Department of Arabic
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Item Pronouns between Arabic and Hausa Languages: A Comparative Study(University Of Ghana, 2017-07) Ahmed, H.S.The research investigated the nature of pronouns in Arabic and Hausa Languages. It focused on the similarities and differences in the structure of the major types of pronouns in both languages. The points of convergence and divergences in the conception and use of pronouns in the two languages was emphasized throughout the chapters of the study. The study adopted a descriptive contrastive and analytical approach, whereby the researcher identified key issued relating to pronouns in both language, described and analyzed them in detail. Below are some of the key findings of the study: 1. The pronouns are more comprehensive and complicated in Arabic Language than in Hausa Language. The comprehensiveness reflects in multiplicity and diversity of class of pronouns, inflectional positions and functions among others. 2. The Pronouns of Arabic Language are distinct from those of Hausa Language in terms of the presence of peculiar forms for dual and feminine-plural pronouns. 3. Hausa language has eight pronouns only. The discrete pronouns are the same as the enclitic pronouns whereby they are formed sometimes by addition and other times by elision. 4. With respect to pronouns in Hausa Language, some of the terms and nomenclatures of Pronouns of Arabic Language do not exist.Item Intertextuality in West African Arabic Poetry an Analytical Study(University Of Ghana, 2017-07) Dawasi, O.Y.The study explored intertexuality in the West African Arabic poetry, seeking to demonstrate how West African scholars incorporate classical works in their own poetic compositions, without compromising originality and quality. The overriding purpose of the work was to highlight the import of intertexuality in West African poetry through a representative sample of poetic pieces. In other to accomplish this, the researcher had to combine descriptive analysis with literary criticisms. This paved the way for extraction and description of the various forms of intertexuality such as allusion, quotation, and calque, and to explain how these are recontextaulized in the West African Arabic poetry. It is hoped that the study will contribute towards our understanding of the thematic connection between the West African Arabic poetry on the one hand and classical Arabic poetry on the other. Below are some of the major findings: 1. There is a clear distinction between plagiarism and intertextuality in terms of express intention and how they are rendered. This is quite clear from the pieces of poetry analyzed in this study. 2. Direct quote is its varying forms are a clear illustration of intertextuality from West African poetry. 3. Intertextuality in West African Arabic poetry emanates from two primary sources; religious texts, mainly Quran and Hadith, and Classical Arabic literature; prose and poems alike. 4. The poets differ considerably in their approach and style of incorporating previous texts into their own work, while traces of airier texts could easily be traced in the present piece; in some texts they are completely obliterated.Item A Syntactic and Sematic Study of Verbs in West African Poetry(University Of Ghana, 2017-06) Shidai, Y.A.A SYNATACTIC AND SEMATIC STUDY OF VERBS IN WEST AFRICAN POETRY The west African Arabic poetry is recently gaining recognition as a distinctive field worthy of enquiry. Available studies on west African poetry seemed to have tilted towards the literary aspects of this poetry, focusing mainly on the subject matter and thematic areas, as well as rhetoric features among others. Attempts to study the grammar issues relating to this poets have been quite scanty. This underscores the relevance of this study, which seeks to investigate how West African poetry construct their verbal sentences. A preliminary study of samples of Arabic poems from the West African sub-region shows that the poets extensively make use of verbal sentence in varying forms. This study will delve further into this phenomenon, in a bid to find answers to two key questions: what are the major forms of verbal sentences featured in West African Arabic poetry? To what extent does the choice of verbs contribute to the thoughts expressed in the poems? The study will be conducted by means of descriptive linguistic analysis approaches which entail compilation of verbs from various poetic collections, grouping, and analysing them accordingly. As noted earlier the study will contribute towards broadening the horizon of research on West African Arabic poetry. Some of the findings of the study are as follows: 1- It was found that the poets of the region used the verb in all its forms very well, and that helped them to convey meanings for religious advocacy and social purposes. 2- The research has discovered that the primary goal of their poetry is to inculcate good morals. 3- It was discovered that West African scholars have contributed through poetry to the development of the Arabic language and its advancement to a high level. 4- The scientific pearls were raised in the poetry of West African scholars, as the researcher discovered that the poems represent a literary abundance for the region. 5 - The prominent role that the verb plays is evident in the Arabic language in general, and in Arabic poetry in particularItem A Morpho - Semantic Study of Dericatives in Badīc Al-Zamān Alhamadhāni’s Assemblies(University Of Ghana, 2017-07) Ahmed, A.H.N.The study focused on the Morpho-Semantic structure of derivatives in Badīc al-Zamān al-Hamadhāni. It sought to answer three key questions: To what extents has the maqāmāt featured derivatives? What are the major types of derivatives in maqāmāt? And what are the connotations of these derivatives in various contexts? In order to answer these three questions, the researcher had to combine descriptive approach with contextual analysis. This made it possible for him to trace, identify, and classify the various derivatives found in the maqāmāt, and to describe and analyze them appropriately. The study contributes towards a purposeful application of grammar rules on relevant classical text, a phenomenon that many researchers have been calling for in recent times. Below are some of the major findings of the study: 1. Derivation is one of the crucial tools of generating words and increasing vocabulary stock and jargons in Arabic language. 2. Derivatives contribute in identifying the actual root of words, which in turn helps to differentiate foreign words from original ones. 3. There is a clear variation in the degree of occurrence of the derivatives; the descriptive derivatives occurred 278 times, while prescriptive derivatives occurred 384 times. 4. The various connotations of the derivatives contributed towards enriching literary images and portraits in maqāmāt.Item Investigating the Decline of Arabic Studies in Islamic Senior High Schools in the Kumasi Metropolis(University of Ghana, 2015-07) Umar, B.B.The study sought to discover the major causes of fall in standard of Arabic teaching in Kumasi, and to propose effective measures for improving the quality of Arabic language teaching in Islamic secondary schools in Ghana at large. This necessitated a thorough discussion on the development of Arabic studies in Kumasi, as well as a brief biography of selected Muslim scholars, and types of Islamic secondary schools, including their overall objectives and curricula. The study employed a survey method, one of the primary means of gathering basic data on teaching Arabic in Islamic secondary schools, and to describe in detail the reasons for the fall in the standard of Arabic language, in order to reveal some major findings on the phenomenon. The data was gathered via three main research tools: structured and un-structured questionnaire, personal interviews with proprietors of Islamic secondary schools among others, and direct observation. Overall, the study made the following revelations: 1. Arabic language has received several attentions across centuries and from all societies, and Ghana is no exception. 2. Arabic language is one of the strongest ropes that bind Muslims together, as it serves as lingua franca among Muslims across the globe. 3. Arabic language is the sole medium via which the Quran, the code of ethics, is preserved. 4. It was established that Arabic language learning at the Islamic school was of a considerable standing before the millennium. 5. It was held that Kumasi had several scholars who contributed to the growth of Arabic language teaching in Ashanti Region. 6. It was revealed that there is general weakness in the standard of Arabic language teaching in secondary schools. 7. It was established that the standard of Arabic language teaching can be improved via effective means such as: • Seeking approval and recognition of certificates acquired by specialists on Arabic and Islamic studies. • Reorganizing the administrative and management structure of Islamic secondary school. • Institutionalizing of supervision of Islamic secondary school.Item Analysis of the Literary Works of Umar Krachie(University Of Ghana, 2015-07) Ummu, A.R.The study examined the poetic output of a prominent Ghanaian Muslim scholar, known as Sheikh Umar bin Abu Bakr Krachie (1850-1934 AD), who wrote extensively between the late 19th and 20th centuries. The object of the study was to bring to light the primary features of Umar's poems across the major poetic genres, and to highlight some of the artistic features embedded in a selective sample of his poetic and prose works. In order to accomplish the aforementioned goals, the study combined historical and descriptive analysis approaches: the former facilitated the acquisition of historical data on Umar's life, as well as some insights into the occasions of his poetic works, while the latter was chiefly used in the description and analysis of Umar's work. Among others, the study revealed the following: 1. Umar's contribution towards to Arabic-Islamic scholarship as at his life-time, had no parallel in Ghana. 2. Beside his prose work on letter writing published in Egypt in 1879, most of his productions are poems of varying themes. 3. He wrote on very pressing and timely occasions such as the devastating impacts of the colonial powers on West Africa. 4. While most of his poetic works across the major genres are in Arabic, he has written a few works in Hausa worthy of note. 5. Apart from a few instances, his poems are characterized by its simplicity; both in terms of thoughts and expressions, and are often devoid of wild imaginations. 6. Umar seemed quite drawn to figures of speech such as assonance, alliteration, and pun, which only beautify poems, but barely contribute in terms of elaboration of thought.Item Performative Styles in Al- Wazir Junayd’s Poetry (Rhetorical Study)(University of Ghana, 2015-06) Hussain, M.A; Ali, H.A.A.; Hafiz, M.; University of Ghana, College of Humanities, School of Languages, Department of ArabicThis study examined the usage of performative sentences, mainly the imperative types in the poetic collection of al-Wazir Junayd (d. 1417 AH), who is considered one of the most prolific and talented West African Muslim writers and poets during the 20th C.E. He was an authority in History, Linguistic, and Literature, and above all, a statesman, and a celebrated poet par excellence. The study sought to determine the degree of the usage of performative sentences in al- Wazir Junayd's anthology entitled: " The Fragrance of Flowers from Heavenly Gardens " a loose translation of the Arabic title "rawā'c al-azhār min rawdat al-jinān", arguably the most comprehensive work of the poet, considering the varied themes found in it. The research employed both an inductive and descriptive analysis approaches to trace and analyze the performative sentences in the anthology, under the purview of classical and contemporary studies on compositional stylistics. It is anticipated that the study will assist readers to adequately appreciate the collection, and shall as well, inspire other researchers to turn their attention towards the rich West African Arabic manuscripts. Below are some of the major findings of the study : 1. The anthology represents a perfect example for exhibiting both classical and contemporary rhetoric and compositional theories. 2. The anthology consists of several performative utterances used in diverse themes across the collection, such as eulogy, elegy, and description. 3. While some of the performative utterances have been used in their traditional senses, several others have deviated from their original senses as in 4 & 5 below. 4. It was established that the imperatives in particular have been used in contexts other than original senses, such as plea, supplication, intersession, and motivation. 5. As well, the interrogatives have been used significantly for different purposes such as interjection, warning, and exaggeration.Item Literary Analysis of Mohammed Amin Bamba's Poems(University of Ghana, 2015-04) Khiawie, A.I.; Atwa, H.A.; Hafiz, M.; University of Ghana, College of Humanities, School of Languages Department of ArabicThis study analyzed the poetic collection of Mohammed Amin Bamba in order to highlight the quality of his works and to shed some light on his contribution on Arabic studies in Ghana. The research was based on protracted face-to-face interviews the writer conducted with the poet over a series of meetings. It equally benefited from rich sources of Arabic, both contemporary and classic. The study adopted an eclectic method; comprising historical analytical, and comparative approaches. As a scholar, Bamba has been very phenomenal, and have had a long and interesting academic enterprise this far. Apart from the school he built in Ejura, he has written generally on diverse themes, however, the most part of his works are poems on religious and socio-cultural occasions in Ghana. This work constitutes the first attempt to study the poetic pieces of Mohammed Amin Bamba in detail. The study revealed the following among others: 1. The poet is particularly passionate about Arabic-Islamic education in Ghana. After a very extensive study in both Ghana and Nigeria, he established his own school, and preoccupied himself with the training of young Muslims in Ajura and Ghana at large. 2. His poems is characterized by accurate diction, straightforward style, and elaboration of thoughts. 3. The poet is very inclined to the traditional style both in terms of content and approach, whereby he dealt with traditional themes such as description, praise, and romance. 4. As a poet, Mohammed Amin Bamba is very fond of traditional figures of speech, mainly simile and metonym, and he used extensively throughout his poems. 5. It was discovered that some of his poems contain obvious prosodic defects mainly in terms of Arabic meters. In some instance, the lines of his poems deviates completely from the specific meters of the poem.Item Religious Excerpts in West African Arabic Literature(University of Ghana, 2015-06) Adam, I.I.; Hussenii, A.A.A.; Mohammed, B.A.; College of Humanities School of Languages Department of ArabicThe study focused on religious excepts and its significance in West African Arabic Poetry, seeking to showcase not only the extent of occurrence of these excerpts, but also its artistic value. The study was carried out on pieces of poems curled from collection of individual poets from the dawn of the twentieth century to date. The essence of the study was to highlight the central role of excerpts technically defined in Arabic Rhetoric as "al-iqtibas" in consolidating the thoughts expressed in West African Arabic poems. The study adopted an inductive and descriptive analytical approaches, whereby the researcher identified, described, and analysed religious excerpts, mainly from Quran and Hadith, that have been featured in the sampled poems. Generally Muslim scholars consider the Quran and Hadith as linguistic masterpieces and standard work worthy of emulation. This primarily explains why Muslim novelists and poets, frequently feature in their works, excerpts from Quran and Hadith. They seek to offer their piece of work, both the requisite linguistic value and authoritative voice. This phenomenon has not been duly explored as far as West African poetry is concerned. This is what necessitated this study. Among others, the study made the following observations: 1. It was established that West African Arabic poets used religious excerpts mainly in exhortation and advice, seeking to influence their audience. 2. The study revealed that religious excepts occurred mostly in descriptive poems, and the poets display a depth of creativity in terms of situating the excerpts in proper context. 3. In the same way, the poet used religious excerpts in poems of complaints and intersession, whereby they featured quotes from Quran and Hadith relating to supplications. 4. It came to light that two main forms of religious excerpts were predominantly used in these poems; direct quotes and indirect quotes. In the latter, the poets reproduced the meaning contained in specific quotes, while in the former they used same words to convey same thoughts. 5. It emerged that the goal for replicating religious excepts in most of the poems, was to inculcate sound morals in the audienceItem Method of cal to Allah as against Religious Innovation in west Africa: A scientific Research for Solution(2016-11-04) Abdur-Rahman, B.S.