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Item The distribution of hrHPV genotypes among cervical cancer cases diagnosed across Ghana: a cross-sectional study(BMC Infectious Diseases, 2024) Akakpo, P.K.; Darkwa‑Abrahams, A.; Wiredu, E.K.Background The burden of cervical cancer in Ghana is high due to a lack of a national screening and vaccination program. Geographical variations in high-risk Human Papilloma Virus incidence and type should be considered for vaccine improvement and screening in LMICs. Methods A descriptive, multi-center cross-sectional study with purposive sampling of cases with cervical cancer diagnosed from January 2012 through to December 2018 was employed relying on archived Formalin Fixed Paraf‑ fn Embedded (FFPE) tissues from four (4) Teaching Hospitals. Cervical cancers were assessed for histopathological features following WHO guidelines. In addition, the novel Tumour Budding and Nest Size Grade (TBNS) for SCC, SILVA pattern of invasion for EAC and Tumour Infltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) were assessed. High Risk HPV testing was performed using an isothermal, multiplex nucleic acid amplifcation method from ATILA biosystem (Mountain View California, USA). The FFPE blocks were tested for 15 hrHPV genotypes. Results were analyzed using SPSS v.26.0, with descriptive statistics and cross-tabulation and chi-square tests done with signifcance established at p<0.05. Results A total of 297 cases were identifed for the study with ages ranging from 20 to 95 years. The peak age group for cervical cancer was 46 to 55 years. For those tested, hrHPV positivity rate was 85.4% [EAC (84.6%) and SCC (85.6%)]. The top fve hrHPV serotypes for both histological cancers were 59 (40.0%), 35 (32.0%), 18 (30.0%), 16 (15.0%), and 33 (10.0%) respectively. Approximately, 58.2% of infections were multiple. Single hrHPV infections were mostly caused by hrHPV 59 (28.9%), and 16 (26.3%). TBNS grade for SCC, SILVA pattern of invasion for EAC and TILs did not show any statistically signifcant relationship with hrHPV. Conclusion We afrm reported diferences in hrHPV types associated with cervical cancer in Ghana with hrHPV types such as 59, 35, and 33 forming a signifcant proportion of hrHPV types associated with cervical cancer. This difer‑ ence in hrHPV types should guide vaccine improvement and triaging of hrHPV positives. Though multiple infections are more common, some hrHPV types such as hrHPV 16 and 59 are responsible for most single infections associated with cervical cancer. Simple haematoxylin and eosin-based morphological assessments can improve the prognostica‑ tion of patients with cervical cancer.Item Diagnostic utility of selected faecal biochemical parameters in the determination of acute diarrhoea and associated defecation stooling characteristics in dogs: An observational study(Veterinary and Animal Science, 2024) Acheampong, O.D.; Ofori, E.K.; Johnson, S.A.M.; et al.Diarrhoea, which is a clinical manifestation of various illnesses, is frequently observed in dogs. Regrettably, many dog owners find it difficult to provide comprehensive case histories, primarily because of limited interaction with their canine companions. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of faecal biochemical analytes in detecting and characterizing acute diarrhoea in dogs. Sixty-two domestic dogs were selected using the proportionate stratified sample technique. A structured questionnaire was used to collect demographic and clinical data. Faecal stool specimens from the dogs were obtained using the colon flush technique. The specimens were taken through biochemical analysis to determine urea, creatinine, total bilirubin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, gamma-glutamyl transferase and uric acid levels. Results showed a significant association between the diarrhoea status of the participants and their age, weight, breed, body size, source of last diet, period of inappetence, and other gastrointestinal signs (p < 0.050, respectively). Dogs that had not eaten in at least three days were five times more likely (p < 0.05) to have diarrhoea. Furthermore, miniature breeds were about six times more likely to develop diarrhoea (p < 0.05). Of the seven selected biochemical parameters, total faecal cholesterol was the most predictive index in diagnosing acute diarrhoea in dogs, with a likelihood ratio of 6.5, and it was the most accurate in predicting defecation stooling frequency and texture. In summary, in situations of inadequate case histories, measuring total faecal cholesterol could assist veterinarians in detecting diarrhoea and predicting its faecal stooling texture and frequency in dogs.Item A diverse spectrum of mycoses histologically diagnosed in Ghana: Insights from a 10-year retrospective study(Medical Mycology, 2024) Ocansey, B.; Erskine, I.; Pappoe-Ashong, P.; et al.In Ghana, most laboratory diagnoses of severe mycoses are based on histopathology findings due to inadequate availability of serology, culture, and molecular tests. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spectrum of mycoses diagnosed in Ghana. We retrospectively reviewed reports from 2012 to 2021 from three major pathology laboratories in Ghana to identify reports indicating the presence of fungal elements and diagnosis of a mycosis, then extracted demographic, clinical history, site of infection, stain(s), used and diagnosed mycosis details. Over the 10-year period, 107 cases were found. No apparent increasing and decreasing trend in the number of cases per year or in a period was observed. The age range of affected patients was from 4 to 86 years. Special stains for fungi were only used in 22 of 107 (20.6%) of cases. The most frequently affected site was the sino-nasal area (34%). Mycosis type was determined for 58 (54.2%) cases, comprising aspergillosis (21), candidiasis (14), dermatophytosis (6), mucormycosis (3), two cases each of chromoblastomycosis, histoplasmosis, eumycetoma, entomophthoromycosis, sporotrichosis, and Malassezia infection and a single case each of cryptococcosis and deep onychomycosis. Of the 53 (49.5%) cases with presumptive diagnosis data, only seven (13.2%) had a pre-biopsy suspicion of mycosis. There is a wide spectrum of mycoses in Ghana, including endemic mycoses not previously reported. Improving the use of special fungal stains could increase yield and mycoses identification. Laboratory diagnostic capacity needs enhancement to complement histopathology investigations with serology, culture, and molecular methodsItem Mosaic chromosomal alterations in peripheral blood leukocytes of children in sub-Saharan Africa(Nature Communications, 2023) Zhou, W.; Tettey, Y.; Adjei, A.A.; et al.In high-income countries, mosaic chromosomal alterations in peripheral blood leukocytes are associated with an elevated risk of adverse health outcomes, including hematologic malignancies. We investigate mosaic chromosomal alterations in sub-Saharan Africa among 931 children with Burkitt lymphoma, an aggressive lymphoma commonly characterized by immunoglobulin-MYC chromosomal rearrangements, 3822 Burkitt lymphoma-free children, and 674 cancer-free men from Ghana. We find autosomal and X chromosome mosaic chromosomal alterations in 3.4% and 1.7% of Burkitt lymphoma-free children, and 8.4% and 3.7% of children with Burkitt lymphoma (P-values = 5.7×10−11 and 3.74×10−2 , respectively). Autosomal mosaic chromosomal alterations are detected in 14.0% of Ghanaian men and increase with age. Mosaic chromo somal alterations in Burkitt lymphoma cases include gains on chromosomes 1q and 8, the latter spanning MYC, while mosaic chromosomal alterations in Burkitt lymphoma-free children include copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity on chromosomes 10, 14, and 16. Our results highlight mosaic chromosomal alterations in sub-Saharan African populations as a promising area of researchItem Assessment of the performance of haematological and non-invasive fbrotic indices for the monitoring of chronic HBV infection: a pilot study in a Ghanaian populatio(Research Notes, 2023) Nyarko, E.N.Y.; Obirikorang, C.; Owiredu, W. K. B. A.; Adu, E.A.; Acheampong, E.Objective Haematological and liver fbrotic markers could be appreciably utilized for efective monitoring of Chronic Hepatitis B viral (HBV) infection, thereby increasing patient’s treatment outcome. The objective of this study was to assess the applicability of complete blood count (CBC) and non-invasive liver-fbrotic indices as markers of prognostic outcome and monitoring in HBV infections. Results Signifcant diferences in levels of white cell and diferentials counts, red blood cell count, hemoglobin indices, and platelet indices were observed between HBV-infected patients (cases) and uninfected persons (controls). Levels of haemoglobin (Hb), total white blood cells (tWBC), neutrophils, monocytes, platelets, and Platelet Distribution width (PDW) were signifcantly lower (p<0.05) in the cases compared to the controls. Total and indirect bilirubin; De Ritis ratio, Aspartate transaminase to platelet ratio index (APRI) and RDW-to-platelet ratio (RPR) were elevated in cases compared with controls (p-value<0.05). In a multivariate adjusted model to test the signifcance of markers, Hemo globin Index (beta coefcient=− 0.876, p-value<0.001), NLR (beta coefcient=− 0.839, p-value<0.001), MPV_10000 (beta coefcient=− 0.333, p-value<0.001) and Albumin (beta coefcient=− 0.059, p-value=0.014), were associated with HBV infection status. Receiver operative characteristics curve analysis showed Hemoglobin Index (AUC=0.744) and MPV_10000 (AUC=0.730) as better prognostic markers for HBV-infection.Item Circulating trans fatty acids are associated with prostate cancer in Ghanaian and American men(Nature Communications, 2023) Minas, T.Z.; Tettey, Y.; Biritwum, R.B.he association between fatty acids and prostate cancer remains poorly explored in African-descent populations. Here, we analyze 24 circulating fatty acids in 2934 men, including 1431 prostate cancer cases and 1503 population controls from Ghana and the United States, using CLIA-certified mass spectrometry-based assays. We investigate their associations with population groups (Ghanaian, African American, European American men), lifestyle fac tors, the fatty acid desaturase (FADS) genetic locus, and prostate cancer. Blood levels of circulating fatty acids vary significantly between the three population groups, particularly trans, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. FADS1/2 germline genetic variants and lifestyle factors explain some of the variation in fatty acid levels, with the FADS1/2 locus showing population-specific associations, sug gesting differences in their control by germline genetic factors. All trans fatty acids, namely elaidic, palmitelaidic, and linoelaidic acids, associated with an increase in the odds of developing prostate cancer, independent of ancestry, geographic location, or potential confounders.Item Biochemical markers of nephrotic syndrome: An observational, cross-sectional study(Heliyon, 2023) Ofori, E.K.; Clinton, E.B.; Acheampong, O.D.; et al.Background: Blood protein leakage, especially albumin, into the urine is the hallmark of nephrotic syndrome (NS), which poses a serious public health problem. The absence of albumin prompts the liver to produce more proteins to make up the difference. The therapeutic significance of these additional proteins in NS is not yet fully understood. Methods: In total, 99 patients with NS and 47 persons without NS (control group) were included in this cross-sectional study. Socio-demographic and clinical information were obtained from re cruits utilizing a standard questionnaire and a check of the lab order forms for individuals. Each participant had a 6-mL (6 mL) sample of venous blood taken and levels of calcium, C-reactive protein (CRP), albumin, and other proteins in the serum were assayed. The proteins in serum were separated using the electrophoresis technique, and the various fractions were then measured by a densitometer. Calculations were made for the oncotic pressure. Results: The NS group had significantly greater levels of serum CRP, urea, alpha-2-globulin, gamma globulins, and M component than the control group (p < 0.05 respectively). Trans ferrin, total proteins, albumin, beta-1-globulins, calcium, and oncotic pressure were significantly higher in persons without NS compared to the NS group (p < 0.05 respectively). In addition, levels of CRP (odds ratio = 1.41, p = 0.005) and gamma globulin (odds ratio = 4.12, p = 0.005) in the blood were observed to be independent predictors in the occurrence of NS. These two factors increased the likelihood of developing NS by approximately 1.5 and 4 times, respectively. Conclusion: Among the proteins assayed, CRP and gamma globulin were found to be predictors of NS. Nonetheless, further studies are required to understand the mechanisms associated with these serum proteins in NS.Item Safe duration of silicon catheter replacement in urological patients(Ghana Medical Journal, 2023) Oyortey, M.A.; Essoun, S.A.; Abdul-Rahman, M.; et al.Objectives: This study compared the infection rates, degree of encrustation, symptoms, and complications in patients regarding the duration of urethral catheterisation (three weeks, six weeks, and eight weeks). Design: A cross-sectional study with stratified simple random sampling Setting: Urology Unit, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital Participants: One hundred and thirty-seven male patients with long-term urinary catheters Interventions: Participants were grouped into 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 8 weeks duration of catheter replacements Primary outcomes measures: Symptoms due to the urinary catheters, urinalysis, urine and catheter tip cultures, sensitivity, and catheter encrustations were assessed. Results: Eighty-six patients had a primary diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 35 had urethral stric tures,13 had prostate cancer, two had BPH and urethral strictures, and one participant had bladder cancer. There was no difference in the symptoms the participants in the different groups experienced due to the urinary catheters (p > 0.05). The frequency of occurrence of complications (pyuria, p = 0.784; blocked catheter, p=0.097; urethral bleeding, p=0.148; epididymo-orchitis, p=0.769 and bladder spasms, p=1.000) showed no differences in the three groups. There was no statistical difference in the urinalysis for the three groups (p>0.05) and the degree of encrustations (3 weeks: 0.03 ± 0.06, 6 weeks: 0.11±0.27 and eight weeks: 0.12 ±0.27) with p=0.065. Conclusions: In this study, the duration of urinary catheterisation using silicone Foley’s catheters did not influence the complication and symptom rates; hence silicon catheters can be placed in situ for up to 8 weeks before replacement instead of the traditional three-weekly change.Item Serum proteomics links suppression of tumor immunity to ancestry and lethal prostate cancer(nature, 2022) Minas, T.Z.; Candia, J.; Dorsey, T.H.; Baker, F.; Tang, W.; Kiely, M.; Smith, C.J.; Zhang, A.L.; Jordan, S.V.; Obadi, O.M.; Ajao, A.; Tettey, Y.; Biritwum, R.B.; Adjei, A.A.; Mensah, J.E.; Hoover, R.N.; Jenkins, F.J.; Kittles, R.; Hsing, A.W.; Wang, X.W.; Loffredo, C.A.; Yates, C.; Cook, M.B.; Ambs, S.There is evidence that tumor immunobiology and immunotherapy response may differ between African American and European American prostate cancer patients. Here, we determine if men of African descent harbor a unique systemic immune-oncological signature and measure 82 circulating proteins in almost 3000 Ghanaian, African American, and European American men. Protein signatures for suppression of tumor immunity and chemotaxis are elevated in men of West African ancestry. Importantly, the suppression of tumor immunity protein signature associates with metastatic and lethal prostate cancer, pointing to clinical importance. Moreover, two markers, pleiotrophin and TNFRSF9, predict poor disease survival specifically among African American men. These findings indicate that immuneoncology marker profiles differ between men of African and European descent. These differences may contribute to the disproportionate burden of lethal prostate cancer in men of African ancestry. The elevated peripheral suppression of tumor immunity may have important implication for guidance of cancer therapy which could particularly benefit African American patients.Item MicroRNAs miR-451a and Let-7i-5p Profiles in Circulating Exosomes Vary among Individuals with Different Sickle Hemoglobin Genotypes and Malaria(MDPI, 2022) Harp, K.O.; Bashi, A.; Botchway, F.; Dei-Adomakoh, Y.; Iqbal, S.A.; Wilson, M.D.; Adjei, A.A.; Stiles, J.K.; Driss, A.Sickle cell disease (SCD) occurs when two alleles of mutated hemoglobin (HbS or HbC) are inherited (HbSS and HbSC) rather than one (HbAS or HbAC), which indicates a person carries the sickle cell trait. The high prevalence of these two alleles in Africa have been associated with reduced malaria susceptibility. Recent in vitro research has been shown that microRNAs (miRNAs) miR-451a and let-7i-5p are differentially expressed in HbSS erythrocytes compared to healthy controls (HbAA) and are overexpressed in Plasmodium-infected malaria erythrocytes. However, these miRNAs have not been fully examined in the plasma of people with different sickle hemoglobin genotypes. Plasma circulating miRNAs are commonly encapsulated in extracellular vesicles, such as exosomes, and are thought to play a role in disease development. Circulating exosomal miR-451a and let-7i-5p were quantified from individuals with various hemoglobin genotypes (HbAA, HbAS, HbAC, HbSS, HbSC, and HbCC) with (+) and without (��) malaria. The results showed a higher level of exosomal let-7i-5p and miR-451a in HbSS-. Exosomal let-7i-5p and miR-451a levels were lower in HbSS+ compared to other genotypes. Based on the area under the curve (AUC) of the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROCs), both exosomal miRNAs may be useful disease biomarkers for SCD with malaria. Finally, miR-451a and let-7i-5p modulate genes involved in inflammation, making them potential biomarkers of pathogenesis for both diseases.