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A long essay or dissertation or thesis involving personal research, written by postgraduates of University of Ghana for a university degree.


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    Water and Sanitation and Diarrhoea in Children Under-Five Years Old in Asuogyaman District
    (University of Ghana, 2008-08) Abban, R.
    The promotion of sanitation and hygiene as well as potable water supply has emerged as one of the cost-effective possible interventions against high burden diseases like diarrhoea in developing countries. Diarrhoea cases among diseases reported at the Out-patient department attendances has been increasing for the past few years in health facilities in Asuogyaman district. The aim of this study was to determine environmental risk factors for diarrhoea in children under-five years in Asuogyaman district, with special emphasis on water supply, sanitation facilities and hand washing.
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    Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Caregivers on Home Management of Diarrhoea in Children Under Five Years in Community One, Tema.
    (University of Ghana, 2008-08) Onyah, B.; Esena, R.; Boni, P.; University of Ghana, College of Health Sciences, School of Public Health
    Among some of the diseases of public health importance in the Tema metropolis, diarrhoea has consistently been one of the five most prevalent diseases (DHMT report 2006). Though there had been some work done on hospital based surveillance for severe diarrhoea to assess the burden of disease due to rotavirus, it did not extend beyond the hospital setting. However, home management is usually the initial approach adopted by caregivers of children with acute diarrhoea. This study therefore sought to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of home management of diarrhoea by caregivers in community one, Tema, so as to improve on home management practices for children under five years of age. The study was a crosssectional descriptive one using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The quantitative data was captured using a semi-structured questionnaire to interview 250 caregivers of children under five years. The qualitative aspect involved in- depth interviews with two herbalists, four chemical sellers and three pharmacists to determine how each of them went about the management of diarrhoea. Cluster sampling method was used to select the study units. Majority (53.6%) of the caregivers responded they had heard of diarrhoea whilst less than half 116(46.4%) could correctly define what diarrhoea is. Some of the perceived causes of diarrhoea by respondents were contaminated food and water, germs and sugary foods. Most caregivers responded that they will first give ORS 163(65.2%) as a first line of action whilst 35(14.0%) said they will first consider a health facility. The study revealed that 94.4% of the respondents could correctly identify ORS whilst 79.2% of them had used it in the management of childhood diarrhoea. However, only 23.6% of caregivers knew the functions of ORS to the child with diarrhoea. The findings also showed that 19(7.6%) of the respondents thought it was beneficial to give enema to the child with diarrhoea.
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    Evaluation of Traditional Weaning Meals, Supplemented With Protein-Rich Foods to Promote Growth in Malnourished Preschool Children
    (University of Ghana, 2000-01) Opare-Obisaw, C.; Orraca-Tetteh, R.; Asibey-Berko, E.; Klemesu, M. A.; Sefa-Dedeh, S.; University of Ghana, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Food Science
    This study was aimed at constituting nutritious home-made weaning meals, using local foods that would curtail malnutrition among pre-school children and facilitate a smooth transition from breast milk and cereal porridges to adequate post weaning food consumption. Nine weaning meals were formulated. Three meals each were formulated using comdough, commeal and yam as staple. To one meal in each group of 3 meals, cowpeas, fish or melonseeds were added as the effective source of protein supplement. The same quantities of palm oil, tomatoes, onion and cocoyam leaves were added to each of the meals. Proportions of ingredients were selected so that one third of energy and half of the protein requirements of a 1-3 year old child is met. Considerations were made to incorporate the minimum amount of supplement that would maximize protein nutritional value, at minimum cost, and to provide enough food to suit the stomach capacity of the child at a sitting. Biological utilisation of the protein in the meals was determined by nitrogen retention in rats and compared with casein and koko [a favourite local maize weaning food]. Protein quality determined by using analysed amino acid compositions to calculate amino acid scores, were compared with koko. Protein, fat, energy, vitamin and mineral contents of the meals were also determined. Thirty-five malnourished children aged 1-3 years were assigned to the experimental meals and fed for 4 weeks. Mean weight and height gains as well as increases in haemoglobin levels of the experimental children were determined and compared with those of 10 children, who served as controls. Comparisons of data employed Analysis of Variance or Analysis of Covariance and Tukey’s HSD test where appropriate. Differences were considered significant when the probability of obtaining them was 5% or less. Protein, fat, ash and total energy contents of all the meals were greatly improved over that of koko. Protein concentrations of the meals were satisfactory and adequate to support catch-up growth of 20-30g per day. Energy densities were all well above 85 kcals/lOOg of food, considered adequate for supporting rapid growth. Protein quality as expressed by BV% and NPUop%, although lower than casein values, were significantly higher (P<0.003) than koko values, and supported growth in the essential amino acid compositions showed great improvement upon that of koko. Consequently, the protein scores of the meals ranged from IV2 times to over double that of koko. Except for calcium, the mineral and vitamin contents of the meals were adequate. The mean weight gained by the children in the experimental group was 410 grams, which was significantly higher (p = 0.007) than the gain of 50g by the control group. Irrespective of staple or supplement used, differences in weight gains among the experimental groups were not significant. However, the group fed yam meals gained about twice as much weight as those fed comdough and commeal. The group fed meals supplemented with melonseeds gained about 1/3 more weight than those fed cowpeas and fish. The gains in WAZ and WHZ scores for the experimental group were significantly higher (p = 0.027 and p = 0.40 respectively) than those of the control group. The height gains by the experimental and control groups were not significantly different. The mean increase of 8% in haemoglobin level by the experimental group was significantly higher ((p=0 .012) than the decrease of 1% in the control group. The study has demonstrated that, carefully constituted weaning meals, using local foods can meet energy, protein, mineral, and vitamin needs and are capable of promoting growth even in malnourished children. The meals prepared with comdough and yam are particularly recommended for weaning, because they are not bulky and therefore suit the stomach capacities of young children. The use of melonseeds must be encouraged in meals for young children. Yam, which produces softer meals, must be encouraged for weaning meal preparation, because it yields meals that are as nutritious as meals prepared with cereals, when supplemented with protein-rich foods.