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A long essay or dissertation or thesis involving personal research, written by postgraduates of University of Ghana for a university degree.


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    The Ghana Armed Forces as a Foreign Policy Tool in Ecowas Military Intervention Since the End of the Cold War
    (University of Ghana, 2020-10) Akagbor, E.A.K.
    The study explored the significance of Ghana’s participation in international peacekeeping as a tool in the pursuit of the country’s foreign policy objectives. In pursuance of the mission of the Ghana Armed Forces, it provides troops for United Nations, Commonwealth, African Union and sub-regional peacekeeping operations. Through secondary and primary data, the study interrogated the role of the GAF in Ghana’s foreign policy formulation and implementation in the area of PSOs in West Africa between 1990 and 2016. Secondly, the study rationalized Ghana’s participation in these PSOs and how it has inured to achieving our foreign policy objectives. Findings from the study suggests that participation in international peacekeeping has been a core foreign policy tool since 1957 and the GAF participation in international peacekeeping constitutes one of the various ways through which Ghana’s foreign policy is conducted. Also the GAF implements foreign policy and ensures peace in the sub region by providing troops for United Nations, Commonwealth, African Union and sub-regional peacekeeping operations, which are all in tandem with Ghana’s foreign policy of good neighbourliness and multilateralism. The GAF has effectively served Ghana’s foreign policy in the international stage and especially in the ECOWAS sub region. The study concludes that the GAF participation in international peacekeeping constitutes one of the various ways through which Ghana’s foreign policy of Pan Africanism; membership of international organizations, good neighbourliness and the maintenance of international peace and security are projected. The study recommends that the GAF must be well briefed and coached on Ghana’s foreign policy and be made aware that participating in international peacekeeping operations do not only constitute service to the GAF but plugs into the implementation of Ghana’s foreign policy.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour and Job Satisfaction of a Leading Hotel in Ghana
    (University of Ghana, 2020-07) Atua - Ntow, N.Y.O.
    This study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR), organisational citizenship behaviour and job satisfaction in a leading hotel in Ghana. The study examines the nature and form of CSR practices of a hotel, the influence of employees’ perception of corporate social responsibility and organisational citizenship behaviour as well as the independent relationship between job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour. A Four-Star hotel in the heart of Accra was selected. Specifically, Marriott International Hotel, Accra was the organisation used for this study. The study employed the concurrent mixed-method approach to gather data at a point in time. Regression analysis was used in analysing the survey data of 162 respondents. Content analysis was also used in analysing the 2018 annual report of the hotel as well as the 2019 annual report of their corporate social responsibility program. Findings from the study showed that the CSR practices of the hotel were more economic in nature and it focused more on education and training. Results from the quantitative analysis showed that, employees had a positive perception of the hotel’s CSR practices. Further analysis showed that, employees’ perception of CSR practices influenced organisational citizenship behaviour. Specifically, economic CSR had the strongest predictor on organisational citizenship behaviour. Again, results from the independent relationship between organisational citizenship behaviour and job satisfaction showed that, job satisfaction significantly predicted organisational citizenship behaviour. Given the findings, it was recommended that, the hotel should focus more on its philanthropic CSR practices to increase the pro-social behaviours of employees.
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    Care of the Aged in Contemporary Ghana
    (University of Ghana, 2019-07) Yeboah, A.O.
    The population of Ghana and the world at large is not only growing but it is also greying. This increase in the number of senior citizens has come with its accompanying challenges and this has placed it on the world’s agenda. The growing number of older persons in Ghana, a country which valued norms of reciprocity and filial piety, has brought about new forms of elder care because of the decline in extended family support. This research project used qualitative methodology specifically in-depth and semi-structured interviews with older residents of Mercy Home and members of Help Age to understand the normative values and expectations of what constitutes quality care for the elderly and how caregiving affects quality of life. It explored the perceptions of both caregivers and the elderly about emerging forms of caregiving arrangements. Challenges faced by caregivers in providing quality care for the elderly was also explored. Findings from the study revealed that older persons expect caregivers to assist them with activities of daily living. Participants cited disability status, location of children, finance, values and availability of caregivers as factors determining caregiving method adopted. All participants believed caregiving impacts quality of life. Additionally, challenges faced by caregivers ranged from financial to emotional and physical. This study contributes to literature by providing qualitative insight into the normative values and expectations of older persons.
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    A Morpho - Semantic Study of Dericatives in Badīc Al-Zamān Alhamadhāni’s Assemblies
    (University Of Ghana, 2017-07) Ahmed, A.H.N.
    The study focused on the Morpho-Semantic structure of derivatives in Badīc al-Zamān al-Hamadhāni. It sought to answer three key questions: To what extents has the maqāmāt featured derivatives? What are the major types of derivatives in maqāmāt? And what are the connotations of these derivatives in various contexts? In order to answer these three questions, the researcher had to combine descriptive approach with contextual analysis. This made it possible for him to trace, identify, and classify the various derivatives found in the maqāmāt, and to describe and analyze them appropriately. The study contributes towards a purposeful application of grammar rules on relevant classical text, a phenomenon that many researchers have been calling for in recent times. Below are some of the major findings of the study: 1. Derivation is one of the crucial tools of generating words and increasing vocabulary stock and jargons in Arabic language. 2. Derivatives contribute in identifying the actual root of words, which in turn helps to differentiate foreign words from original ones. 3. There is a clear variation in the degree of occurrence of the derivatives; the descriptive derivatives occurred 278 times, while prescriptive derivatives occurred 384 times. 4. The various connotations of the derivatives contributed towards enriching literary images and portraits in maqāmāt.
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    Towards Electing Women into National Executive Offices: Challenges of Women’s Political Participation within Political Parties in Ghana’s Fourth Republic.
    (University of Ghana, 2020-06) Dwaah, E.A.A.
    Since the commencement of the fourth republic on 7th January 1993, the NDC and NPP have dominated the space of governance. As such, these parties have become major vehicles that drive citizens’ participation in politics. Political participation, therefore becomes complete when all members of the party including women are able to participate at the peak of the party as occupants of the high national executive offices. The thesis seeks to explain why no woman has been able to occupy the high executive offices of these parties at the national level. The high executive offices the study considers include: national chairperson, General Secretary and National Organizer. The research findings were obtained purely through the qualitative research design and review of literature significant to the study. The qualitative method was used because it allows for depth of information more than what the quantitative design offers. One on one interviews were conducted with a total of fifteen people which included eight women and seven men who are currently serving, or have served, or have aspired to be national executives of the two major parties. The participants shared their rich political experiences and challenges with the researcher. The key to understanding why women have been absent at the national executive offices rest on a number of factors that include; their physiological make up which usually makes them object of insults and mockery when they contest, party processes that puts men at an advantage over women and the party ideology that largely influences women’s access to these offices.
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    Influence of Psychological Contract Breach on Organizational Commitment: A Study of Teachers in the Ga East Municipality of Accra, Ghana
    (University Of Ghana, 2020-07) Amoah, V.S.
    This study sought to examine the influence of psychological contract breach (PCB) on employees’ affective, continuance and normative commitment. It also examined leader-member exchange (LMX) as a moderator of the relationship between PCB and the dimensions of organizational commitment. Job embeddedness (JE) and organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) were also examined as mediators of this relationship. Two hundred and ninety-eight (298) teachers were conveniently sampled from both private and public schools within the Ga-East Municipality of Accra for this quantitative cross-sectional survey. Data were analyzed using hierarchical regression test and independent t-test. Results indicated PCB was negatively related to a) affective commitment and c) normative commitment. LMX did not moderate the relationship between PCB and the dimensions of organizational commitment. JE mediated the relationship between PCB and the dimensions of commitment. Public school teachers reported high levels of PCB as compared to their counterparts in the private schools. Findings of this study indicate PCB reduces teachers’ commitment. Stakeholders in the education sector ought to institute measures to reduce or eliminate it. Frequent boot camps can be organized to reiterate obligations owed to employees so as to clear any misconceptions.
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    The “Big Switch”; Plastics to Paper. Ghana’s Long Eco Journey: Challenges, Prospects and Opportunities.
    (University of Ghana, 2020-02) Yeboah, A.A.
    This study examines the plastic pollution menace globally and its ramifications for Ghana. The study was motivated by the increasing wave of plastic production and its attendant disposal challenges. Deploying a qualitative methodology, the study used primary sources like interviews and reviewed secondary data on plastic pollution in addition to a field research involving senior public officials and private citizens. The findings of this study show that there is a major global effort, led by the United Nations, to protect the environment in general and manage plastic waste in particular. Of utmost significance in this regard is the Basel Convention which has recently been amended to include provisions on plastic waste management. The study also assessed the capacity of Ghana to deal with plastic pollution and the findings show that although the country is signatory to several international Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and has made efforts to domesticate some of them, it lacks the political will to fully implement them. For example, the country is currently having challenges with landfill sites to manage waste, yet the study could not establish that there are plans to make substantial investments in recycling or incineration of waste, apart from a few private sector initiatives. The study concludes with some recommendations on how the Government of Ghana can rally citizens to reduce plastic pollution on the environment.
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    Household Characteristics and Maternal Mortality in Ghana
    (University of Ghana, 2019-07) Foli, M.
    Pregnancy is a pre-condition to reproduction and childbearing. However, the life-threatening risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth have turned the whole process into one full of anxiety and fear as some women never make it alive. Upon several efforts by governments and international organizations, it is sad to still see families losing their loved ones during pregnancy or childbirth especially in our part of the world. Numerous studies tend to focus on the provision and utilization of health care services for women or government efforts targeted at reducing the maternal mortality canker. This study takes it a step further by looking at the relationship between maternal mortality and the household characteristics of the deceased women taking into account the family system in Africa in which decisions are usually made at the household level, and such decisions being influenced by the characteristics of the household. The study made use of the 2017 Ghana Maternal Health Survey in which women within the reproductive age (15-49) answered several questions concerning their reproductive health, utilization of health facilities, and their socio-demographic characteristics. A verbal autopsy was also conducted in households in which a female aged 12-49 has died in the five years prior to the survey. The study used binary logistic regression to assess the relationship between household characteristics, individual characteristics and maternal mortality. The results showed that the household characteristics were not significant predictors of maternal mortality but rather the individual characteristics like age and marital status were found to be significantly associated with maternal mortality. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the government put more effort into educating adolescents on maternal health issues since they are the most vulnerable group.
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    Examining the Adoption of Green Energy Technologies in the Hospitality Industry from 2010 to 2018 in La Dade-Kotopon Municipality
    (University of Ghana, 2019-07) Danquah, S.K.
    The global campaign against the use of conventional energy sources due to its resultant harmful effects coupled with the erratic nature of power supply in Ghana, high-energy consumption of hotels as well as issues surrounding environment sustainability necessitated the study. The study examined the adoption perspectives of GETs in the La Dade-Kotopon Municipality from 2010 to 2018, with focus on the types of adopted GETs, factors contributing to the adoption and non-adoption of green energy technologies and a review of the national policy frameworks in promoting the adoption of GETs. A census was conducted to study all the fifteen (15) registered hotels in the LADMA to assess the measures that were taken during the load shedding (dumsor) period with concentration on GET adoption. In addition, key resource persons were purposively selected and interviewed based on their roles in the promotion of GETs whilst private entrepreneurs were also interviewed to gain more perspective on some issues raised by the hotels. The findings of the research revealed that hotels largely adopted solar PVs due to their knowledge of the product and its availability on the market. Again, hotels adopted green energy technologies in order to cut down cost of electricity and to gain constant supply of electricity. However, the cost of the GETs coupled with lack of proper understanding of its associated benefits were the major reasons that led to the non-adoption of green energy technologies by some hotels. Furthermore, the country having laid down policies that can largely influence the adoption of GETs, has failed in implementing majority of its provisions. As a result of these findings, the study recommends an educational and awareness campaign for all hotels on GETs, granting of subsidizes on components of GETs, implementation of key provisions within the national policy framework and proper coordination between the regulatory bodies in charge of the activities of hotels to promote the uptake of GETs.
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    Road Infrastructure Construction Dynamics: Causes of Delays and Its Effects on Pedestrians’ Safety in Ghana
    (University of Ghana, 2019-07) Acheampong, S.K.
    The purpose of the study is to research into road infrastructure construction dynamics with focus on causes of delays and its effects on pedestrians’ safety in Ghana. Using a comparative analysis to examine dynamism in road infrastructure construction delays and its effects on pedestrians’ safety, Lapaz (N1) and Madina (N4) highways in Accra Metro and La-Nkwantanag Madina Municipality respectively were selected for the study because N1 was successfully completed on time while N4 is suffering delay. The study looked at pedestrian safety on the two highways. These roads were constructed within the last 10 years. The objectives of the study were to examine the causes of delays in road infrastructure projects and road construction project cycles on the Lapaz (N1) and Madina (N4) highways that accompany the construction of footbridges, zebra crossings and street and traffic lights, to identify the effects of the road construction delay on government, contractors and pedestrians on the Lapaz (N1) and Madina (N4) highways, and to identify measures adopted by both contractors and government to curbing delay of road infrastructure projects and its effects on pedestrians’ safety on the Lapaz (N1) and Madina (N4) highways. The study employed mixed method approach which consists of qualitative and quantitative methods. In-depth interviews and questionnaire were instruments used for data collection and the sample size was 190 respondents in all. The findings revealed that pedestrians relatively felt safer using the Lapaz (N1) Highway than Madina (N4) Highway. The study confirmed the three main stages in road project construction which are inception stage, construction stage and after construction stage. Delays were found to mostly occur at the construction stage. Also, factors contributing to the delay were found to be financial constraints, politics, and bad weather conditions, land acquisition difficulties, technical and design related causes, utilities and site related causes. The study revealed that, road infrastructure delay affects both government and contractors in terms of time and cost overrun. Other effects were litigation, total abandonment of projects and company breakdown. These effects were found to have telling effects on pedestrians’ safety because of uncompleted footbridges, zebra-crossings and traffic lights. Pedestrians who ply the road were at risk of getting knocked down by vehicles, died through road accident or injured, fractured and others. All these effects lead to economic and psychological stress on families, loss of productivity, traffic congestion and among others. Financial causes of delay are difficult to curb but other causes of delay such as bad weather, design changes, land acquisition difficulties can be managed and controlled. To avoid delay and improve pedestrian safety, it was found out that enough financial resources and other necessary documents should be inplace before construction begins with respect to the weather and the nature of the environment. When road infrastructure delay occurs during highway construction as in Madina (N4) highway, speed ramps should be constructed to reduce drivers speed and allow pedestrian time to cross safely.