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A long essay or dissertation or thesis involving personal research, written by postgraduates of University of Ghana for a university degree.
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Item Fi.Avoh01ds of Rpipei.Ta Frrrii01 Hi'a • Ahti-Diabetic Pr0pert1 1(3 and Tilv. Reduction 01? Li Vj5i>. Hicr030hal ['I’otjij Fl.'.(University of Ghana, 1993-09) Mills-Robertsoh, F.C.; Addy, M.E.; University of Ghana, College of Basic and Applied Sciences School of Biological Sciences Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular BiologyThe an t. i - d i a b&t i c pr oper t ies of f .1 9 von oide: -x 11 a : te :i f roid B.r.idj!_l.i.a f.&rj:_a£Li. a p 1 sn t uged 3 1 Ihe 0 en f: r e For Sc 1 ,-n t i f ie Re s e a r c h I n t o F1 an t Medicine (C S RP M ) t o t r e a. t cl i ab e t e s , were vvaluated using streptozotocin -induced d iabet io :ni0e 10 represent insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (I DDK; arid genetically diabetic mice to represent non- ins;.! I in dependent i i ab e t es ;ri e 11 i t u s (NTDDM ) A 1 s o an a I y z ed wa s the ef f e r_-1 c f r extra c 1: 0 n t h e re d u c t ion of 1 i v e r m i c r 0 s 0 in a 1 p r 0 t ? :l r 1 f. . . The possible side■-effeets of the f 1 avon0 id ex1 1 ac-1 01i 1 i ve r and . Jn ey fun c t i on 5 were also ex am in ed . T he t e- s t an i n; n Is were .riven intraperitonea 1 injection of the flavonoid extract dissolved in 0.35% sa 1 in e ,=• o 1 u t i on w l'i i 1 s t t he on t r u 1 s were • i veri 0.85% saline solution w i t h ou t 11"; e 0x t r ac t . 'j' h e r rju Its 3 h 0 w e d t h a t t h e f 13 v 0 n 0 i d e 11 a c t w a s n 01 i; y p o ,e. 3 y c 3 e m i o a s i t 3.;i no ef f eo t on t he p 1 asraa glucose levels nf n jn • d j abe tic ■nice . A11 h 0 u g h the ext r a c t d i d n o t p r e v en t t h e d e v e ! o p in en t o f y erglyc s em i a in t he TDDM r.iod e 1 af t er t. he ST1 in j e t i on . i t ' *J r educe the non • f ast ing p 1 asma gIu00se levels si.eni - i an 11 y . w h erea s s u >:h e f f e c t o n f a s 1: i r j g 10 v ■; 1 w a s a I s n t 01 • ''101 signif ioant. In the cnee of the HIDDH m■: *.• 1 tii^ x '• v3.01 ■j e c r e as e d signifies r-1L y t h e n c ■ > s - f a s l.. j r 1 c. y \ .a, :i-; ! 1 <. ^ - f >.•1 . about but thf;i e u n j.c < i,|ie . ting p J a s rii a g 1 u c o s e . T h e 7- e s u .11 s t I <•> z:; o iv e ■! < b , 1 • i j ' h e s s t a ri i 111 a 1 s :i 1 j b c I: h ]. DDM u i: d f 11D D f 1 m fit L::: , 1,;--j. , w ≪., ^ /\ [) p f; y ■'.o0 hr Gine V 3 !>Ci r ed n L a e ar• K i v i I, y an !..!,■;■:?■ i.: •. ! s , ■. 11 hong h b <:• I: h t e s t ? n - J 0 - j n t r 0 I r- 11 - •' j ■■■ s 11 - -• r 0 !- \ * i \ v e r I avono ids , wh ioh are not hypog1 y c ae m ic , redu c-e pos t pr a n d i a 1 P asEta glucose levels in d iabet ic pa ti en ts . There is also an indication that t h e y red u c e the ac t i v i t y o f d r ug met ab o J. i s in g •res, probably the ones involving the cytochrome F450DM . j.jiryme. t?u toxic side-effects on the liver and kidney were !' rved.Item Reaction of Some Oil Palm (Elae1s Guineensis Jacq) Tenera Progenies to Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp, Elae Idis Causal Agent of Vascular Wilt Disease of Oil Palm(University of Ghana, 1995-12) Tagoe, S.M.A.; Oduro, K.A.; Lamptey, P.N.L.; University of Ghana, College of Basic and Applied Sciences School of Agriculture Department of Crop ScienceStudies were carried out on the reaction o f some oil palm tenera progenies to Fusarium oxysporum f sp elaeidis (FOFSE) isolates isolated from the Crops Research Institute and Oil Palm Research Institute plantations, in Akumadan and Kusi respectively. Four isolates, P. 38, P.50, P.459 and P.568 were obtained from Akumadan and the remaining one, P. 93 from Kusi. The growth and cultural characteristics o f the isolates were studied on Dehydrated Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), Fresh Potato Dextrose Agar and Potato Sucrose Agar (PSA). Fresh PDA and PSA were fo u n d to he the most suitable media fo r culturing FOFSE. Cultural characteristics o f the isolates on agar plates showed differences with respect to the pigments p r o d u c e d A l l the isolates also had different measurements with respect to length and width o f the macroconidia produced. Four isolates, namely P. 38, P.50, P. 93 and P. 459 were fo u n d to be variants o f FOFSE while Isolate P.568 was fo u n d to be either Fusarium solani or a mixture o f this and FOFSE. Six tenera progenies, G9, G25, G30, G44, G51 and G84 selected from Oil Palm Research Institute (OPRI) breeding stock at Kusi were tested against the Fusarium isolates using different inoculation methods. Results obtained from sensitivity tests using germinated nuts o f the progeneies in the laboratory were inconclusive. About 80% o f the germinated nuts reacted differently to the various isolates. With regard to susceptibility and virulence tests carried out in the screen house using seedlings, progeny G30 was fo u n d to be the most resistant while progeny G44 was the most susceptible to the fungal isolates. O f the studied FOFSE isolates, isolate P. 38 and P459 were fo u n d to be highly virulent while P. 50 was the least virulent.Item Traditional Medicine in Namnam Land(University of Ghana, 1980) Chabot, J. H. C.; Opoku, K. A.; University of Ghana, College of Humanities, Institute of African StudiesRecent studies Magaro, lllich, Guerra....) indicate that medical systems are moulded more by culture than by science, ihis is even more so with traditional medical systems whcih are tigthly interwoven to the fabric of the society which they serve. Namnam, an ethnic group of North Eastern Ghana, is a functional unit composed:of two clusters of clans: the land owners, or real Namnam, and mamprussi settlers who 'eat' the chieftaincy. Their main occupations are farming and hunting, their system of beliefs supports a world view which acknowledges the existence of spiritual entities as well as man's continuous traffic with those. In order to do so, man has elaborated an effective communication system which puts him in contact with spiritual entities who influence the life of the individual. Namnam medical system has for object the restoration of an individual's ritual status. It is a closed tut permeable system which depends on and reinforces a world view which justifies the modalities and technologies used in curing illness. It is within this frar.ework, according V a precise internal logic that an individual becomes healer, ihe process of selection-training-confiriation being decreed by God sacralizes the position. It is not the healer who is credited with cures but his spirits. His only credit is that of being the caretaker of his nandoo. The nandoo and the room in which it is housed are the nerve center of the practice which is part and parcel of the daily life of the household as Namnam healers work in their own homes. A healer's guarantee of prosperity is his reputation and his fame, .The practice will diminish or grow at the rythm of his ability to obtain satisfactory results as it is the patient who chooses between the many alternatives offered to him when Searching for a cure to his afflictions. Namnam medical system shows itself as the individual oriented maintenance aspect of the societal organization, because it treats the multidimentionality of man and his world, the medical system of Namnam is holistic.Item Variability and Heterosis in Cowpea(Vigna Unguiculata (L ) Walp. )Accessions from four Regions of Ghana(University of Ghana, 1991-08) Bennett-Lartey, S.O.; Blay, E.T.; Ofori, IForty-five cowpea accessions, randomly selected from cowpea germplasm from four cowpea growing regions of Ghana, namely, Upper East, Upper West, Northern and Eastern Regions, were characterized and evaluated at the Plant Genetic Resources Unit of the Crops Research Institute at Bunso with the objective to determine the range of variability in the samples with respect to vegetative, inflorescence and fruit characters. The variability in the samples was used to initiate hybridization among some selected accessions from the collection. Subsequently heterosis was determined for flowering and maturity dates and yield and yield components in four crosses among the selected accessions with the view to improving the yield. Large variability was observed in most of the qualitative characters, particularly growth habit, twining tendency, plant and pod pigmentation, raceme position, pod attachment to peduncle and flower colour of the germplasm. The accessions differed significantly in their days to flowering and maturity, peduncle length, number of peduncles per plant, number of pods per plant, pod length, number of seeds per plant, 100-se.ed weight and grain yield per plant. There were also significant between- and within region differences In these characters. Heterosis for pods per plant .and grain yield per plant in all the four crosses was positive and high. This was particularly so for grain yield per plant for the cross between accessions 87/27 and 87/157 in which heterosis was about 130%. University of Ghana The possibility of using accessions 87/27 and 87/157 for future improvement programmes of the crop is discussed based on their performance in this work.Item What Are the Health Service Factors Contributing To Persistent Low Immunization Coverage In The Volta Region; The Case of Nkwanta District(University of Ghana, 1998-09) Alisheke, L.; Bonsu, F.; University of Ghana, College of Health Sciences, School of Public Health; Antwi, PThe programme of immunization against polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, tuberculosis, and measles has reached all the sub-districts of Nkwanta district, but it has not yet had a demonstrable effect on low EPI coverage. The study looked at the possible health service factors leading to persistent low EPI coverage in the district particularly on the adequacy of EPI supplies to the periphery and the strategies used in EPI in the district. Data were collected from all the Community Health Nurses (CHNs) and from heads of health facilities using structured questionnaires and checklist. It was established that among the health service factors hindering high achievement of EPI coverage were lack of team spirit among health workers and maldistribution of CHNs resulting in some areas without EPI services. Inability to resolve administrative and managerial issues had also influenced EPI uptake in the district. But failure to adequately supply the periphery with EPI logistic supplies and non-adherence to Ministry of Health’s recommended EPI strategies for low coverage areas were perhaps the greatest shortcomings. The main recommendations were that just as much as the Ministry of Health headquarters were to make available enough EPI materials to the RHMT for onward distribution to the district, the DHMT should also try to supplement its existing strategies (static and out-reach) with occasional mini-mass campaigns to improve coverage and that the DHMT should resolve its administrative and managerial problems in the sub-districts.