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A long essay or dissertation or thesis involving personal research, written by postgraduates of University of Ghana for a university degree.
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Item Some Problems of Second Language Acquisition (With Special Reference to the Written English of Ghanaian Students in Secondary Schools)(University of Ghana, 1988-01) Hyde, F.B.Item Development of Precooked Foods Process and Product Evaluation(University of Ghana, 1983-06) Masopeh, E.A pre-cooked food has developed from cornmeal and cowpead flour . The cowpea seeds were germinated and also dehulled. Control seeds of these treatments were made. Method used in the preparation of the product was steaming and traditional roasting in the earthen- ware mashing boul. Chemical analysis on the products Showed that the product developed had a higher protein content than cornmeal . Evaluation of the functional characteristics revealed that the water absorbed by the products increased with an increase in the number of germination days . The undehulled products also absorbed water and swelled more than the dehulled products. This ws attributed to the presence of the seed coat in the undehulled sead products. There was not much difference in the water absorption and swelling properties with respect to the levels of corn and cowpea. Viscoamylograph runs showed no change in the gelatinisation of the germinated seed products , however there was a little increase in the viscosity of the ungerminated seed product during the holding and cooling sections. Sensory evaluation of the corn-cowpea product showed that the product was acceptable. Anaalysis of variance calculations showed a significant (p~ 0.01) effect of dehulling and cersination on the colour, odor, flavor and tho beneral acceptability of the nroducts The panelists could detect differences in the different products subjected to the different treatments. A second product similar to the corn-cowpea product was developed from corndough. Fermented and unfermented corndough were used. Functional characteristics analysis showed a high water absorption and swelling of unfermented corndough products. Analysis on the product Showed no significant difference in the colour, odor etc . of the fermented and unfermented corndough products . However, the unfermented corndough product was more acceptable.Item Competition between Corcyra Cephalonica (Staint) and Ephestia Cautella (WLK.) and Study of Radiosensitivity of the Immature Stages of Corcyra Cephalonica(University of Ghana, 1982-08) Allotey, J.Competition between Corcyra cephalonica and Ephestia cautella and radiosensitivity of the immature stages of C. cephalonica was studied. Developmental periods of the two species under similar ambient conditions but different locations were determined . Competition under limited and abundance of standard medium and broken cocoa beans was studied when the two species exist alone, one before the other and when introduced together . It was concluded that in competition E cautella becomes extinct, with. cephalonica remaining as the successful species. A detai led study of oviposition preferences of the two species when given the choice of three food commodities; standard medium, broken cocoa beans and groundnut was studied. Other studies include egg-hatchability, age and effect of population on fecundity and for the first time the daily activity patterns of the larvae of C cephalonica and E cautella have been studied in a unique way. Radiosensitivity of the developmental stages: eggs, larvae and pupae of C. Cephalonica has also been investigated .Item The Police and Society: A Study of the Role of the Police in the Ghanaian Polity, (1957-79)(University of Ghana, 1981-12) Ansah-Koi, K.Item The Bio-Ecology of Aedes Aegypti Linn., (Dipt: Culicidae) with Particular Reference to the Immature Stages, at Legon and Surrounding Areas(University of Ghana, 1982-07) Addo-Ashong, R.C.Item Allelochemicals from Sorghum Bicolor that Stimulate Feeding by the Larvae of the Stem Borer Chilo Partellus(University of Ghana, 1988-08) Torto, B.Feeding bioassays with cellulose acetate discs impregnated with the hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of the leaf-whorls of field grown plants of sorghum cultivars IS 18363 (susceptible) and IS 2205 (resistant) showed that the methanol extracts were most stimulatory to the feeding of the third-ins tar larvae of Chilo partellus. Ethyl acetate extracts were intermediate in stimulatory activity whilst hexane extracts were the least stimulatory. Extracts of the more susceptible cultivar were more stimulatory than those of the more resistant cultivar and those of the whorls of the 3 week old plants were more stimulatory to larvae than those of the 6 week old plants. The phagostimulatory compounds in the ethyl acetate extracts were phenolic, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde and phydroxybenzoic acid being the major components and ferulic and caffeic acids being in minor amounts. p-Coumaric acid was also present in minor amounts but was non-stimulatory at all the doses tested. p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde was a more potent feeding stimulant for the larvae relative to some of its possible theoretical biogenetic analogues. Limited structure-activity studies with some hydroxybenzoic acids and their corresponding cinnamic acids showed that the former were more stimulatory to the feeding of the larvae than the latter and that oxygen substitution in the benzene ring was crucial for activity. The phagostimulatory compounds in the methanol extracts were phenolic, identical to those in the ethyl acetate extracts, and sugars. The sugars which were identified in the extracts comprised sucrose, fructose, glucose and xylose. The feeding response of larvae to these sugars followed the order sucrose » glucose fructosei xylose was non-stimulatory. Comparison of the activities of sucrose with mixtures of glucose and fructose showed that the high activity of the disaccharide is due to its total structure and not to a summation of its monosaccharide moieties. Sugars synergised with phenolics to give enhanced feeding response of the third-instar larvae. Chromatographic analyses of the extracts showed that stimulatory and non-stimulatory components in the extracts differed quantitatively rather than qualitatively in the whorls of the two cultivars at the two growth stages. This may have implication in resistance screening and breeding programmes.Item The Influence of Islam on the Dagbamba in the Twentieth Century(University Of Ghana, 1989-04) Seidu, S.A.Throughout the ten regions of Ghana, is in the northern Region where a very large concentration muslims are found and this concentration is centred on the Dagbamba. though Islam reached dagbon after crossing a vast stretch of land within Ghana where various tribes live, Islam did not make any serious impact on the people until it reached Dagbon. Islam has so much influenced the Dagbamba such that a majority of their cultural practices have been overshadowed by Islamic ones.Item Akyem Abuakwa C.1874 - 1943: A Study of the Impact of Missionary Activities and Colonial Rule on a Traditional State(University of Ghana, 1980-04) Addo-Fening, R.This thesis is a study of the nature and extent of the pressures -social, economic and political - that the Basel Missionaries and British colonial Administrators brought to bear on Akyem Abuakwa society during the period 1874-1943. The study also examines the state's responses to these pressures and the extent to which they were conditioned by her pre-european historical experience, her ethos, the strengths and weaknesses of her institutional arrangements, the quality of her political leadership and her resources. The general conclusions that emerge from this study are that missionary activities and colonial policies brought a great deal of material progress to Akyem Abuakwa society: the quality of life was improved by the spread of western-style education, by the adoption of new skills, by improved medical care and by infrastructural developments; changes in the customary penal system made the administration of justice more humane; while the evolution of a modem-style bureaucracy at the courts of the chiefs and the adoption of certain administrative routines enabled the complicated and diverse functions of modem government to be effectively discharged. Those positive results were, however, off-set by negative and harmful results: the spiritual foundations of Akyem Abuakwa were seriously undermined by widespread and wilful violation of time-honoured customary taboos by missionary converts in the name of religious freedom as well as by the introduction of a dichotomy between 'church’ and ‘state’, between religion and politics; the cohesion and solidarity of Abuakwa society suffered great damage by the creation of salems whose Christian inhabitants held aloof from the life of the wider community; existing social conflicts were sharpened while new, more serious and harmful ones were introduced by the concept of territorial jurisdiction as embodied in the N.J.O., by the distortion of the character and role of chieftaincy, and by the destruction of the religious conformity of the state; the wakening of extended family ties, growing emphasis on individualism and the failure of Christianity to deal adequately with the trauma. of rapid social and. economic change created problems of security which expressed themselves in alcoholism and neurosis; above all the exploitation of Abuakwa’s immense resources -human and natural - for the greater benefit of her alien rulers resulted in the under-development of the state.Item Electroconvulsive Therapy with Schizophrenics Cognitive Dysfunction and Psychomotor Effect: A Study in Ghana(University of Ghana, 1983-07) Krafona, K.The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of eletroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on cognitive function in schizophrenics. Eighty-nine subjects made up of 60 acute schizophrenics and 29 normal, subjects were used for the study. Thirty of the schizophrenics were on phenothiazine and were also referred for ECT; the other 30 were on phenothiazine alone. Electroconvulsive therapy was administered twice a week for three weeks. Subjects were tested on memory, problem-solving and psychomotor tests after each ECTIt was observed that ECT-phenothiazine patients performed poorer than phenothiazine alone patients as well as normal subjects on memory tests after Ear. It was also found that after ECT, the ECT-phenothiazine patients had poorer scores on psychomotor tests than the phenothiazine alone patients as well as the normal, subjects. Females in the ECT-phenothiazine group had poorer scores than males in the same group on problem solving tests.There was no evidence to support the hypothesis that after ECT, auditory tests will suffer more than visual recognition tests. The results generally indicated that ECT has adverse effects on memory, problem solving and psychomotor activities. The memory problems associated with ECT were found to be transient.Item The Performance of some Cultivars of Common Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) at Kpong (Ghana)(University of Ghana, 1980-06) Lamptey, T.V.O.The performance of 16 cultivate of common wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) was studied at Kpong in 8 monthly plantings to ascertain the possibility of growing wheat on the Accra plains.