational solidarity are interlinked.Item Determinants Of Breast Cancer Screening Among Female Civilian Patients At The Out-Patient Department Of The 37 Military Hospital, Greater Accra Region(University Of Ghana, 2022-06) Nunoo, E.A.A.Background: Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women and the second leading cause of death from cancer in women worldwide. Sadly, in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Ghana inclusive, Breast cancer is diagnosed late because of poor screening practices, and this results in a poorer prognosis and an increase in breast cancer mortality. Objective: The main aim of this study was to assess factors influencing breast cancer screening amongst female Civilian patients at the Out-Patient Department (OPD) of the 37 Military Hospital in Accra, Ghana. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional research design was used. A quantitative method for collecting data was applied. A total of 180 Civilian female participants seeking health care at the 37 Military hospital OPD were chosen for the study. 180 structured questionnaires were administered between mid-June and mid-July to females aged between 20 and 60 years old. They were selected by simple random sampling using the balloting technique. The COVID-19 protocols were duly observed during data collection. The data was analyzed using SPSS Version 25, Microsoft Excel Version 2111, and Stata IC 16.1. The data was presented using descriptive statistics comprising frequency and percentages. Prevalence ratios and the multivariable modified Poisson regression model was used to determine the relationship between the independent variables and breast cancer screening uptake. Results: The percentage of female Civilian patients at the 37 Military Hospital OPD who had screened for breast cancer in their lifetime was 40.1% (95% CI: 0.94 - 0.99). The most common screening method used amongst the women who partook the study was breast self-examination (44.5%). The ages at which they screened for breast cancer were between 35 and 39 years (21.4%). The common source of breast cancer information was mass media (44%). The socio-demographic factor that influenced breast cancer screening was educational level with patients who had attended tertiary having a higher breast cancer screening prevalence (aPR:8.20, 95% CI:2.56 – 26.27). Those who had screened for cervical cancer screening were more likely to screen for breast cancer. Majority of the respondents were aware of breast cancer (98%), and many had poor knowledge about what breast cancer was and its treatment, signs, and symptoms (55.6%). Conclusion: Although breast cancer awareness was high amongst the respondents, they had a poor knowledge of breast cancer. Educational level was a key determinant of breast cancer screening in the female Civilian OPD patients of the 37 Military Hospital. The common source of breast cancer information was obtained from mass media i.e television, radio, and newspapers. Breast cancer screening prevalence was higher in the 51 - 60 years age group, in employed patients, those who had given birth to one child and in Akans and Dagombas.Item Child Adoption Awareness Among Women With Infertility In The Greater Accra Region(University Of Ghana, 2021-09) Abankwah, B.N.A.The traditional Ghanaian society is pro-natal, where marriage's ultimate purpose is to reproduce children to continue the family lineage. Infertility is the most common reason for married women not having children. Infertility is one of the most challenging life experiences for women, and finding a solution can be difficult. Child adoption is an alternative coping strategy for couples to deal with infertility. The situation awareness model which was used as an organizing framework investigated child adoption awareness among women with infertility in the Greater Accra Region. A descriptive exploratory design was employed. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used to conduct semistructured interviews with 14 women with infertility. Women with infertility in the community who visited St. Moses Hospital provided data. Analyses of the data were conducted using thematic content analysis after audio-recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim. Six significant themes and nineteen subthemes emerged. The findings demonstrated that childless women were aware of child adoption, but they were unknowledgeable about where to go or the procedure involved. Discrimination, cultural beliefs, property inheritance concerns, and procedural bottlenecks are the hurdles to child adoption. These findings have implications for nursing practice, research, and community sensitization. There is the need for education on child adoption as an alternative coping strategy for infertility.Item Experience Of Young People With Disabilities Accessing Sexual And Reproductive Health Services In Korle Klottey In The Greater Accra Region(University Of Ghana, 2022-03) Agbeve, E.M.Y.Background: There are misconceptions regarding the sexuality of people with disabilities, which can make it difficult for them to form connections with others, particularly those of the opposite sex. The negative attitudes of healthcare staff towards persons with disabilities seeking information on sexual and reproductive health services adds to the stereotypes about the sexuality of people with disabilities. Objective: The main objective of the study was to assess factors associated with access to SRH services among young people with disabilities. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted to explore the experience of young people with disabilities ability to access sexual and reproductive health services. Purposive sampling and Convenience sampling procedures were used to select 26 participants. The study used Focus Group Discussions which aided in generating ideas and opinions from the participants. NVivo 10 software was used for data analysis. Results: Young people with disabilities reported knowing about and using Sexual and Reproductive Health services such as contraceptives; however, they were reliant on others to accompany them to service providers, limiting their access to confidential services. Financial barriers, provider attitudes, and accessibility due to their disability were the most significant barriers to SRH services.Item Child Adoption Awareness Among Women With Infertility In The Greater Accra Region(University Of Ghana, 2021-09) Abankwah, B.N.A.The traditional Ghanaian society is pro-natal, where marriage's ultimate purpose is to reproduce children to continue the family lineage. Infertility is the most common reason for married women not having children. Infertility is one of the most challenging life experiences for women, and finding a solution can be difficult. Child adoption is an alternative coping strategy for couples to deal with infertility. The situation awareness model which was used as an organizing framework investigated child adoption awareness among women with infertility in the Greater Accra Region. A descriptive exploratory design was employed. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used to conduct semistructured interviews with 14 women with infertility. Women with infertility in the community who visited St. Moses Hospital provided data. Analyses of the data were conducted using thematic content analysis after audio-recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim. Six significant themes and nineteen subthemes emerged. The findings demonstrated that childless women were aware of child adoption, but they were unknowledgeable about where to go or the procedure involved. Discrimination, cultural beliefs, property inheritance concerns, and procedural bottlenecks are the hurdles to child adoption. These findings have implications for nursing practice, research, and community sensitization. There is the need for education on child adoption as an alternative coping strategy for infertility.Item Factors Associated With Emergency Contraceptives Use Among Reproductive Age Women In Two Tertiary Institutions In The Greater Accra Region(University Of Ghana, 2022-07) Osei-Akoto, B.Introduction: Emergency contraception (EC) is a method of preventing unwanted/unplanned pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse, mismanagement of regular contraception or nonuse of contraception. This will help curb the increasing incidence of unsafe abortions in developing countries. The national data on contraceptives in Ghana shows a high level of knowledge of EC among the people but its usage is very low. Factors including the socio-economic, socio-demographic, and sexual and reproductive history affecting the use are yet to be fully understood. This study sought to assess the factors influencing the use of EC among female students of the University of Ghana. Method: The study was an cross-sectional study involving 473 female students from the University of Ghana and Central University. The participants were selected randomly for the study from various halls in both schools. Self-administered structured questionnaire was used to collect the data from the study participants. Chi Square test was used to determine the statistical association between emergency contraceptive use and independent variables of interest. SPSS version 25 software was used for the analysis. P-value ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Descriptive statistics was done for each variable. The association between the dependent (EC use) and indealyzed using logistic regressions. The result of the logistic regression analysis was reported as odds ratios (OR) at 95 % CI. Results: The mean age of the reproductive age women was 23.3 years } 4.4. Majority of the participants were sexually active (63.7%). The mean age for the first sexual intercourse among the participants was 19.5 years } 3.1. About 77.4% of the study participants had heard of EC. Friends (77.6%) were the main sources of information about EC. Most of the students correctly used EC and only few misused it (in terms of stipulated time of use and the required doses taken). The study showed that availability of EC on campus (P=0.006), safety of EC (P<0.001), comfortability of EC use (P<0.001), heard of EC (P<0.001) sexually active (P<0.001) and effectiveness of EC (P<0.001) were all statistically associated with EC use. Age, marital status, religion, tribe, college, sexually active, number of men slept with in your entire life, ever had abortion, any concern about EC, working along schooling were all statistically significant with EC use. Conclusion: This study showed that the socio-demographic, sexual and reproductive history and socio-economic status were all significantly associated with EC use.Item Identification And Mapping Of Risk Factors Associated With Cholera In Selected Communities In The Greater Accra Region, Ghana(University Of Ghana, 2021-09) Dongdem, A.Background Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease caused by the toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 or O139 strains. Globally, it is estimated to infect over 1.3 million people with over 21, 000 deaths annually with the most affected countries being in Africa and Asia. In Ghana, cholera has become endemic in some communities in the Greater Accra Region (GAR) with reported focal epidemics. The factors contributing to its persistence and spread in these communities are not well understood. To prevent future epidemics, it is important to identify the specific risks in these communities that may account for its persistence. This study, therefore, identified and mapped risk factors associated with cholera at the household and community levels in the GAR. Methods A community-based cross-sectional comparative study was conducted in 24 (12 each) from cholera endemic and non-endemic communities from March 2019 to March 2020. The multistage cluster sampling procedure was used in selecting households and a structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the head of households. Drinking water from selected households was sampled for water quality and the community water bodies were assessed for the presence of toxigenic strains of V. cholerae during the wet and dry seasons. A sanitation inspection guide was used to assess the sanitation conditions of the communities and GPS coordinates of the identified risk taken. Data were analysed using STATA version 14 software. Associations between the history of cholera and the independent variables were determined using Chi-square/Fisher exact test and multivariable penalized logistic regression. The differences in bacterial counts were determined using the Kruskal Wallis rank test. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered significant for the associations. Principal Component Analysis was used to categorize the household wealth index and the environmental sanitation conditions. Significantly identified risk factors were mapped with the historical cholera cases using Arc GIS. Results Results of the multivariable penalized logistic regression showed that the presence of waste dumpsites (AOR=2.96, 95% CI: 1.11-7.88, p=0.030) and big open drainage (AOR=5.78, 95% CI: 1.89-17.72, p=0.002) were predictors of cholera occurrence. Whereas cooking in a detached kitchen (AOR=0.22, 95% CI: 0.06-0.82. P=0.024), or in yard (AOR=0.42, 95% CI: 0.21-0.86, p=0.017), and the availability of public toilets in the neighbourhood (AOR=0.28, 95% CI: 0.08-0.97, p=0.046) were significantly protective against cholera. The household drinking water was mostly contaminated with faecal coliforms with counts exceeding the zero cfu/100ml standard. Klebsiella penumoniae and Escherichia coli were the dominant organisms isolated. The household stored water was more contaminated than that obtained from the direct source and the differences were significant. The contamination was generally higher in the wet season than in the dry season. No toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 or O139 was isolated from the household drinking water and the environmental water bodies. However, Vibrio fluvialis and Vibrio algionolyticus were isolated from the environmental water bodies. Environmental sanitation revealed 66.2% (300/453) of the endemic communities to have poor sanitation compared to the 67.5% (306/453) of the non-endemic communities with good sanitation conditions. Conclusion/Recommendation The presence of public toilets, waste dumpsites, and open drainage systems close to each other and their combined effect may account for the cholera endemicity in the endemic communities. Household drinking water contaminated with faecal coliforms is an indicator of high risk for cholera transmission. The absence of toxigenic strains of Vibrio cholerae O1 or O139 in the drinking and environmental water bodies could predict the absence of cholera occurrence. Vibrio fluvialis and Vibrio algionolyticus emerging cholera-like diarrhoea pathogens were isolated from the environmental water bodies. Poor environmental sanitation is still prevalent in the endemic communities. It is recommended that sanitation laws and the treatment of household drinking water at the point-of-used as well as siting of public toilets, waste dumpsites, and open drainages beyond 500 m from households are enforced.Item Access to Healthcare Services Among Children with Cerebral Palsy in the Greater Accra Region(University of Ghana, 2020-10) Andah, N.L.Item Assessing Factors Influencing Utilization of Adolescent Health Services at Kpone Health Center in the Greater Accra Region(University of Ghana, 2020-10) Biney, H.Item Factors Contributing to Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among Adolescents and Young Persons Living with HIV in Five Healthcare Settings in Greater Accra Region(University of Ghana, 2020-12) Lawson, F.O.